

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 321

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 321

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 11, 2022

321. Black Demon Society, Hezuo, I want to ask you a favor 2

"…Yes, Auntie.

Although we are a military region, we have everything. Shopping malls, supermarkets, cinemas, restaurants… are also close to several 5A-level tourist attractions, you come and I will show you…

Come tomorrow morning, whether by plane or high-speed train, you can be there in the afternoon, and I'll pick you up.

You don't need to bring anything, the military will give it all.


On the sofa in the living room, Zheng Yufen held up a mobile phone in both hands, smiling so much that wrinkles appeared on her face.

"Alright alright… definitely come."

Lu Dahai was next to Zheng Yufen, and he laughed heartily from time to time.

Although Lu Qinghe always wanted to match Lu Sheng and Yang Yuan, he was a little gloomy at first.

But after seeing Dong Qingxue in the video, these emotions dissipated immediately.

In the video, Dong Qingxue's elegance, beauty, intelligence and generosity, even Lu Qinghe has to admit…

Although Senior Sister Yang Yuan is good, compared with such a woman, there is a real gap.

Comparatively speaking, Lu Sheng, who is now dressed in military uniform and has an image and temperament very much like the young commander of the warlord in the girls' comics, is also more suitable for Dong Qingxue.

"I already knew this would work…"

Not far away, looking at the family of "503" who had a good chat with Dong Qingxue, Lu Sheng felt great peace in his heart.

Lu Sheng's idea is very simple.

Let's "deceive" his family to the military region first, and wait until he completely solves the problem on Lian Su's side.

When they want to come back, they can settle down in the military area.

With his own strength, it is obviously difficult to convince his parents in half a day, and he does not have so much patience and effort.

So Lu Sheng thought of a good way – in the name of seeing the future "daughter-in-law", let Dong Qingxue invite them over.

The results were surprisingly good.

What Lu Sheng didn't expect was Dong Qingxue's performance.


In the video, she wears simple home clothes, but she shows the temperament and demeanor of a lady, and is deeply loved by the parents and the family.

"It's really good to go to the hall…"

Lu Sheng didn't bother his mother, and quietly went up to the second floor by himself.

I haven't been home for a few months, and the room on the second floor is still neat and clean, with no dust at all.

It is estimated that my mother had cleaned it before she came back.

Lu Sheng sat at the table, entered the third floor of the empty bright state, and began to think about the next plan and steps.

"It's been almost two hours since Li Die's plan failed. Not surprisingly, even Su's follow-up measures will soon follow…"

A dark green vial the size of Fengyoujing appeared in Lu Sheng's hand, and turned freely between his fair and slender fingers.

"Even for this bottle of 'Saint's Sorrow', she wouldn't give up so easily…"

Don't look at this small bottle, the value is estimated to be more than 5 billion, even Lian Su, who is Wu Sheng's wife, has to feel badly.

"Just don't know what her follow-up means are?"

"I'm stupid, it's not hard to know that…"

Lu Sheng sat on the chair and closed his eyes.

A minute later, he woke up again.

Opening his eyes, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Black Demon Society!"

Lu Sheng never thought that Lian Su's backer would be the Black Demon Society.

Lu Sheng is not unfamiliar with this organization. When he came into contact with Huanyin before, he turned over the information of similar international organizations.

"The Dark Magic Society is more mysterious than Ring Seal and Dark Star, and few people know the details.

But in the Tinder resource library, how can there be any secrets…"

The Black Devil Society is an international terrorist organization with cult elements, and it is extremely keen on the experiment of genetic modification of alien animals.

They call themselves devil gods, and even use Solomon's seventy-two devil gods as the code name for the most powerful person in the organization.

Among them, there are even ninth-level Martial Saint-level powerhouses.

There is a shadow of the Lion Kingdom behind the Black Devil Society, which is one of the reasons why the Black Devil Society has always existed in the world.

"Unfortunately, there is no exact description in the information which demon gods Lian Su invited to kill me this time…"

"But it doesn't matter…"

Lu Sheng's eyes were calm, looking at the "Saint's Death" in the palm of his hand, and whispered: "Anyway, whether it is now or in the future… Even Su is going to die. It proves that this attack is doomed to fail."

"Ding dong—"

The cell phone at hand rang.

Lu Sheng gently put down "Sage of the Saint", and then picked up the phone.

The news was sent by Dong Qingxue.

[nailed it. ]

Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows and made a "good" expression.

Dong Qingxue quickly replied with a "white eye" expression, and then said: [What did you plan? ]

Lu Sheng replied calmly: [As long as my family enters the military area safely, I will handle the rest myself. ]

Dong Qingxue was silent for a while, and then came back with a message.

[Be careful. If there is anything I can do to help, just tell me. ]

Lu Sheng smiled, then exited the chat box and made a call.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Eastern Military Region

"I'm Lu Sheng, take commander He Dingjun for me."

The voice over the phone immediately rose a few degrees, and said eagerly, "Wait a minute."

Ten seconds later, He Dingjun's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Lu Sheng, I'm He Dingjun, what's the matter?"

Lu Sheng looked at the death of the saint in front of him, and said calmly: "He Zuo, I want to ask you a favor."


The Lu family is a family of three, with big bags and small bags, neatly dressed, and they look like they are going out for a trip.

There were already several military saloons waiting at the door.

The officers in military uniforms quickly came up to "grab" the luggage in the hands of Lu Dahai and Zheng Yufen, and carefully loaded them into the car.

"Brother, are you really not going with us?"

Lu Qinghe asked for leave with the school overnight, and was in the midst of the excitement of going on a trip. He pouted a little unhappily when he learned that Lu Sheng would not be with them.

Zheng Yufen also nags: "Yeah, I thought you were coming back to pick us up…"

Lu Sheng explained: "The military has a mission and I have to go there. But don't worry, Qingxue has everything arranged in the military area.

Let her play with her for two days first, and when my task is completed, come back immediately. "

"All right."

Lu Qinghe grabbed the sleeve of his military coat, feeling gloomy.

Lu Dahai was rather cheerful, "The mission of the country is above everything else, you must understand the little saint! Son, go and behave well. Dad is proud of you!"

Listening to Lu Dahai's "slogan" that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, Lu Sheng couldn't help but smile.

Then personally put them in the car and watch them go…

After a few cars left his field of vision, the smile on Lu Sheng's face subsided little by little.

His eyes became sharp again, and his aura was strong and cold.

"Lu Zuo, your car has been arranged and you can leave at any time."

An officer next to him came up and lowered his head to report.

Lu Sheng nodded, "Let's go then."


The last car carrying Lu Sheng drove out of the community and headed in the other direction.

The car drove into the main lane, and the dozen or so cars parked in the main lane immediately started to guard them.

A rather spectacular black convoy formed and drove towards the center of the city.

Lu Sheng sat in the car and dialed a phone number with his mobile phone.


"Don't worry, Lu Sheng, the military region has specially sent a team of generals and fighter planes to come here. In two hours, your family will arrive at the military region safely."

"Thank you Hezuo."

"Regarding the issue of the Black Demon Society you mentioned, I have already greeted the local military districts along the way and will fully cooperate with your plan.

Speaking of Lu Sheng, do you really need me to report higher and send experts to help you? "

He Dingjun's voice was a little lower, and he said, "The strength of the terrorist organization, the Black Demon Society, should not be underestimated.

Three years ago, the Southern Military Region had a conversation with one of the seventy-two demon gods of the Black Demon Society.

Five A-level generals were encircled and suppressed, including four top generals with more than 15 stars. He also killed three people and injured seven people and successfully escaped…

These top ten guys definitely already have the strength of a general or even above…

If you deal with it alone, it will be very troublesome…"


The terrorist attack that took place in the Southern Military Region three years ago was quite noisy at the time, and it made international news.

That was also the time when Long Guo had the deepest understanding of the sharpness of the fangs of the Black Demon Society, one of the three notorious international terrorist organizations.

The sacrifice of two five-star generals for a top general with 3.5 power of general diving really made the military aches for quite a while.

This time, the news of the Black Demon Society broke out again. Although it may not necessarily be the top ten demon gods, it still made He Dingjun feel nervous.

At this time, He Dingjun heard Lu Sheng's light laughter coming from the phone.

"Trouble? He Zuo, you are joking…"

"The trouble is with them."

"The mouse hiding in the dark is really a headache.

Because you don't know when they will suddenly jump out and bite you hard.

But if you lose this advantage, you should be afraid of them.

Want to do this…"

Lu Sheng was sitting in the car, holding a mobile phone in one hand and playing with a small dark green bottle of wind oil in the other. It's enough to lead it out from the dark corners.

You say yes, Hezuo. "

Lu Sheng turned his head to look out the window at will, his eyesight was very strong.

Through the gaps in the high-rise buildings, he could clearly see it.

On the rooftop of a high-rise hotel thousands of meters away, a blond man in black is looking at this side with a telescope.