

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 365

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 365

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

365. Noisy again and it will blow you up, the gap! 2

The fluctuation of consciousness dissipated silently.

Lu Sheng's face was expressionless, this situation was obviously not the case for him.

This Haiyuan burrow is similar to the several earth burrows he has been to before. There are strong consciousnesses of different worlds in the depths of the burrows.

Perhaps it was because Lu Sheng stayed under the Haiyuan Grotto for so long, and he still looked "very qualified". (Half of the body is alienated, and it looks like a good seedling!)

This guy would run out from time to time to disgust Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng is almost used to it.

"Let's try to cultivate a single alienated cell in the state of the god of war…"

Lu Sheng made up his mind and simply swam to the top of his head.

The two tentacles on the lower body are reluctant, and the eyes on the stomach are also pitiful and reluctant.

He was obviously dissatisfied with Lu Sheng's just "beating the mandarin ducks" to prevent them from falling into the embrace of consciousness in the depths of the Haiyuan Catacombs.

Lu Sheng had a black line, and he became more and more determined to go out.

If you stay here any longer, God knows what will happen.

The two black tentacles swung fiercely, and Lu Sheng rushed up like an arrow that broke water.

There are still twenty-two immortal cells in Lu Sheng's body.

It's just that the immortal cells that were originally located on the two legs "437" were squeezed into the chest by the alienated cells, and the twenty-two immortal cells were all dim and seemed a bit "empty".

It is because of not getting energy supplement for a long time.

Most of the energy from the predation of the alienated cells was used for healing, and the rest was consumed by himself.

"Go out to the sea cave, solve the problem of alienation, and then reshape the indestructible body of the star… A month later, I will still be a hero!"

Lu Sheng was thinking.

Suddenly, the immortal cells between the eyebrows suddenly sent bursts of warning signs.

And the emanating mental power also explored the source of this warning sign——

In the depths of the burrow, an incomparably huge shadow was rushing towards him quickly.

Lu Sheng's pupils shrank.

"Ninth-level alien beast?!"


The sea abyss beneath him collapsed layer by layer, and the sea water poured into it for irrigation.

At the bottom of the sea at a depth of 30,000 meters, a short-term vacuum and waterless area appeared.

An unimaginable terrifying suction came from below.

Within the range of mental power radiation, there are all the seven-eighth-level alien beasts who are roaring unwillingly and being sucked down by this terrifying suction.

Lu Sheng's body also fell involuntarily.

He didn't look back, but he could "see" that there was a huge vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters under his feet.

This scene is like…

The "bottom" of this Haiyuan burrow… is missing!

How big is the alien beast that can cause such a terrifying sight?

Lu Sheng didn't know.

Because his mental power was swept away, he was also sucked and twisted by the attraction of the super vortex, and it was impossible to detect the whole picture.

It can only be roughly judged from the shadow outline.

This ninth-level alien beast…

The body size is at least over a kilometer!

"Eighth-level alien beasts are only tens of meters, and ninth-level is dozens or even hundreds of times that of eighth-level! .."

Not caring about the shock, Lu Sheng madly pushed the two black tentacles, the twenty-two immortal cells in the body bloomed together, and the spiritual power was released…

Driven by the three forces, the whole person forcibly got rid of this suction and kept climbing upwards.

He is not in his prime now, he can only escape, not fight.

I don't know how many meters deep in this ocean, and God knows if there are other nine levels below.

Just in case it pops up again…

Lu Sheng didn't want to get hurt even more.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

At this time, countless blood-red tentacles suddenly shot out from the super sea eye vortex below.

There are sharp teeth and suction cups on each tentacle, like living creatures, all of them are grabbed towards Lu Sheng.


Lu Sheng raised his brows, only then did he understand what was going on.

The target is him.

Obviously, the fluctuation of consciousness in the depths of the burrow is doing something wrong.

After a month of bewitching, he was about to leave, so he planned to stay, right?

"A twisted melon is not sweet!"

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and his face was filled with anger.

With a shake of his arms, it was like two heavenly knives, slashing out waves of transparent knives visible to the naked eye in the sea.

The knife wave slashed on those blood-red tentacles, and the latter broke off one after another.

Like mowing the grass, large swaths fall down.


Sound waves full of anger came from the bottom of the sea.


The suction at the bottom stopped abruptly, and turned into a powerful momentum that rushed up.

Lu Sheng changed his palms to slaps and slapped them with a few palms. With this momentum, he jumped up at a faster speed.

Vaguely, you can see…

In the depths of the abyss, there seemed to be a huge shadow silhouette like a sucker that quickly emerged.

"Don't send it, see you next time."

Lu Sheng took a deep look, turned around calmly, and immediately wanted to completely get rid of this pursuit.

But the moment he turned his head.

The pupils contracted fiercely.

I saw a gray suddenly appear in front of his eyes.

This gray area is not large.

Kankan can accommodate him the size of a person.

Lu Sheng didn't have time to react, and he rushed into the gray with a swipe.

Wait for Lu Sheng's figure to disappear.

The restless Haiyuan subsided immediately.

The ninth-level alien beast quietly retreated, and the water flow in the depths of the sea slowly eased.

Everything seems to have returned to its initial calm.

Only the grey abyss was suspended silently in the water.

The shape is like a wide open mouth, the corners of the mouth are raised, as if it is silently mocking something…



Lu Sheng suddenly rushed out of the abyss.

When he stopped, he was still stunned.

Depend on!

He was actually tricked by the fluctuation of consciousness deep in the Haiyuan Catacombs.

The pursuit of the ninth-level alien beast is simply a pretense.

The guy's real purpose was to trick him into the abyss.

Lu Sheng's face twitched, and he forcibly calmed down the shock in his heart.

He scanned his surroundings.

This is a rather odd place.

The space is not big, and the top and bottom are a kind of foggy gray.

"There is thin air.."

Lu Sheng tried to take a few deep breaths, but found that he could barely breathe.

He turned back to look for the abyss chasm that came out.

However, it was found that the place was flat, and there were no cracks.

The entire space is integrated, and there is not even a gap.

"Gap space…"

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, his face sank slightly, "I'm in trouble now…"

Lu Sheng was close to the surrounding gray and reached out to touch it.

It felt as if the palm of the hand was touching an elastic diaphragm.

Use force.

The diaphragm spreads outward, and the grey fades.

Lu Shengyin vaguely saw that there were similar gray spaces all around him.

One by one, like bubbles still in glass.

"It's the abyss space, that's right, it's just very small, far from reaching

Lu Sheng now knows why everyone who entered the abyss space did not come back.

After entering, the way back disappears.

Even if there is no danger here, you will be lost forever in these countless gray bubbles.

"No, that's not right!"

Lu Sheng narrowed his eyes, rejecting what he had just thought.

"Not disappearing, but somewhere else, I just didn't find it."

"There must be an abyss gap in these gray bubbles, otherwise those tenth-level eleventh-level powerhouses in the dream space will not be able to go back and forth.

"The question is, how to find the abyss rift back…"

Lu Sheng stretched the gray diaphragm to the maximum, and as far as he could see, there were all large and small gray bubbles.

There is also a black area between the bubbles and the bubbles, and I don't know if there is any danger.

I don't know in which gray bubble the way back is hidden, it is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

"There may be little hope for ordinary warriors, but not necessarily for me."

Lu Sheng's expression was calm, and he quietly entered the state of Martial God.

Then reach out and lightly touch the eyebrows.

In the body, the twenty-two immortal cells immediately ignited a raging golden flame.

Stimulated by this divine power, Lu Sheng's alienated lower body immediately twisted wildly.

The black eyeballs on the lower abdomen are rolling around.


Lu Sheng slammed the eyeball with a savage punch, causing it to sag, and the two black tentacles shrank immediately and became quiet.

"It's annoying, I'll hammer you out if you make any more noise."

Lu Sheng scolded impatiently, and his eyeballs that were sunken immediately stopped turning. He lowered his eyebrows and pleaded with the eyes at 2.8.

Lu Sheng dealt with this, and then concentrated his mind, taking advantage of the ultimate control power in the state of Wushen, to madly tap the potential of the twenty-two immortal cells in the body.

"Direction! I need a direction…show me a direction…"

Lu Sheng's eyes were shining like stars, his eyes slowly moving in the countless gray bubbles.


His gaze stopped.

"is it here?"

The immortal cell flame in Lu Sheng's body went out.

After capturing the mysterious hunch and intuition, he did not have any doubts or hesitations.

At this time, if he doesn't believe it himself…

There's really only one dead end.

"The direction is determined, and then we just need to find the specific bubble position."

Lu Sheng stared at the gray bubbles and the black area between them, frowning.

He wasn't sure if there was any danger between the black areas.

Even if there is no danger, what if he falls as soon as the grey bubble comes out?

The unknown always brings fear.

"Try it with mental power first…"

Lu Sheng's eyes flashed, thinking of the skill projection of will.