

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 463

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 463

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 462 Congratulate the starry sky, Shengcheng is immortal. Is it good-looking, wife, I did it (2)

The golden pillar of light and fire of Huang Huang Ye Ye pierced through the star gate and pierced through the sky.

In the dark starry sky, it draws a brilliant and unparalleled trace.

The huge astrological chart was enveloped in a rich golden color, suspended, and slowly rotated round by round, as if it would never stop.

During this process, the strange wave was like a tide, and it continued to spread to the surroundings.

Strange fluctuations form visible ripples in the void.

The ripples spread out in a hurry, sweeping over the aircraft that were rushing towards this side.

The speed of the aircraft swept by the ripples slowly slowed down.

And the big figures sitting in the aircraft trembled slightly involuntarily.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the incomparably conspicuous golden beam of light in the distance, with an extremely incredible look slowly rising on his face.

The red-robed old man who came from the House of Representatives alone without flying in a plane was swept by the ripples, and his body suddenly freezes.

He looked dazed, as if in a trance.

In the wealthy area of Yamu's main star, a handsome silver-haired young man was looking at the news that had not calmed down on the Internet and commented with an ugly expression.

Suddenly angrily, he smashed the light brain in his hand to the ground, and was about to scold him.

Suddenly being swept by a burst of invisible ripples, my heart trembled inexplicably.

He raised his head, the curtains on the wall in front of him actively separated to the two sides, and a brilliant golden beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth came into his eyes.

"what is this?"

The silver-haired youth stared blankly at the light 567 pillar and murmured.

A private luxury residence on a planet outside the main star.

Qiao Qiao, who is holding a starry sky cute pet doll, is holding a communicator and talking to her best friend about the distress and irritability of the pet Bobby's disappearance.

Suddenly swept across by invisible ripples, he was slightly startled, and quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the window to look out, his small mouth opened slightly, and he forgot to speak for a while.

The pier of a certain trade star, the spaceships shuttled in and out.

stone novel

Countless dock workers are methodically directing the robotic laborers to move the cargo up and down.

Invisible ripples swept across the starry sky.

In an instant, the noisy pier suddenly fell silent, and the bustling scene was suddenly frozen.

Countless people inexplicably stopped their work, raised their heads, and looked in one direction.

Confused, not sure why.

The spread of invisible ripples is much larger than people think.

It spanned an unknown number of light-years in the dark and quiet starry sky, and swept across an unknown number of life planets.

Whether it is a prosperous and advanced advanced civilization planet, or a backward and barbaric low-level literary star, or a secluded garden star…

the entire subjupiter region.

Every planet, every (bech) species of life on every life planet.

When they were swept by the invisible ripples, almost everyone felt an inexplicable throbbing echoing in their hearts.

There was a trace of unreasonable joy, and excitement came from the bottom of my heart.

Some people are obviously very sad one moment, but the next moment they are moved to tears.

Most people don't know why.

But they can clearly perceive it.

The starry sky they are in

cheering, celebrating, praising

The emergence and birth of a great being!

Congrats to the stars.

And in the main star region of the subjupiter region, a more magnificent spectacle is happening.

The huge Yamu main star group is a nine-ring planetary belt with a ring of rings.

Asteroids began to glow, glow.

It's like a light bulb being lit by someone's hand.

The splendid light band started from the outermost constellation and spread rapidly inward in circles.

It's like lighting up the astrological chart during the physical test of the extraordinary life.

Only this time…

It is the real star ring that is pushed to light up!

This extremely shocking and magnificent spectacle astonished everyone who lived on the main constellation.

The people on the main star of Yamu, the center of the constellation, have a panoramic view of this spectacle.

Standing above the city in the main star region, the red-robed old man who was only a few steps away from the test site of Tianwei College, the Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives in the Yamuxing District.

At this moment, I was enveloped by a great spiritual touch.

He saw the splendid golden pillar in the distance, and slowly glanced at the surrounding starry sky, the splendid nine-ring star cluster.

The twelfth-level body trembled slightly, and almost burst into tears.

He murmured in a low voice: "Immortal… Immortal-level bloodlines have been born in the subjupiter region of Immortal!"

Inside an aircraft belonging to the Law Enforcement Department, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Law Enforcement Department of the Yamuxing District couldn't hold back his ecstasy and excitement.

The punch of "Boom!" directly broke the door of the unmanned aircraft.

Ignoring the harsh alarm sound, it jumped out of the aircraft.

Facing the vast starry sky, the joy in my heart turned into a long laughter.

"Hahaha Immortal Grade!"

And at the gate of Tianwei Academy, many onlookers in front of the towering star gate, at this time, it is impossible to describe the surging and tremor in their hearts.

Lan Che and Guangnian's guard master and servant looked stunned, and they had completely lost their ability to speak.

The black robe Moyun's face burst into an unprecedented and unparalleled look.

Everyone is fixedly looking at the one standing between the star gate and the astrolabe, shrouded in an extremely brilliant golden brilliance.

Handsome without a wife, stalwart and boundless, like a figure like a god in the starry sky.

The general trend of the entire starry sky is centered on it, slowly revolving around him.

The nine-ring star cluster that has been lit up, these people can't help but jump out of their minds that have been circulating in the subjupiter region for thousands of years.

That old proverb about the horoscope one

[When the legendary bloodline of immortality comes, the center of the constellation plate will ignite the light that shakes the stars, and an incredible spectacle will appear, and the whole starry sky will celebrate it! ]


Proverbs come true.

Everything in the legend happened in front of them, and they finally knew what the so-called Luminous Sun represented?



Immortal blood!

In the incomparably magnificent spectacle, time seems to be stretched to the longest.

It seems that you can hear the sound of the stars flowing.

Under the shock, everything seemed so quiet and beautiful.

Lu Sheng stood on the star chart, turning a blind eye to the eyes of the people below.

He looked at the nine-ring star cluster that had been completely lit up in the distance, an incomparably splendid, magnificent and shocking spectacle.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and his body quickly rose up.

Pull up to a suitable height and position, and take out the communicator in the space storage bracelet.

Click on the record, and take a little careful picture of the scene in front of you.

While filming, Lu Sheng smiled and said to the communicator:

"Does it look good? Wife."

"I did it."

This day is destined to be remembered by countless people and will be unforgettable forever.

Because this day…

Starry sky congratulates, Shengcheng is immortal.

In the extremely distant, do not know how many billions of light-years outside the starry sky.

Amidst a dazzling constellation.

In a certain hall on a certain planet, there is a young man wearing a black robe, and there seem to be countless stars twinkling and beating on the robe.

As if he suddenly sensed something, he quickly raised his head.

He stared at a certain direction for a long time, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate through layers of void, spanning endless distances.

I saw a figure as brilliant and dazzling as a star.

The young man showed a bit of surprise on his face, and said with a smile: "Oh, there is another bloodline above the immortal level.

Well, it seems that my Serpent Galaxy, in this era, will usher in an unprecedented prosperity.

Ha ha"

Beg, beg, ask for a monthly flower reward! !