
Locked in Your HEART

Life is all about family,friends& her passion for her work. An unexpected ̶i̶n̶c̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t accident changed it for good, making the past to face the present and turn down all the believes she had once. Zoey a interior designer by profession got herself into the heart of man who already had a broken one. Losing a loved one is more than enough for Nyle to detest life. He longs to get a glimpse of his only love. Dive into the story of Zoey Eden and Nyle Parker. One learnt to live a life while the other leaded it.

thereadingroom · Urban
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15 Chs


The cops approached and asked me to explain the things then I summarised how I ended up here. All this while Carol was standing near the window.A cop asked "Did you tried opening the upper roon window" "No will try now" I ran to upstairs .

"That's as well locked"hearing me they went to little away discussed, argued and made few calls.

"My patience is running out Carol what is the problem don't you guys have the keys"

"Actually Zoey Mr. Parker didn't give keys or passcodes to us . We're just informed to renovate the bungalow with initial payment" Carol spilled the bean.

"So what call and ask him to come or least send the keys"I said.

" It's ot of reach,Don't stress they are working on it. will definitely let you out".

"See I have no issue staying here all night but I'm starving without food and water.

Please ask them to be quick"

"Yeah sure" saying so she went owing to make me wait .

After sometime

"Ma'am please move away".

"Okay but why❓"

"They plan to break the door. We got permission from Mr. Parker.So let them do their job Zoey" "I feebly heard Carol .I obeyed and moved.

Finally out

When I stepped out, the free air touched my skin followed by a handful of scolding touched my ear. This boss of mine is such a irritating fellow.Then I reached my apartment and had some food that I got from Carol.Then I laid on my bed its 8 in night,but the exhaustion and pressure I felt made my eyes close and then sleep engulfed me.

The next, morning I went to office early and met Carol discussed about some designs.

We were interrupted by the voice of man "I want to see her noww. Where is she? " Andrew pointed me .

The man marched towards me"You stupid moron"

"Excuse me"

He took the water from nearby desk and emptied on me. As I was not ready for this action I'm stunned coming out of shock I shouted "what the hell, you out of mind"

"You imbecile don't ever show up in front of me if you dare I will rip your heart out" saying so he left and I was fuming with anger.

"Sorry Zoey" said Andrews. I took the tissue and wiped my face. "Mr.Andrews I work here I do my job and you pay me for the same. I don't appreciate such attitude and I'm ready to quit".

"Zoey I apologize for Mr. Nyle Parker's action. He is upset as we broke his house he hold emotional connection with that".

"Don't try to reason his behaviour, yesterday he only gave permission now all of sudden he's acting as if he didnt know" said Carol.

"He didn't know this it was Mr. Henry Parker his father who gave us the job and we got permission from the latter not him".