
The plan

When I finally stopped crying, I went to my bathroom to clean my face. I already thought of a plan to prove that Livia stole Loaf. I headed to Michael's room. "I have the best idea to catch Livia red handed!"

"Great. I haven't been able to come up with anything."

"I could follow Livia around to get proof that she stole Loaf."

"No," Michael said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you could get caught!"

"When we went to their house we could have also been caught!" I yelled. "And that was your idea,"

"Well now we know not to do risky things," he said.

I slammed the door in his face and left. I was going to follow Livia no matter what. Mom and Dad were watching TV in the living room. "I am going for a walk outside!" I yelled.

No one even looked up. I shrugged and left. Just when I got out to the sidewalk, I saw Livia walking Loaf. She was introducing him to her friends with the name Butter!"

I walked straight up to her. "What are you doing with my dog?"

The moment she saw me her eyes filled with fear. "What do you mean? Butter is my dog!"

"That's not a Butter. That is my Loaf!"

Livia's friends looked at her suspiciously, and left. I kept following her.

"That's my dog, Livia. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Why do you always think everything is about you?"

"Because it's my dog!" I tried to keep up with her as she started to run, but it hurt and I had to stop.

I pretended to leave but actually hid behind a bush. Livia walked to Mrs. McDonald's side yard and to the pond. I couldn't believe it, she not only stole my dog and renamed him. She stole our favourite place.

I couldn't watch anymore. I stomped home. It was lunchtime and the whole house smelled like pizza. It instantly made my mood better, but only a little. I went into the kitchen, my stomach growling, when I remembered that Mom only made pizza when somebody was coming.

"The Firs are coming for lunch today. You can apologize to Livia for your behavior the last time they were here," Mom said.

"Mom, how many times have I told you, Livia stole my dog?" I said.

She ignored me, so I headed to Michaels room. "Why are the Firs coming over?"

"Again?" he asked.

"Yeah. We need a plan, right now."

We thought for a while, nobody spoke. Suddenly Michael brightened up, "We could pretend that we really believe that Loaf is Livia's new dog,"

"That's a great idea!"

"Michael! Annie! The Firs are here!" Mom yelled upstairs.

We headed downstairs to greet the Firs. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Fir," We said in complete unison.

They nodded and continued talking to my parents. I looked at Livia, she was looking at us. She rolled her eyes and I rolled my eyes back. We grabbed a couple of pieces of pizza and sat down.

"Livia, didn't you just get a dog? Could you bring him over?" I asked.

Everyone looked surprised at my pleasant tone.

"Livia, you got a dog?" Mom asked.

"Why don't you bring him over. We'd love to meet him." I forced a big smile and waited for her to take the bait.

"Sure. Yeah, I'll bring him over," she answered.

Livia came back with my sweet puppy.

"This is Butter, he is two years old and he is a golden retriever," she told everyone.

"Where did you get him from?" Michael asked.

"I found him in Mrs. McDonald's side yard," she answered. She still managed to answer with a steady voice.

"What does he like to do?" I asked.

"Well, he likes to go to the pond and chase balls."

"What a coincidence." I had given up on being nice. "Loaf, come here boy!"

The dog's head swung around and, if he wouldn't have been on a leash, he would have run right up to me.

"See! See! I told you it was Loaf!" I shouted. Livia began to sob and dropped into a squat next to the dog whose leash she pulled tight toward her.

"Annie Never!" My mother was red-faced and screaming my name louder than I had ever heard. "Get to your room, now."

"But, mom!"

"Not another word," my father said. "Get to your room. You are grounded for a week."