

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 448

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 448

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 447 Mystery, the truth! (1)

Schiller raised his arm and made a few quick clicks on a watch-like device.

Soon, bursts of blue light were projected from the watch, and a large number of text and video catalogs were presented in front of the green-skinned old man.

The green-skinned old man tapped the virtual light curtain with his fingers.

Large paragraphs of text reports and video recordings jumped out.

His fingers kept clicking, and the browsing speed was very fast.

It took only ten minutes to read all the text and video.

"Is this what you call an action report?"

The green-skinned old man put down his hand and stared at Schiller, "Why didn't any of the members of the Red Eyed Star Thief Corps torture them? There are only a few words in the description."

Schiller said helplessly, "That's all the video sent from the Yamuxing District.

We have been urging them to provide it, but they do not know why, they have been prevarication, and they will fill in the missing information after they have said it. "

The green-skinned old man frowned slightly and said lightly:

"Now, in front of me, contact the Law Enforcement Department of the sub-jupiter region.

Tell them I need to see this material now. "


Schiller nodded and immediately dialed a signal.

The signal was dialed to Farr, the eleventh-level law enforcement officer of the Yajupiter District Law Enforcement Department, and the signal was quickly dialed.

The communicator showed the appearance of Farr.

"Schiller Law Enforcement, good afternoon."

Farr greeted Schiller with a smile, and seemed to be in a good mood.

He quickly noticed the existence of the green-skinned old man, the smile on his face narrowed, and he saluted the green-skinned old man with a straight face.

"Dear Commissioner Lennon, hello."

The green-skinned old man did not speak, and Schiller said: "Fal, I am reporting to the chief of law enforcement in my district about the operation of the red pupil star thief group.

We, the Law Enforcers, need to see the missing piece of your report on this operation right now. "

Farr in the picture was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll have someone send it now.

After speaking, Farr's image disappeared from the communicator.

Schiller was stunned for a moment, this was the reason for unilaterally cutting off the communication.

At present, the law enforcement chief of their White Mist Star District, Farr took the initiative to cut off the communication so quickly.

This impolite behavior seems quite abnormal.

At this time, Schiller finally realized that something was wrong.

Farr, the enforcer of the subjupiter sector, seems to have been trying his best to hide something from him.

There is something he does not want him, and the law enforcement department of the White Mist Star District, which he represents, to know.

"Ding Dong Yi Yi"

A document from the White Mist Sector Law Enforcement arrived within a minute of Farr's hang-up.

Schiller subconsciously glanced at the green-skinned old man.

The latter gave an order with a blank expression: "Click it."

Schiller nodded and reached out to open the document.

The file is divided into several sections.

There is no marked name, Schiller can only click one by one.

Click on the first file, and a video screen will pop up directly.

In the picture, a man with a height of more than 8,000 meters and a vicious man is standing in a city and destroying it recklessly.

From the specifications of the city, Schiller and Chief Law Enforcement Lennon could see at a glance that this was the surface of a low-level civilization planet.

Only a relatively low-level civilization planet has such a backward civilization building.

"It's the evil halberd of one of the members of the Red Eyed Star Thief Group. Tenth-level strength, used to be in…"

Schiller read out the information of the man in the picture, so that the Chief Law Enforcement Officer Lennon could understand the situation more conveniently.

But he just said a few words, but the picture changed suddenly.

I saw a large hand of tens of thousands of meters suddenly descend from the sky, grabbed the evil halberd, and crushed it to death like an ant.

Immediately afterwards, a young man who described Junwei appeared on the screen, and it was obvious that he was the one who just shot to kill the evil halberd.

"Have the strength to instantly kill the evil halberd, level 11?"

Schiller stared at the handsome young man in the picture, with a slightly surprised expression on his face, "Is it the new law enforcer in the Yamu star district? It seems that I have never seen it before."

He looked at Lennon in front of him.

And Lennon was looking at him.


Lennon spoke quietly.


Schiller suppressed the surprise and doubts in his heart and opened the second document.

This file also contains a video.

The video shows two figures.

One has snow-white skin, cold and fierce, and the other has green hair and a rude appearance.

"It's Guiya and Fran from the Red Eye Star Thief Group."


Schiller was equally familiar with their profiles.

He was considering whether to report the information of the two to Lennon, and something strange had already appeared on the screen.

"Blue star in front, starry sky garbage is forbidden to enter!"

The incomparably gigantic martial arts figure that had pinched the evil halberd before appeared again.

This time he was bigger than last time.

He stretched out two hands, one in the other, and respectively grabbed the two spaceships belonging to the Red Eye Star Thief Group, and with a click, broke the energy barrier outside the two spaceships.

The two spaceships resisted and fled.

At this time, an invisible wave of spiritual power swept across, and Guiya and the green-haired Frando in the picture died without a word.

The Junwei youth who appeared in the previous video appeared again, dragging two spaceships back to the blue star.

"Mental power can easily obliterate the tenth level…"

Schiller looked serious, and the doubts in his heart became more and more.

"Who is this eleventh-level powerhouse? It seems that he has been deliberately guarding this low-level literary star."

Lennon remained silent.

Schiller could only open the third file.

This time, two people appeared in the picture, one was a mysterious young man they had seen before.

The other was a tall man with scarlet pupils.

"Chi Tong, the head of the Red Eye Star Thief Group, has a tenth-level peak strength…"

Schiller pointed at the latter to tell the other party's information, and then he saw Junwei youth suddenly shot.

One punch…

He killed Chi Tong, the head of the infamous Chi Tong Star Thief Group, to death.

At the location where Chi Tong died, a huge black hole appeared.

"One-time breakthrough level combat power!"

Schiller blurted out, almost certain of the opponent's strength in his heart, "Eleventh level, this person is definitely an eleventh-level powerhouse."

The fourth video that followed also confirmed Schiller's inference.

The young Junwei attacked the Devil's Claw spacecraft that the Red Eye Star Thief Group was riding.

In the face of the energy beam attack launched by the eleventh-level magic claw spacecraft.

The latter directly carried it hard, and then smashed it away with a punch.

"Obviously has the strength of eleventh level, why is the fighting style like this?"

Schiller thought about it, and finally found a more appropriate word to describe it.

"So backward?"

Will choose to carry the spaceship attack hard, and also use the law to fight at level 11.

It is reminiscent of some popular movies in the Sector Federation—the strong men who have come out of the backward civilization, know nothing about everything in the starry sky.

After stepping foot in civilized society for the first time, there will even be a joke that the aircraft is regarded as an unknown star beast.

But Schiller couldn't laugh at all now.

There was only a deep confusion in his heart.

He felt as though he had caught something, but he didn't know.

Then he clicks on the next video.

In this video, the young Junwei who has been the protagonist is playing against a man.

The man he fought with…

Schiller was quite familiar.

It is the eleventh-level law enforcement officer of the subjupiter region, Farr.