

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 439

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 439

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

Chapter 438 Starry nobles, a battle to break the limit! (2)

"I saw you, as if I saw how I looked when I just left my home planet…"

Farr looked at Lu Sheng with the look of seniors looking at juniors.

Lu Sheng asked curiously:

"Did the Law Enforcer also come out of the low-level resource star~?"

Farr shook his head:

"It is much worse than the resource star. My parent star is a fourth-level battlefield star located on the edge of the subjupiter region. It was wiped out in the fire of war three thousand years ago – the smoke disappeared…"

Lu Sheng was in awe, and said solemnly:

"Feel sorry…"

Farr waved his hand, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"As a battlefield star, this is the inevitable ending.

And I am lucky. Before my homeworld fell, the federal government had already started a citizen relocation program."

"Citizen Migration Program?"

Lu Sheng caught this keyword in Farr's words.

"It is a plan to move those star citizens who are about to face the fall of their homes and become displaced to another habitable planet."

Lu Sheng's eyes lit up.

Isn't that what he's always been after?

The Sector Federation actually has a special migration plan. Is that a planet that he doesn't need to spend money on?

Farr seemed to see what Lu Sheng was thinking, and said, "Only those who are registered as citizens in the Federation are eligible to be included in the migration plan.

Ordinary people do not enjoy this benefit. "

"Registered Citizen… What do you mean?"

Lu Sheng was taken aback.

Farr explained: "The standard interpretation of citizens in the federal law of the star zone is that only those who have no criminal record, have a strength of level 9 or above, and have certain development potential are eligible to register as star citizens."

"Ninth grade…"

Lu Sheng couldn't help frowning.

There are only a few ninth-level powerhouses in the entire Azure Star.

"Is it possible to migrate independently?"

"Yes, all life planets in the entire sector are registered in the Sector Federation.

If one or two people want to live on the planet of life, it doesn't matter. Once it is a group of more than 5,000 people, it must be approved by the Federation, otherwise it will be arrested.

Every year, our law enforcement department sends more than 10 billion star vagabonds to battlefield stars and resource stars to work hard…"

"This is too overbearing"

Lu Sheng couldn't help but said.

Farr shook his head and said: "This is not overbearing, this is a necessary means to maintain the orderly reproduction of life races in the entire universe.

If a life planet is destroyed, the race on this life planet will snatch the survival resources of the race on another life planet.

Then the entire universe of life will be in chaos, falling into a state of chaos and disorder."

Lu Sheng didn't answer, thought for a while, and asked, "How much does it cost to buy a life planet?"

Farr gave him a surprised look, "Your home planet is still a resource planet, the alien invasion has just begun.

Is it too early to think about the relocation of the mother star? "

But he still replied: "A low-level life planet only needs a few hundred million black crystal coins.

If you are a little more advanced, you have to go up to 100 million.

When I mean high-level, I mean that there can be martial arts powerhouses above the ninth level…

You know, too thin a planetary environment, it is impossible to give birth to a martial arts powerhouse above the ninth level.

And once a life group cannot even be born with a ninth-level powerhouse, then it is not far from extinction.

Farr was right.

If the previous environment was good, one could live well without practicing martial arts and developing technology.

However, under the environment of alien beast invasion and the comprehensive erosion of the dark side of the universe, if the individual strength is too weak, it may become gg under the first wave of alien beast invasion.

What's the difference between migrating and not migrating?

"In other words, I want to change a suitable planet for the people on the blue star to live in.

I have to have at least one billion black crystal coins. "

The black crystal coins are those black standard energy crystal blocks that Lu Sheng found in the space storage bracelet of Chi Tong and others.

A total of less than fifty tons, probably only a few hundred thousand.

A billion away…


"And not everyone is eligible to buy a life planet, at least a star citizen of level three or above…"

Farr added.

Lu Sheng frowned: "Citizens are also graded?"


Farr explained: "Citizens are divided into one to three levels, and citizens above the third level are the star aristocrats with federal titles.

Generally speaking, star aristocrats will get discounts when buying planets.

The starry sky nobles above the baron still have the opportunity to own their own fiefs…"

Farr's words opened up a new way of thinking for Lu Sheng, which made his eyes brighter.

"Starry fief? That is to say, I don't need to spend a dime to have my own planet?"

"Yes. But the Federation has annual tax requirements for each star noble with a fief.

If you can't guarantee that your territory will produce enough resources every year, then you have to pay for this hole every year…"

Lu Sheng nodded, but his thoughts were much broader.

He found that the goal he had set before to buy a planet of life was a little too small.

"If I become a starry sky noble and get a big starry sky territory, don't I want to move Azure Star to wherever I want?

At that time, my parents, Lu Qinghe, and Qingxue lived on the same planet.

People in one province of the Dragon Kingdom are allocated a planet, and everyone else is crowded into a planet…"

Lu Sheng thought happily.

"Then what are the conditions for becoming a star nobleman?"

Lu Sheng remembered this and asked Farr.

"Level 11. The most basic threshold is level 11."

Farr said sternly: "And the title of nobility can be hereditary, and it will be maintained for three generations. No new eleventh-level powerhouse will appear in the three generations, and the nobility will be cancelled."

"Eleventh grade…"

Lu Sheng was thinking in his heart.

Within eight years, become level 11.

Is it difficult?

I don't know, but try to rush to see it anyway.

··For flowers··0

"Then Master Farr should also be a star nobleman, right?"

Lu Sheng asked Farr.

Farr nodded: "I have the title of baron of the Federation Starry Sky in the sub-regional sub-region. The fief is in…

Next time I have a chance, I'll take you to see it. "

"it is good."

Lu Sheng nodded.

He felt the need to make good friends with Farr.

The experience and knowledge of the other party can help him answer a lot of doubts about the starry sky.

"With your qualifications, it's a matter of time before you get the title of aristocrat…"

Farr looked at Lu Shengdao with a rather complicated look: "You are only ninth level now, and you have already touched the way of the rules. You have a top-level extraordinary life physique, and your combat power has even reached the breaking level…"

Farr paused and said with emotion: "It is no exaggeration to say, Lu Sheng, you are the most outstanding genius I have ever seen in my four thousand years of life.

none of them.

The ninth level and the eleventh level… It seems that there are similar rumors only in the Serpent Galaxy."

"Lord Farr can see the level of my extraordinary life physique?"

Lu Sheng said.

Farr shook his head: "I can't confirm it, but why is it above the morning star.

When you get to the sub-jupiter area, I will take you to test it.


Lu Sheng nodded and said again: "What do you mean by breaking the limit-level combat power?"

It is also thanks to the dignified eleventh-level powerhouse of Faer, the senior officials of the Law Enforcement Department, who can patiently answer all the little white questions asked by Lu Sheng.

"The void is made up of many layers, you should know that, right?"


Lu Sheng discovered this when he punched Chi Tong to death.

"The first layer of void is the void we see now."

Farr flattened out a hand and clenched his fingers slowly.

At the center of his five fingers, the transparent void began to twist, and black cracks that were visible to the naked eye appeared.

"This is to make a crack on the first layer of void.

It's not hard to do this.

Because the thickness of the void in different regions is different, there are weak points, such as low-level civilization planets, especially planets that have been invaded by alien beasts.

Void will be very fragile, and it is very simple to make cracks, maybe a few dozen points of Starry Sky Combat Power Index can be done…"

As Farr spoke, his five fingers continued to clench, and the black cracks in the void in his palm continued to increase and become denser.

at last…

"bang one by one"

With a crisp sound, a small black hole appeared in Farr's palm.

This black hole is in a state of deep collapse, and the edges are covered with a little black splintered stars.

It exudes a strong smell of destruction and destruction, like a black hole.


If you want to completely smash the first layer of void, it is not that simple."

Farr said lightly: "Generally, to achieve this step, the star battle value must reach more than 100,000.

That's what I told you.

One-time breakthrough combat power! "force.