
Lock-Down in City Unforgettable

ace_hs · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Fever in Lockdown part 3 - 1

Oh Christ he thought if what she was wearing wasn't first class jack off material nothing in his virus ravaged world was. He tried to avert his eyes but those tits simply demanded to be stared at as she settled back down next to him.

Giving him her patented coy smile, she said in a soft voice, "I guess by the way you are staring at your mom's outfit maybe indicates you like it?"

"Hmm, yeah, I mean it's OK. You should be cooler anyways and you certainly going to get some sun on your body."

"Speaking of my body, you know I think I might have kind of pulled a muscle in my neck or something while we were playing. Would you mind giving your mom a quick little neck and shoulder massage?"

"I suppose I could," he said before moving around behind her. Sitting up on his knees as she leaned back on her arms he started to softly knead her neck and shoulders.

"Mmmm, that feels good baby. I like how you are always so gentle with me."

"Of course, Mom," he said in a whisper, "how else would one be with a beautiful delicate rose such as yourself?"

"I don't know what's better . . . your words or your hands," she whispered back.

The neck and shoulder massage he gave her lasted maybe five long tortuous minutes where he found his eyes staring down helpless over her shoulders and onto those mountainous tits of hers. Oh how he wanted to let his hands slip down and start pawing them!

When he was done she stretched out on her back and then called out to him, "Do you have your phone hon?"

"Ahh yeah," he said pulling it out of the back pocket of his jeans.

"Here, gimmie it and let's take a selfie." Holding the phone up she whispered, "Come on don't be shy scrunch on up next to your mom."

She proceeded to snap off three quick shots of them smiling at the camera with their heads leaning close together. Handing him the phone she said, "Here take one of me alone . . . for your private collection."

Aiming the phone at her, he took a picture that turned out to be pure gold of her leaning back slightly, supported on her arms, her awesome chest thrust out for all its worth, her light brown/blond hair, curled beautifully at the ends, falling to the edge of the orange tube top. The look on her face, with her mouth opened slightly, flashing an almost smile, defined the word "sultry".

"Let me see," she said after he snapped the picture. Taking the phone out of his hand, she glanced at it before handing it back saying, "Hmm, I think you should like that one honey as it shows off your mom's best assets quite nicely don't you think?"

Deciding to tease her back a little he said, "Tell me, what'd think your best assets are?"

Without skipping a beat she replied, "My tits, of course, honey. Why what do you think your mom's best assets are?"

He wanted to agree but that would be too easy and maybe too expected. So he paused, searching for the perfect clever answer. After a second or two, he came up with something.

"Mom, it's impossible for me to rightly say what your best asset might be as you are the embodiment of perfection and as such, everything could be considered, quote unquote, your best asset."

She ruffled his hair. "What a charmer you are hon and that was such a sweet answer that it deserves a reward. How would you like to have formal candle light dinner tonight with me in the dining room?

"Yeah sure . . . sounds wonderful Mom."

"We can even have a bit of wine with dinner and if you encourage me properly maybe you can get me drunk again after I get done with work." She paused, flashing him a mischievous smile before adding softly, "And if you are lucky, maybe you will have to end up having to sleep in your mom's bed again."

He really didn't know what to say to such an incredible offer so he simply replied softly, "Yeah that sounds nice, mostly except the 'after work' part."

"I'm sorry hon but its Saturday which is generally my biggest money making night. I promise we will hang out afterward I'm done."

Everything went perfectly as planned, until it didn't.

Their candle lit dinner was a dream. Alyssa came to the dinner looking simply fantastic in a tight short black dress that hugged her ample curves in all the right spots.

They traded playful barbs during dinner and then shared a nice slow dance with her clinging tightly to him. Jimmy up to this point couldn't been more happy . . . or horny.

Foolishly though he hoped their good time would continue unabated with her changing her mind about working. He tried to talk her out of doing her cam show tonight but she was adamant.

Around nine she told him, "Just take a nap or something. I will only be a few hours and we will meet back at midnight on the sofa. We can watch a late movie or something. Have some wine ready for me, OK."

He sighed, disappointed he couldn't get her to blow off work. "OK sure. Midnight I will be waiting, but don't be late."

After retiring to his room he set his alarm for 11:35 pm. As he stretched out on his bed, he tried to be good and just fall asleep but it was useless; his mind kept insisting on wandering back to this afternoon and how hot she looked in that ultra-sexy orange tube tub and matching bikini bottom.

Unable to resist he pulled his phone out and furiously jerked off while staring at the picture he took of her "for his collection" as she so eloquently put it. He couldn't help but to wonder: did she know he was going to do this and was actually encouraging him. The picture, after all, was her suggestion. The thought of his mother actually wanting him to whack off while dreaming of her only made him all the more hot and bothered.

After his intense orgasm Jimmy was able to take a long nap, his lust sated for the time being. He was awoken by his alarm and after taking a quick shower and brushing this teeth, he headed out to the living room hoping his mom would be there waiting for him.

Nope. Passing her closed bedroom door she could hear her talking. Yeah, she was still doing her stupid cam show probably. Resisting the urge to pause and listen, he instead went to the living room trusting she was almost done and would be there at midnight like she promised.

A little bit after midnight he impatiently called her number. She did not pick up.

A few minutes later, after she still hadn't come out of her bedroom, he sent her a text reminding her he was not so patiently waiting for her. When she didn't bother to respond he stormed off to the back porch highly upset.

Dropping appreciably all during the night, the temperature now was hovering around forty four degrees. Jimmy was dressed in a pair of shorts and a short sleeved tee shirt, thinking they would be hanging out on the sofa, and was starting to feel the cold out on the open porch. He didn't care, mumbling to himself, "I should feel cold . . . like my heart toward hers."

After glancing at his phone, it was 12:23 am, he slammed his hand down on the porch table. Hard. If, and when, she finally showed up and came looking for him he would not be in a forgiving mood.

It was quarter to midnight when Alyssa finished her show. If she hurried she could have kept her midnight date with her son but she had other priorities for the moment.

After trying to take care of these priorities, she came close, but with Jimmy interrupting her twice so she couldn't quite finish, she gave up. Slipping her robe on over her naked body, she popped her head out into the hallway, calling out to him as she assumed he would still be in the living room waiting for her. "Jimmy, honey, I know I'm late, but I'm coming out now."

When there was no response she stepped out into the hallway. Craning her neck she observed the living room appeared empty. He was probably in the kitchen. As she crossed the living room and went through the dining area on the way to the kitchen she felt a cold draft. The glass sliding door heading out to the porch was half open.

She was about to shut it when she noticed him slumped down in a chair, his back to the door. "Honey, look I'm sorry. I--"

"Go away," he snapped at her. Alyssa sighed heavily. He was really pissed. This was going to take some work on her part.

"Look, it is cold out there come on inside and let me explain."

"Fuck that. I would rather stay out here, alone and cold, then talk to you right now."

"Fine," she mumbled to herself before shutting the glass sliding door.

Heading back to her bedroom she stepped inside her walk in closet. After flipping on the light, she spotted one of Roger's old shirts laying on the floor. She had kept several of his favorite shirts as souvenirs. It must have fallen off its hanger as she rooted around earlier looking for something appropriately sexy to slip on for her web cam show.

Picking up the shirt, a blue and black checkered heavy flannel shirt she decided to put it on. First, in honor of her husband, and second because if Jimmy would not come in the house to talk, she would obviously have to go outside in the cold to talk to him.

She was about to throw on a pair of old jeans when she paused. Maybe I should try to get his attention a little bit she thought to herself. Making the decision to forgo putting on the jeans, or anything for that matter besides the flannel shirt she made her way out of the closet.

The shirt was a little big on her coming down just far enough to cover her butt. She knew this as having, on occasion, worn this particular shirt-- it had been his favorite hunting shirt—usually when she was really missing him.