

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 272

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 272

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

272. Unprecedented, Admiral Twelve Stars! 1

"It's unlikely…"

Someone hesitated, "This person… is too young."

Many people nodded.

Lu Sheng looked too young indeed.

Although after buying the seventh-level Grandmaster Realm, his blood and blood skyrocketed, and his physique changed.

With a little care, you can maintain a much younger appearance than your actual age.

But this small has a limit.

Lu Sheng looked like a young man in his early twenties. Although he had a good temperament, if he was related to a sect, and he was a top sect at the level of the Eastern Seven Lights…

It was too unbelievable.

"But I've seen the strength test indoors and out, and everyone except this person knows it…"

"Could that adult have left?"


When the generals were talking about each other, two people emerged from the crowd.

It was Lu Sheng and the others who were chatting with a few people from the Tiger Scorpion Squad at the entrance of Jiangxing Center when they entered the door, and two tall and thin men whom Zhan Hongyu knew.

The tall and thin man walked up to Zhan Hongyu and asked eagerly, "Hongyu, you were in the strength testing room just now, did you see a top sect being tested?"

Zhan Hongyu and the Tiger Scorpion team had complicated expressions and nodded.

"I have seen."

The tall and thin man and the big man around him looked at each other with a surprised expression. He couldn't wait to ask: "Where is that adult now? You don't know, that one with outstanding combat power was parachuted into my ninth war zone general star list. Senior Chen Angxing was squeezed out.

It even entered the eighth 15th overall list, comparable to the famous Eastern Seven Lights! "

Zhan Hongyu looked at the excitement on the tall and thin man's face, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

In the end, he could only look at Lu Sheng and said to the tall and thin man, "This is Lord Lu Sheng."


The tall and thin men froze in place, looking at Zhan Hongyu, and then at Lu Sheng, their expressions a little confused.

"Hongyu, don't be kidding…"

The tall and thin man reluctantly spoke.

Zhan Hongyu was too lazy to explain, just waved his hand to get a few people out of the way.

At this moment, a series of rapid footsteps came from outside the crowd.

With a loud and gentle voice.

"My colleagues, please make way for the old man…"

The crowd dispersed, and a dark-haired old man in a dark blue military uniform strode in.

The old man's eyes were warm and moist, like a pair of beautiful jades, and the blood emanating from his body was vigorous and round, far exceeding that of ordinary masters.

"It's Admiral Xu!"

"Master Xu Xuan!"

The old man seems to be quite prestigious in Jiangxing Center, and many people know him.

The eyes of many people converged on his shoulders, showing awe.

There are five little gold stars set there.

In the Eastern Military Region, a general with a combat power of five stars or more can be considered an admiral.

Five star general!

It represents not only identity and status, but also superior combat power far beyond others.

The old man came closer and asked the leading officer beside him.

This officer is the one who was in charge of the strength test before.

He pointed at Lu Sheng excitedly, and the old man's eyes fell on Lu Sheng.

Those beautiful jade-like eyes began to bloom with indescribable brilliance.

He stretched out his right hand towards Lu Sheng, and said loudly in a tone of joy mixed with a little respect and excitement: "I'm very happy, I have another twelve-star general from the Eastern Military Region, a top-tier sect…

Old man Xu Xuan, I have seen Lu Shengzong! "

In an instant, the field was like a hurricane.

Exclamations of exclamation sounded from the crowd, stirring up the stars.

"It's really him!"

"The top sect with twelve and a half stars! Admiral of twelve stars!"

"God, so young! How old should I be?"

A pair of eyes full of shock and disbelief converged on Lu Sheng.

The two tall and thin men who were standing in front of Lu Sheng's expressions and stature suddenly freeze.

A pair of eyes stared at Lu Sheng in front of him, his mouth opened wide, so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

"Really… it's him…"

The tall and thin man's mind subconsciously jumped out of the scene when he met the Tiger Scorpion Squad at the entrance of the center.

At that time, Lu Sheng was standing in front of him, and he mistakenly thought that the other party was a newcomer that the Tiger Scorpion team was about to recruit, and half-jokingly said, "Tiger Scorpion adds wings…"

Now it seems.

Where is the Tiger Scorpion Squad with wings?

This is directly spiraling up into the sky, flying without a shadow!

Being able to have a relationship with such a top big man, I don't know how many benefits will continue to flow in the future.

For a while, the tall and thin man was envious, jealous, annoyed… All kinds of emotions were entangled, and he couldn't tell what it was.

Lu Sheng was quite calm, and shook hands with Xu Xuan.

He has come all the way to the scenery, and has long been used to the scenery.

Pretending to force him is like a floating cloud. If you pretend too much, you will be numb.

"Hello, Admiral Xu."

Lu Sheng simply said something.

However, Xu Xuan was quite excited and said quickly, "I have already arranged for Dazong Lu's benefits, and the settlement of merit points has already started. Do you want to go to my office for a tea now?"

"No need."

Lu Sheng shook his head and said, "I haven't rested for a long time. I want to rest first, next time."

"Okay, then next time."

The invitation was rejected, but Xu Xuan was not angry at all, but readily agreed, and then arranged for the officers around him to go to Lu Sheng to go through the follow-up procedures.

As if the officer had accepted some kind of supremely honorable task, he led Lu Sheng away with excitement on his face.

The generals in the hall were still discussing, both shocked and excited.

I wanted to go up and get acquainted with Lu Sheng, but I didn't dare, so I could only watch him leave in awe.

Today is definitely a very unforgettable day for them.

Because they also witnessed the birth of the first 12-star general in the ninth theater.

And at such a young age, the future is boundless.

Xu Xuan should be the most excited among these people.

Others can only see that Lu Sheng is young, but they have no idea how young he is.


Thinking of this number, Xu Xuan's heart trembled fiercely.

His grandson is more than this age!

As a result, he has twelve and a half stars of combat power, and is a top-level sect.

Boundless future is not enough to describe the other party's evil talent.

can only say….

"The posture of Martial Saint!"

It is posture, not capital!

The difference in one word can mean a huge difference.

"Maybe, my Eastern Military Region can really produce a ninth-level Martial Saint of the direct line!"

Xu Xuan himself was taken aback by this idea.

But it doesn't feel like an exaggeration.

"This news must be communicated to the commander as soon as possible! The commander will also be very happy…"

Thinking about it, Xu Xuan turned around and left in a hurry.

Before taking two steps, he turned around again and instructed the Tiger Scorpion Squad in a pleasant manner.

"The land general has just joined the military region a few days ago, if there is something you don't understand or not understand, you must guide him well and help him clear his doubts.

If he has any requirements, try to meet them.

If you are not satisfied, just come to me. "

"Don't worry, Elder Xu, we will definitely!"

Zhan Hongyu tried her best to straighten her chest and answered seriously.

Xu Xuan deliberately glanced at Zhan Hongyu's chest a few more times, thought about it, and meaningfully added: "If you have an advantage, make good use of it.

The potential of the land general is much greater than you imagine.

His genes are precious…

You know what I mean? "

Zhan Hongyu blushed and nodded slightly embarrassed.

Heart is helpless.

I am willing to ten thousand, and I have to be attracted to Lu Sheng.

Xu Xuan quickly left.

As soon as he left, the generals immediately surrounded the Tiger Scorpion Squad, the Wolf Squad, and the Xiao Zhan Squad, and kept asking questions.

It was so amazing and so legendary.

It is conceivable that it will not be long before the matter of the 12-star general will spread throughout the entire general sector, even the entire ninth theater, and even the entire eastern…


"Your military uniform, the Star 990 badge… all need to be made in a hurry, and it will be delivered to you as soon as it is made…"

The officer leading the way respectfully put a key in Lu Sheng's hand and said, "This is the residence prepared by the military for you. I will take you there now."

Lu Sheng nodded, then got into a military jeep with the officer and quickly drove away from the center of Jiangxing.

In the car, Lu Sheng casually played with the keys in his hand, watching the scene along the way.

The rank system of this military region is quite interesting.

There is even a twelve-star general.

It is quite intuitive, the number of stars in combat power is the number of stars in the admiral.

"I don't know how many stars the general's standard is, and how many stars are the military marshals…"

Lu Sheng reckoned that the generals and marshals reckoned that combat power alone was not enough, and they had to have certain military literacy and political talent.

Just like Yu Feiyi, it is not the same as ordinary generals.

Lu Sheng remembered Xu Xuan he had just seen, the five stars on his shoulders, and the general uniform he was making.

I couldn't help but think: "Wouldn't it be very troublesome if the combat strength rose once and changed into a military uniform?

If I hit 20, 30, 50, 100 stars in combat power…

Can you put so many stars on one epaulette? "

Thinking randomly, the military jeep stopped, and Lu Sheng looked out through the car window, his eyes lit up slightly.

He also commented that Zhan Hongyu's residence is good, but there is no yard.

Now he lives in a yard right away.

"Sir, please get out of the car."

The officer leading the way took the initiative to open the door for Lu Sheng and respectfully invited him to get off.

Lu Sheng was quite emotional, but he didn't expect that he would also become a military boss one day.

After getting off the car, an extremely stylish manor villa appeared in front of Lu Sheng.


Push two books, both written by friends.

1. "Mysterious Fantasy: Gift Chance, Crit Compensation! "

2. "Starting with ease and extreme intentions, shocking the school girl and sister".