

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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.Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 270

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 270

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

270. The combat power exceeds 100 million, the twelve-star combat power, the first in the ranking! 3

"I'll do the certification."

Lu Sheng was too lazy to pay attention to the entanglement between the two, and strode across the crowd towards the alloy column.

The few people who were waiting on the seats also stood up and lined up in front of Lu Sheng.

Xiao Zhan and his team stood with the Tiger Scorpion team, looking at Lu Sheng's back~.

"Hongyu, you don't think – the old cow eats the tender grass, right?"

Xiao Zhan crossed his arms and asked with a sullen face, "How can your Tiger Scorpion Squad be an A-level general star squad, such a newcomer who has just entered the military area and has not even completed the strength certification, how can he be qualified to be accepted by you? ?"

Zhan Hongyu looked at him and sneered, "How about an old cow eating young grass? You don't count as an old cow eating young grass when you chase me? You're almost eighty this year…"


Xiao Zhan wanted to refute subconsciously, but opened his mouth but was speechless.

At this time, there was a muffled sound of "Boom" from the front.

A few people looked at it, and it turned out that the group in front of Lu Sheng had already started the test.

One person punched and hit the crystal column with a "bang", one star lit up, and the second one lit up by a third.

"13.5 million combat power!"

Standing beside the crystal column, the man in military uniform who was responsible for reporting the results reported the results.


Xiao Zhan commented in a condescending manner: "Wolves captain Han Ling, I remember that the last time he tested his ultimate combat power, it was only more than 12 million. The progress is very fast…"

"Not as good as you."

Zhan Hongyu interjected lightly.

Xiao Zhan grinned. He didn't know if he heard the teasing in this sentence, but he responded with a smile.

"I can't say that, how can I say it is the top ten masters among the seventh-level generals in the entire ninth theater.

Blue sky bestows me a bit…

I said Hongyu, or you can promise me.

Don't just look at appearance, what's the use of being handsome, strength is king! .."

Xiao Zhan seems to have found an idea, and picks up the sentence that Zhan Hongyu poked at him before.

"What if I'm almost eighty, I'm still in my prime.

It won't be long before they can hit the double bridges of heaven and earth, and maybe they will be able to win the big sect before the age of 150.

What's up with that kid?

In addition to looks, what can be compared to me? "

Xiao Zhan stretched out his finger and pointed to Lu Shengdao who was standing in front of the metal crystal column.

The members of Xiao Zhan's team also followed suit.

"Yes, Captain Hongyu, our captain is not bad, a top-level mating partner that is hard to find with a lantern."

"It's just…"

"What are you talking about!"

Xiao Zhan stretched out his legs to kick the guy who was talking nonsense.

A few people were making noises, and at this time, someone in the tiger scorpion team suddenly said a word.

"Captain Xiao, what if someone was handsomer than you, younger than you, and much stronger than you?"

The people in Xiao Zhan's team were stunned.

The tall man Xiao Zhan turned his head and stared at the person who was speaking, as if his ears had misheard, and said with a puzzled expression, "What did you say?"

"That kid is stronger than me? Much stronger?"

Xiao Zhan was very happy, "Aren't you awake, you're still driving with me…"


An unprecedented loud noise resounded throughout the room.

Like an earthquake, the floor seemed to tremble.

Dust and debris rustled down from the ceiling.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned towards the direction where the voice came from.

Just after testing their strength, the members of the Wolves who were walking towards the door also stopped abruptly and turned around.

Dozens of eyes converged at the same time.

And the next second….

Everyone's face was suffocated, their pupils contracted, as if they saw an extremely shocking and incredible scene, the whole person was stunned.

"This… how is this possible?!"

I saw a slender and tall figure standing quietly beside the metal crystal column, holding a gun in one hand, and the other hand was maintaining a posture of slowly closing his fist.

His face was as calm as water, and his clear eyes reflected…

One star after another!

The white embossed stars on the crystal column start from the middle and light up one by one.




So fast it's almost impossible to see.

In an instant, he rushed to the position close to the ceiling.


Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

It's not just people from Xiao Zhan's team and Wolves.

Even the Tiger Scorpion Squad and others, who had long known about Lu Sheng's strength, all turned into fools.

He stood there, his mind buzzing.

The room fell into an eerie silence.

The man in military uniform standing next to the metal crystal column in charge of statistical results raised his head and stared blankly at the ceiling.

For a long time, he didn't come back to his senses.

It seemed like half a minute had passed.

Only then did this guy react, he stretched out his hand to support the military cap that had fallen off a bit because he raised his head, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with difficulty, "One… one hundred and twenty-four million combat power!"

The lit stars on the metal crystal column…

There are as many as twelve!

Nearly thirteen!

124 million combat power!

As this number was reported, everyone in the room seemed to be hit by a burst of electric current from the tailbone all over the body at the same time, and they shivered involuntarily and woke up.

A pair of eyes full of shock and disbelief turned to the young tall figure in front of the crystal column.

The sound of gasping for breath came one after another.

Xiao Zhan, who had just been so indomitable just now, had his eyes bulging out of his sockets, and he couldn't believe it.

He opened his mouth wide, trying to say something.

In the end, just a few words popped out.

"Top… bulk!….did you make a mistake!"


The second floor of the Star Center.

Compared with the deserted and empty space on the first floor, it is much more lively here.

In the middle of the hall on the second floor, two large screens are half-hanging.

On the left one scrolls a piece of task information.

[Blood Shark Squad has received the B-level mission – 'Patrol the No. 23 Wilderness Area'….]

[Congratulations to the Battle Knife Team for successfully delivering the s-level mission – Calamity in the Catacombs, mission evaluation: B-level…]

[Latest mission news: A-level mission…]

The generals in the hall can use the scrolling information on this big screen to obtain the task handover status of themselves and other teams in the war zone, and the latest task report.

There are even generals who act alone without a team, and post a message on it for a request to form a team.

On the other large screen, the words displayed on it are consistent, and occasionally there are characters that jump slightly.

This screen shows-


[The Ninth War Zone General Star List]

[Name, Chen Angxing. Combat Strength: Nine Stars. Merit value: 1,329,867.

Overall ranking: first

Overall ranking: eleventh]


There is little change in the ranking of the divisional star list, and the most change is only the value of the merit value after a certain name.

People in the hall glanced this way from time to time as they looked up at the information on the task board.

This is a habitual, subconscious move.

It's as normal as every time you open Pocket Banking and glance at your bank card balance.

"Captain, the A-level mission to help rebuild the defense line and encircle and suppress alien beasts was cancelled for some reason…"

A rough-looking middle-aged strong man walked up to the person and frowned: "It seems that the line of defense is not broken, and it doesn't need to be cleaned up… It's vague, and I didn't explain it clearly."

"never mind."

The tall and thin man said lightly: "If it's gone, it's gone. The new burrow has appeared, and there are many derivative tasks. Let's choose a few and take over."



The middle-aged man nodded.

The two were chatting, when suddenly…


A muffled sound came from below.

The ground on the entire second floor seemed to tremble, and the floor shook.

Almost all the generals in the seventh-level Grandmaster Realm were present, and this shock would naturally not have any effect on them.

But the sudden change still surprised many people, the crowd became commotion, and there was a lot of discussion.

"What happened? There was an earthquake?"

"How could there be an earthquake in the center of the military region!"

"What's the matter? What's going on on the first floor?"

Someone frowned and said to himself, "Why do I always feel that this kind of thing has happened before…"

"It did happen. When Admiral Chen Angxing came to test his combat effectiveness, the second floor was like an earthquake. I was there at the time…"

A general star next to him explained naturally in the attitude of a coming person: "Because the bottom is the strength test room, the synthetic crystal column inside is connected to the axis of the whole building, and the punch is strong enough to penetrate into the building. , causing a shock, just like…"

Halfway through his words, the guy suddenly reacted and suddenly looked up at the big screen hanging in front of him.

Shows where the partition will be starred.

Seeing this, the man's eyes widened, his body leaned back, and he sucked in a mad breath.

The others also came back to their senses, and they all looked at the division general star list.

all of a sudden.

As if contagious, all the generals in the hall on the second floor had shocked expressions on their faces, and the sounds of gasping for air came one after another.

The same is true of the thick and thin man and the tall and thin man who are discussing the task, their expressions are shocked, and they are greatly shocked.

I saw, in the position where all their eyes fell.

A brand new message popped up on the screen.

[Name: Lu Sheng. Combat Strength: Twelve and a half stars. Merit value: 0 (not counted)

Overall ranking: first

Overall ranking: eighth]

Strongly occupy the first position.

As for Chen Angxing, who was originally ranked first, he has been squeezed to the second place.

After a brief shock and silence, the huge mission hall on the second floor…

It boils directly!


Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you~~ again.