

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 220

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 220

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 10, 2022

220. No one can control the path I want to walk, not even Martial Saint. National Martial Arts Conference! 4

Zhao Kangtai didn't speak, just silently took a sip from the teacup in front of him.

The middle-aged man continued: "The two tasks he took on this time, one double-a and one triple-a.

Double A-level missions are closer to Kyoto and more urgent.


The man paused for a while, then continued, "~ I was in Ming City overnight."

"It's obvious that you can go to Mingshi first, but you have to go to Nanping in a special way. Lu Sheng's meaning is already obvious…"

"Maybe he just wanted to complete the 3A-level mission first. I remember that it was a mission of alien invasion. Alien beasts are more dangerous than any kidnappers."

Zhao Kangtai thought about it and said.

The middle-aged man glanced at Zhao Kangtai and said, "I prefer that he deliberately avoided the night and avoided the second choice given by Lord Wu Sheng, which is the real Wu Sheng disciple test.

Then again, that's actually true.

It is human nature to seek good luck and avoid evil. "

Zhao Kangtai was expressionless, and said lightly: "It's too early to draw conclusions now, and it's still a while before the National University Student Martial Arts Conference."

The middle-aged man slowly drank the tea in the cup and sighed: "It's not a few days.

Once before the start of the National University Student Martial Arts Conference, Lu Sheng hadn't started.

Then the result is out.

Failed test…

Lord Wusheng doesn't have the habit of giving people a second chance, and he doesn't like to wait too long. "

Zhao Kangtai didn't speak, he just drank tea and looked at a certain position on the wall of the office.

There used to be a letter hanging there.

Later, he gave that pair of words to Lu Sheng.

The words say… only mind.

Lu Sheng, please don't let me and Lord Wu Sheng be disappointed.

Zhao Kangtai thought silently in his heart.


Time passes like water.

After the Demon King Lu Sheng pushed the Seven Sages horizontally and became famous in the fifth district, the Seventh Sacred Martial Arts University campus, which gradually calmed down, was once again turbulent due to a certain incident.

The seventh Shengwu canteen.

When it was time to eat, the cafeteria was quite lively.


The sound of crisp footsteps resounded at the door of the cafeteria.

A pair of blood-stained alloy boots stepped on the clean and tidy floor.

Some people looked up subconsciously.

I saw a young man with a height of 1.9 meters, a black vest and camouflage pants, and his hair stood up like steel needles striding into the cafeteria.

The young man also carried an uncleaned alloy sword on his shoulders, his expression was indifferent, and as he walked in, a thick bloody aura rushed towards him.

"It's Xiao Lan, Xiao Lan is back!"

"I heard that he took the double-a mission this time. I didn't expect to come back so soon. Tsk tsk, this murderous aura, I am afraid that his strength has improved…"

"Double A-level?! Damn, Xiao Lan is getting more and more terrifying. No wonder my heart beats faster just by looking at me…"

Many people recognized the identity of the person and started talking in a low voice.

In the huge cafeteria, because of the appearance of young people, the voices of speech have more than doubled.

Like a lively bee colony, buzzing and making noise.

"Xiao Lan is back."

The slender girl with a ponytail retracted her gaze and said to the handsome young man who was sitting across from him eating bite by bite, "It looks like she's coming back for the National College Student Martial Arts Conference."

"This kind of opportunity to fight against the young masters of the national martial arts hall only comes once every two years. How could a militant like Xiao Lan miss it?"

The handsome young man ate without raising his head and responded casually.

"The top ten students on the veteran list will all go. I don't know what the situation will be this time. Our seventh holy martial arts university should not be at the bottom again."

The girl sighed softly.

The handsome young man raised his head in surprise, "Last place? What are you talking about? With the Demon King Lu Sheng in this martial arts conference, we can even hit the first place, why are we still at the bottom?"

The girl shook her head, "Lu Sheng may not participate."


The handsome young man was stunned, and asked subconsciously, "Why? The Seventh Congress has managed to produce a rare Lu Sheng, will he not be allowed to participate?

School leaders' brains are broken, right? "

"Chen Yixuan, I warn you to be polite."

"I'm sorry, I forgot that your father is the vice principal…"

The handsome young man apologized again and again, and the girl's face looked a little better.

"I heard from my dad that Wu Sheng's test for Lu Sheng was that he couldn't participate in the National College Student Martial Arts Conference.

Once Lu Sheng participates, the test will be considered a failure…"

"What kind of test is this?"

Chen Yixuan looked puzzled, "Deliberately suppressing Lu Sheng's edge? It's not necessary."

"How can Wu Sheng's mind be something we can speculate? Since he does this, he naturally has his deep meaning."

Chen Yixuan sighed with regret.

"It's a pity. Two years ago, the Twin Stars of the Extreme Dao swept the Seven Saints, and the entire Seven Saints lost all face. I heard that there was also a 'Sacred Seed' that surpassed the martial arts in the past two years.

I originally thought that I could rely on Lu Sheng to fight back this year, but now it's good…"

Chen Yixuan threw the chopsticks on the table and said quite depressed: "I have to be abused again.

We're almost graduating…"


The girl gently held Chen Yixuan's hand and comforted her softly, "You'll get used to it soon after being abused."



"The National Student Martial Arts Conference?"

Lu Sheng looked at his phone, which was the school email he just received.

The email informed him that three days later, at 8:00 in the morning, he would gather at the school gate and go to the National University Student Wuhan University Conference.

If you are late, you will be deemed to have voluntarily given up your eligibility to participate in this conference.

Lu Sheng was very suspicious, and the last sentence was specially written for him.

Will the school let the old students and strong people not participate?

You have to pull the deadlift.

Lu Sheng stood up and walked to the window of the room. Through the glass, he could clearly see outside the courtyard of his dormitory. There were a few sneaky figures wandering around.

These people have been there since the day he returned to school.

It's a student-run person.

It is estimated that 80% are sent by the school.

It's not so much surveillance, it's more to see if he will go out.

to perform a task…

to kill someone…

"You don't want me to go do you?"

Lu Sheng turned around, looked at the words hanging on the wall and said lightly.

"But the road I want to take, Lu Sheng, can't be controlled by others…"

"The Seven Sages can't do it."

"Wu Sheng, it won't work either."

Lu Sheng glanced at the towering Wusheng Pagoda standing quietly in the distance.

Then sit down cross-legged, pick up a forging cloth and gently wipe the red crystal dragon pattern.

·0 Seeking flowers

There was the same calmness in his eyes.

On the computer desktop behind him, all the information about Ji Dao Martial Arts Hall and Ji Dao Martial Saint is densely listed.


three days later.

The gate of the Seventh Sacred Martial Academy.

A bus was parked, and many new and old students of the Seventh Sacred Martial Arts University gathered around.

Chen Yixuan and other top ten masters on the veteran list stood in front of the car, as if waiting for something.

The National Student Martial Arts Conference is about to be held, and today is the day to set off.

Vice President Zhao Kangtai will lead the team in person.

Everyone was excited because everyone knew it.

Their seventh holy martial arts university, what kind of earth-shattering character appeared in this session.

"The Demon King is going on an expedition, and at this National Martial Arts Conference, my Seventh Holy Martial General will be completely ashamed of the past.

"I really can't think of a reason to lose. I can't wait to see the scene where Lu Sheng crushes the younger brothers in the martial arts hall. It's a pity that I can't follow it, I can't watch it on the spot…"

"It's okay, there is a live broadcast, just watch the live broadcast when the time comes."

"By the way, why hasn't Lu Sheng come yet?"

Listening to the discussions of many students, Chen Yixuan, who was standing in the crowd, smiled bitterly in his heart.

These people obviously didn't know that Lu Sheng wouldn't come at all.

Compared with the National University Student Martial Arts Conference held every two years, the inheritance of Martial Saints is obviously much more important.

Even a fool knows how to choose.

"For me, I'd rather not go to the conference. Anyway, if I go, I'll be beaten…"

Chen Yixuan thought to himself.

He took a special look at Zhao Kangtai, the vice-president who led the team.

Zhao Kangtai's expression was very normal, and there was no anxiety at all on his face.

Although he looked down at the time from time to time, Chen Yixuan felt that it was more like he was eager to set off.

Obviously, Lu Sheng will never…

Before Chen Yixuan could finish his thought, he heard bursts of commotion mixed with cheers from the crowd.

The sheep are scattered, and the tigers are out.

A handsome young man with a tall and straight posture walked in from outside the crowd.

With a simple weapon bag in his hand, who else could it be besides Lu Sheng?

"Sorry for being late."

Chen Yixuan was stunned subconsciously, then turned his head abruptly and glanced at Zhao Kangtai.

He saw Zhao Kangtai, who was still relaxed just now, but his face became complicated instantly after seeing Lu Sheng appear.

It was an indescribable depression that was filled with a deep sense of disappointment after the expectations were lost.

"Lu Sheng…"

Zhao Kangtai took a light breath and said in a low voice, "You have to think about it.

The National Student Martial Arts Conference has just begun. You…. still have time. "

Lu Sheng replied calmly: "Vice-president, it's just your heart. This is what you told me."

Zhao Kangtai opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something.

In the end, he didn't say anything, just waved his hand dully, and announced in a deep voice, "Get in the car."


"Seven big wins!"

"The Devil's Triumph!"

The surrounding seven college students burst into enthusiastic cheers, cheering loudly for the team that is about to go out on behalf of the seven majors.

Under the excitement of this piece, Zhao Kangtai's expression seemed a little blank…


Ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for a reward~~spoon.