
Chapter 1

It was 8:30 am in the morning on a Tuesday whic is usually my day off work and the time I normally wake up  .  I got out of my bed and headed straight towards the kitchen about to go prepare some eggs and bacon to eat . You would think I would brush my teeth first but I'm typically always hungry once I am up .  I was about to go browse my Instagram account. Mainly because I wanted to see if Logan Anderson from Big Time Rush had posted . I come from a really poor family so I never got to see the band perform live or at all in any of the tours they had made before they went solo .

Did I mention I was secretly a okie successful youtuber who makes money for a living and today was the day I was gonna start my YouTube channel up for song covers . My channel had 10,000 subs which isn't bad since I make a good amount of money to live of this and my job that pays me $14.00 an hour and let's me work my morning schedule only . I was gonna go out and just get some Starbucks done and find maybe inspiration for my next video I had the next two days off including this one so I could pretty much just relax at home and maybe ima request next week one day off to make it three .

I go like every other day to Starbucks it's kinda a bad habit now . I didn't really have friends because I'm kinda too simple to be friends with and I'm such a awkward introvert as is .  I'm hoping someday Logan notices me and replies to my comment as is he's got 1.5 million followers and I bet their all girls . What are the odds he will ever notice me right unless I do my channel and cover his song so good he has to message me on Instagram but yknow if it happens ima he too shy to even know how to text him back him being a dude and me being me anyways let's get back to me wondering what to do today besides know that I think about it o could stop by Barnes and Noble maybe watch some anime later .

I live in Texas it's pretty nice and affordable here . I pay about $985 for a two bedroom apartment which happens to be my studio which will turn into my recording room once I make

My person YouTube channel . I mostly do unboxing and don't show my face so it's a secret channel In a way . I looked over my window once I'm done eating before I go over  to the kitchen counters getting ready to make a nice warm tea since it's pretty cold here . I got over and looked over my tea selection ; let's see we have cozy chamomile , mint and orange . I made

My way over and got the chamomile and added some sugar .

I sighed and looked around my kitchen for a couple second before going back to Instagram as I stood there waiting for my tea to warm up .

I scrolled over and decided to checkout Carlos Penavega he had posted a picture of him wanting to be out on his boat. As soon as it was ready I took a couple second or

Min and after that my coffee was done . I was ready to go out and go to Starbucks before I ran any small around I had today . I went over to my bathroom once I had finished putting the cup in the dish sink. I got my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it and got ready to brush my teeth . I looked over my phone and noticed my followers had gone up and I had gotten a few comments on my channel . I finished brushing my teeth and decided to reply

To my Comments . 

I sighed I wondered so

Much and know Logan didn't post much on social media unless you

Counted posting pictures of Instagram it's like he  didn't have inspiration to write music it's been a while since he posted on his YouTube . That's the YouTube life for you inspire gets lost.

. It's happened to me but not as badly because I feel like writing songs sounds easy but kinda hard . If you have been doing it for a few years . Although at first I wanted Starbucks I kinda figured why not switch it up and go to Dunkin's . I went over to my kitchen table where my purse was at . I was gonna record a Barnes and Nobles Book / Manga Haul afterwards I would start my singing rehearsal so I could upload my very first music cover on YouTube . I had about 200 subs in my channel already . I got my keys and made my way over to my door unlocked it and locked my door behind me ready to face the world ready for a new adventure making my actual wish of becoming a singer come true in hopes to one day meet or collab beside Logan Henderson.

Wattpad : Sapphire470 for book releases go check :) ima be uploading on this app too