
EP.1/Beauty of the eyes

Riley wakes up to her phone ringing as she picks up still dizzy from her sleep

"Hello?, oh dean…what's up?"

Dean outside her door already waiting to pick Riley up for their date disappointed as he talks to her on the phone

"Seems like you forgot what today is"

Riley springs up from her bed and hastily got prepared, she rushes to door with her different shoes on each legs, Dean looks down at her legs trying to hold his laughter Riley confusely looks down as she realizes she's wearing her shoes wrong and rushes back in to adjust her shoes.

The day is a bit cloudy, Riley and Dean stroll down the street as they hold hands stealing glances at each other feeling shy, they have only recently begun to date each other after much ups and downs and rejection from relatives.

"Riley, let me get us some refreshments"

He hurries to go get refreshments while she waits behind a tall sign board

"Hey, are you alone?"

An average guy, with brown hair and blue eyes, he looks very interested in riley as he slowly got closer to her and brings out his cellphone to ask for her number

"No, I'm not alone…I'm actually waiting for my boyfriend"

She seems quite embarrassed and uncomfortable as the strange man is invading her space and coming too close to her

"But you know, pretty girls do not always settle on one guy, come on give me your number let's talk about stuff later"

He sounds like a creep that uses candy to lure kids away and Riley is not having it and tries to walk away but fortunately dean came just in time and immediately grabbing Riley into his arms with rage he seems totally ready to punch the strange man

"U need something?, who the fuck are you?"

The strange man backs away as he seems to avoid being hit or create scene

"Woah, easy now…u must be the boyfriend?"

Dean moves Riley behind him and takes a few step toward the strange man

"Yes I am, you got a problem?, leave before it gets funny!"

The strange man immediately bows his head and walks away as people begin to pay attention to the situation

"Hey, is okay let's go"

On that same day multiple guys hit on Riley over and over again Dean seems to be tired of dealing with the amount of guys coming to talk to his girlfriend, he becomes over protective and quite toxic along the line of their relationship. He is madly in love with Riley and kept telling himself that he won't let any man take her from him considering what he went through to get her attention and to finally have her as his girlfriend.

Dean opens the door for Riley, she tiredly walks inside after they've been through a long date and their date wasn't pleasant as planned, she lays on his cushion in his sitting room and lets out a sigh feeling quite dizzy, Dean stands in front of his door still and having thought crisis because the event of that keeps happening and he feels Riley is at the tip of his hands about to slip away from his grasp his breath becomes heavy as he is stiff while overwhelmed with his emotions staring unconsciously like he is having a panic attack

" she's too good for me, she's too pretty, I feels less…what if Riley says yes to those guys one day?…no…no I…I… should lock her up, that way those creeps won't look at her pretty face anymore or approach her any longer…yes I'll do just that…"

He slowly pulled the door shutting it unconsciously, Riley scared that something might be wrong with dean stands up with a curious look on her face and her eyes all focused on him


She charges up to him and holds him by his shoulder, looking up to him and caressing his cheeks as he breathes heavily sweating buckets

"Dean…are u okay?…hey talk to me"

Dean comes back to his senses and looked at Riley with guilt in his eyes and his hard breathing subsides his eyes becomes teary and he hugs her tightly

"Riley…I'm sorry, I'm really sorry"

"Dean, is okay I'm sure anything you're dealing with you can tell me"

They hugged for a while and the night sets, Riley is about to go home but Dean convinces her to stay with him for the night she has no choice but to stay, as she lay in his room ready to sleep Dean lays behind her hasty to talk to her they both stare at each other their heart beats were loud enough for them to hear like the clock that was ticking in the room with lust in his eyes glancing at Riley's chest

"Riley, I love you "

Riley smiles elegantly

" I love you too Dean"

They slowly move closer to each other as their lips rubs together locking in as they exchange salivas, dean's hands moving under the bedsheet as he caresses Riley's thighs, Riley's eyes tear up in excitement as she feels dean's boner on her lower stomach, Dean slowly removes Riley's Tshirt…their breathes becomes heavy like animals that were in heat filled with lust for each other, Dean on top of Riley as her legs crosses over his thighs, he takes off his blouse revealing his well chizled muscles and abs Riley closes his eyes and dean moves closer to her as he pulls her hands from her eyes breathing heavily with his lusty eyes

"Riley, don't be shy…touch me too please…"

Riley is speechless it felt like the words in her mouth were nonexistent and her throat felt dry from excitement, Dean holds Riley's hands and moves it closely to his boner, he slowly unbuckles her bra revealing her fair and bouncy boobs that looked like cannons about to shoot out bombs, he slowly brings his mouth close to her breasts and sucked on her nipples while he uses his finger to caress her vagina putting his hands into her lacy red panties, Riley is filled with excitement as she moans loudly covering her mouth, Dean kisses her on her necks and sucked deeply on it leaving red marks which is known as hickeys he puts his wand into her wet and slippery vagina and moves slowly looking like a totally different person.

Riley is fast asleep and Dean wakes up to sit next to her as he stares deeply at her still mesmerized by her beauty as questions his worth flooding in with more doubts in her loyalty, his stare becomes creepy filled with psychotic thoughts clouded with possessive rage and fear of loosing Riley even though she's now with him.

The day is set and the sun nashes through the window bashing Riley's eyes, she gets and and yawns she looks around and sees dean standing at her window and staring into space lost in his own thoughts, she walks up to him and hugs him from behind as she smiles, he is startled and immediately turns towards her as she smiles brightly

" oh my love, good morning "

"Good morning dean, how was your night?"

"It was great, I'm sure you slept well seeing how long it took you to get up"

"Why yes, I did"

She walks away to get her phone which has been blowned up with calls and texts from her brother and grandparents, she is surprised as dean walks close behind her looking at her phone in menace

"Oh my God I never told them I was sleeping out"

"Oh, they really can't let you have your time as usual"

"When I was younger bad things always happened to me so I guess they're still stucked in past"

Dean thinks about bashing her phone to cut off her contacts in his mind while he speaks as if everything and every word of his is as pure

"Oh…do you have to go now?…Im not satisfied just yet"

"I have to at least let them know I'm doing fine"

"But you could just contact them, can't you?

Dean holds Riley as she packs her bags and clothes like a demanding and clingy child

"Hey, come on"

Riley pecks him and she uses her hands to interrupt his speech

"Shush, I promise I'll stay over again"

They both kissed deeply locking their lips Riley lightly pushes him and walks away as he still holds her hands still not wanting to let go as their hands slowly fall apart

Riley gets home to her brother Jude scolding her for staying out,

"Riley where the fuck have u been since yesterday?, you told me you where going to hang out with your friends

she hasn't even walked through the door and her grandparents were also on her neck, she shrinks and bows her head nervously

"Riley dear, you had us really worried you should at least give us a call if you're going to stay out"

"I'm sorry I slept over at dean's house…"

Jude interrupted their conversation confused

"But i called dean yesterday, he said you weren't at his place…"

Riley is optimistic and found her own reason to believe why Dean lied, her grandparents still looking at her worried and her brother Jude still not taking her words for Dean's actions

"He probably wants to spend time with me, since you guys don't let me have my own time, I hope we not talking about this further"

"Riley is not funny that dude is acting all weird after getting together with you"

Riley walking away reluctantly to the worries of her family thinking they are just over reacting when it comes to her

"Yea, whatever, you're dating Amelia and I don't talk shit about her so let me love too"

“love is all about the physical attraction and pleasure”

Larts90creators' thoughts