
Locket's Game

After thousands of years of war between various races caused by a mysterious individual who has introduced a magical artifact, the "Locket", the world is now a game for him.

ryodiablo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Status Display

Joni began explaining to Ryo the reason he had requested a delay in Delia's entry into the Locket's Game and how he had taught her about video game culture. Ryo admitted that he had no understanding of video games either.

"I'm sorry, Joni," Ryo said, scratching his head. "I have no clue about video games. It's a foreign concept to me."

Delia chimed in, empathizing with Ryo's struggle. "I totally get it, Ryo. It was challenging for me too. The whole idea of video games took a while to sink in."

Joni nodded in agreement. "Elves, being a more primitive race compared to humans, aren't exposed to modern technology like video games, the same thing can be said to the Lumis race too. But don't worry, Ryo. We'll help you understand."

With a sigh, Delia asked, "Joni, why did I have to be given a power that involves human culture? It feels so out of place for me."

Joni smiled reassuringly. "Well, Delia, the powers of the Lockets are usually up to date with the times. Since video games are popular among humans, it made its way into the Locket's Game. It's a way to level the playing field for all participants."

Delia sighed again, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Joni then had an idea and turned to Delia. "Delia, could you lend Ryo the handheld console I gave you? Maybe he can learn more about video games by playing around with it."

Delia nodded and handed the console to Ryo. "Here, Ryo. Just try to familiarize yourself with it. Press some buttons and see what happens."

Taking the console, Ryo stared at it blankly. "I don't even know how to operate this thing."

Joni chuckled and encouraged Ryo. "Don't worry, Ryo. Just play around with it for a while. We'll guide you through it."

Joni and Delia began explaining the functions of the console, guiding Ryo on how to navigate menus and interact with the virtual world inside. After some time, Ryo started to grasp the basic concepts of video games.

Joni suddenly remembered something and exclaimed, "Wait, Delia! You can use your power now. Try displaying a status screen like in the video games. It might give us more information about ourselves."

Delia summoned her key and inserted it into her locket. Focusing her power, she projected a status screen in front of her. She could see Joni's name, age, race, and even his locket's power.

Excitedly, Delia explained to Joni and Ryo what she was seeing. "Look, Joni! Your status screen shows your name, age, race, and your locket's power. It's like a character sheet in a video game."

Joni nodded, impressed. "That's right, Delia. With more practice, you might be able to access even more information. Your power is truly fascinating."

Ryo's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Delia, could you try looking at my status too? I want to see if I have any power."

Joni, surprised by Ryo's suggestion, exclaimed, "That's a great idea, Ryo! Delia, please check his status quickly."

Delia blushed, a shy smile on her face, as she focused her power on Ryo. After a moment of silence, her expression changed.

"What's wrong, Delia?" Ryo asked, noticing her silence.

Delia hesitated but finally spoke. "Ryo, your status only displays your name, age, and race. It seems like the locket's power section is blocked or empty. I'm not entirely sure."

Joni was taken aback by this revelation. "That's unexpected. Maybe it's just because you're still learning to use your video game power. Don't worry, Ryo. We'll figure it out."

Ryo's voice held a tinge of disappointment. "Maybe I really don't have any power."

Joni shook his head, refusing to accept that notion. "No, Ryo. Xal, the Locket's Game administrator, wouldn't consider you a locket user unless you possessed some power. There must be something we haven't discovered yet."

Delia chimed in, her voice filled with concern. "But Ryo, if you compete without any power, you'll likely fail quickly in the Locket's Game."

Joni grinned mischievously. "Delia, you haven't seen anything yet from Ryo. Trust me, he's full of surprises."

As Joni contemplated the possibilities, he realized that this year's Locket's Game could be even more interesting to watch as a mentor, and perhaps even entertain Xal with their unique circumstances.