

Lilian fleur Queen, Is a half British and half Filipino. Her mom was a former member of an organization of assassins who fell in love with her Dad who she thought was an ordinary guy. But turned out to be an interpole. The org got furious about what her mom did thinking she is the mole on the org on those time and put an order to kill her parents including her. But by discovering how talented Lilian is. Both side the government and the assassins change the plan They started being obsessed on getting the kid instead. But her parents are too smooth to always slipped away from them, for over six years. But then came a young visitor the top of the class assassin who's trained under the government managed to find them but the info leaked to the org of assassins on the other side. And there the situation got shitty.

Maryflor · LGBT+
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16 Chs


Marianne is panting, barely moving, wearing ripped and filthy clothes, and holding her bleeding side. She decides to sit and conceal herself in a shadowy passageway. A tear erupts from her right eye as she looks up at the sky, which is dark and appears to be in mourning alongside her.

Her eye once again experienced this water dripping from it, which had not happened in a very long time. . She couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and despair as she stood there, wondering if anyone would ever understand the pain she was going through. It was as if the weight of the world had suddenly come crashing down on her shoulders, and she didn't know how much longer she could bear

If only she hadn't done what she did, would it be possible that all this would not have happened?

''This riddiculos: I am an assassin; why am I shedding tears for people whom I am meant to kill in the first place?" Marianne chuckled to herself as she said that.

And the rain started falling, which made her look down and breakdown.

After all the preparation and training she had received, she had passed, becoming the envy of all who would've thought she'd still end up dying in the streets of this hell street.

It's funny that we all fight the world, but no one cares about this pathetic person who is dying in this shady and stinking passageway.

As her vision was starting to go dark, she heard someone running towards her .


She could see the worried face of a certain red haired girl in front of her. But the face was quickly replaced by Mia's.

''You will not die on me. Don't look at me like that.''

''Aaargh. Fuck!" Marianne shouted when Mia abruptly pulled her up, put her arm around Mia's neck, and helped her get in the car.

''What? Come on, come on! Don't be a drama queen; we've been through a lot. This is just a piece of ...cake.'' Mia stopped as she saw how bad Marianne's wound was in her side, as she was about to put some first aid in it and a cloth on it to stop it from bleeding.

''How worst is it?'' Marianne asked with a pained expression on her face. Mia took a deep breath and replied, "It's pretty deep, but don't worry, I've had some experience with wounds like this before. We just need to get you to a hospital as soon as possible."

Marianne glared at Mia .

''Or not, hehe," said Mia, grinning.

''Aw.'' Marianne shouted again. When Mia abruptly tied the rip cloth into Marianne's wound.

''Hahaha. It is really satisfying seeing you suffer like that.'' Mia teased Marianne more as she sat in the driver's seat.

Marianne's glare never left Mia's direction.

''What? first time getting shot?'' Mia continued looking back at Marianne in the rearview mirror.

''Can you please just drive?" Marianne was annoyed by Mia's teasing.

''It's a child , just a poor child.'' Marianne finally spoke after a long of silence while they are driving home.

''I thought you've died already.'' Mia sarcastic answered because Marianne has been the hole ride.

The road was dark already it's already night.

''All of us was, Marianne.'' Finally a serious answered from Mia.

Marianne again came silent to what Mia just answered.

All of them indeed.

They both fell into silence again, but then both of them rolled inside the car when a truck hit them in the intersection, and the car they were in flew and rolled on the road. The car was now upside down, and Marianne became unconscious while Mia was still feeling dizzy and coughing from the dust and smoke caused by the accident. She saw blood all over Marianne, and her heart skipped a beat and became paralyzed.

''Marianne" was the only word that came out of her mouth .

Mia quickly realized that she needed to act fast, but she puked because she was feeling so dizzy. She knew she had to act fast before it was too late, so she reached Marianne's neck and looked for a pulse. She felt relieved when she felt a faint pulse. She sighed, gathered all her remaining strength, and kicked the door of this wrecked car. She was able to open the door. She carefully got out of the car, and she couldn't help but think about how lucky they were to have survived such a terrible accident.

She was about to pull Marianne's body when a man whose nose was bleeding rushly walked towards them holding a shotgun and started shooting them Mia was almost shot but was quick to hide beside Marianne's body, which was still unconscious behind this car.

''Shit'' The man was now shooting the car, which at any minute would explode, and she see can't any gun, and she needed to find a way for them to escape, but this place has nothing to go and hide in. The sound of the bullets piercing through the metal of the car was deafening, and she knew that she had to get as far away from the scene as possible. As she ran, her heart pounding in her chest, she couldn't help but wonder who the man was and why he was so determined to destroy the car.

''This man won't stop, fuck." Mia never stops swearing while sneakily pulling Marianne away from the car.

She has to save Marianne before anything else, but then her eyes lit up when she saw a knife in Marianne's side.

She quickly grabbed the knife and was about to hit the man, but before she could do that, the man flew high after getting hit by an old white van, and she saw the van was full of dead guys inside, and her eyes narrowed when she saw a familiar red-haired girl .

''How the fuck did she find us?'' She said to herself, and before she could say a word to the girl, another gunshot came in their direction, and she saw how the red haired girl didn't even flinch when she got out of the van and walked towards the car where the people who were currently shooting them were.

Mia's jaw dropped when she witnessed how Lily just simply walked, dodging bullets, and stopped facing the black car. She first shot the driver right through the head and then shot the two front wheels. When the front wheel burst, the car stumbled. While stumbling, she still managed to shoot the two passengers in the car.

And the red-haired girl turned her back from the stumbling car that even passed over her head, but she didn't even flinch, and there Mia saw the face of Lily with blood dripping from her forehead.

What in the world is she?

''Why are you just standing there? She's bleeding to death!" Mia flinched at Lily's loud and roaring voice; she'd never seen this side of Lily before. Yes, they always bantered, but never had Lily been this enraged about anything.

''Why are you just standing there? She's bleeding to death!" Mia flinched at Lily's loud and roaring voice; she'd never seen this side of Lily before. Yes, they always bantered, but never had Lily been this enraged about anything. Mia quickly snapped out of her shock and rushed to Lily's side. She could see that the wound was deep and needed immediate attention.

'' We can't bring her to the hospital. It's too dangerous," Mia said to break the ice as they sat across each other. They are one of Mia's contacts in Afghanistan. She had been here several times when she was still an assassin, and this person and her contact were one of her assignments that she chose to save.

''Oh yeah?" was Lily's sarcastic answer crossing her arms.

''Come on , Lily, you knew Marianne was just protecting you.'' Mia said she knows why Lily is acting this way.

''Really? So, you just make plans for yourself and lie to my face? and decided to act like heroes ? After all that we've been through, she still doesn't trust me.'' Mia sighed and shook her head. "It's not about not trusting you, Lily. It's just trying to keep everyone safe. We all are." She paused for a moment before continuing. "And as for Marianne, she's always been fiercely protective of those she cares about. It's just her way of showing love."

''She thinks I can't handle it?'' Lily asked, feeling a bit hurt. "It's not that she doesn't think you can't handle it," Mia replied. "It's just that she wants to make sure that you're prepared for anything that might come your way."

''How did you even find us?'' I asked suspiciously, realizing Lily has no experience traveling, especially out of the country, and I saw how she played with this ring in her right hand with this familiar skull design. Lily smiles mischievously and says, "I may not have traveled much, but I have my ways. Plus, I have a friend who knows a thing or two about international travel and gave me some tips." She twirls the skull ring on her finger before slipping it back into her pocket.

''Oh,yeah.'' I just said that and sneakily grabbed the knife I put in my back earlier, the one that I had grabbed from Marianne's side, but I was surprised that the knife was no longer there.

''Looking for this .'' Lily said this before attacking with Marianne's knife in her hand. But I smirked, realizing this imposter doesn't check her target's background. I just quickly dodged her attack, smoothly stepped aside, and grabbed her arm, twisted it, and the knife fell from her, but I smoothly caught it, and I stabbed the imposter in all the vital limbs of her body, blood splashing out every stab I made, and she looked at me with those black colored iris, which is clearly not Lily's eye color.

''Before I end your life , Lily is not a friendly one, and she is not dumb like you." I smirked before I finally slit her throat. The plastic masked in her neck ripped out and the blood lashed out of her throat before she kneeled, and I finally pulled the knife out of her throat and threw it to the man who was coming in the room. His gun flew up as the knife united with his forehead. I stepped on the chair and jumped there to step on the wall to bounce myself up and catch the gun. I immediately shot the second and third guys who attempted to get into Marianne's room. When I fell to the ground, I grabbed the dead man's body with those bulging eyes,'' ewww !! and I used it to protect myself from the bullets that were coming from the men shooting from outside the room.

But unfortunately, I hadn't noticed the man who came in from the window. He managed to inject a tranquilizer into me, and I immediately knocked on the floor.

And the men were about to kill us when,

''Come on ! That's it?'' A voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere, and I saw a man walk into the room. He stopped and checked Marianne's pulse, which is now bedridden.

I just watched, but I couldn't do anything as I was temporarily paralyzed, and the man then walked in my direction and sat in front of me.

The man took off his sunglasses and hung them between the collars of his navy blue kurta. He is looking really attractive with his attire, especially when he paired white jeans with his navy blue kurta, and as he sat in front of me, I could never ignore his beautiful custom-made leather shoes. All of them shout power.

He caressed my face, and I saw his clean, hairy arm with his wrist wearing a Rolex.

He leaned in and smiled as he stroked my face. I could smell his manly but rich scent, and his beard is beautifully done too .Just how rich is this man? I thought.

Who is this guy?

Is he the one?

''Hahhahaha. Is this what they call the best batch ever recruited? What a shame..tsk tsk tsk'' He was mocking us .

He then stopped laughing and kicked me hard in the stomach nonstop, which caused me to vomit my own blood.

''You really think you can just breach my territory and break everything, ruin my business, blow my factory, kill my men, and just escape that easy?''

He then grabbed me and dragged me around the room .

''Get up and fight." And he kicked me again .

He then stepped on my face .

''Ugh.'' I groaned in pain .

I am looking at Marianne's direction waiting for something.

But nothing she is still not moving

Come on Marianne.

''Do you know how much level of stress the two of you gave me in just 12hours? Huh ?'' Oh my god this guy is starting to get into my nerves.

He is holding my hair again talking in my face , God his breath is something!!

Maybe this is his problem, maybe he lack of love attention because his breath sucks!!

''What is happening here?'' Ask a man with white beard that looks like a priest

''Finally , you're here '' Says Marianne which shocked everyone in the room but put a smirk on my lips the man who has a stinky breath let go me and tried to attack Marianne but I didn't let him.

''Come here baby ,boy .'' I finally put a hard punch in his very attractive face but I didn't let him sleep I just keep in touch of him while helping Marianne kill the men that surround us I still admire how graceful Marianne moves every time she does her thing

But it's not what's important now all that's in my mind now was torturing this stinky breath man that every time I attack an enemy I include his body part being hit but not hitting the vital part I am not gonna let him die that easy besides we still need his his palm to free the people in the container that we found in their ship in the port.

They might think we've blown all of it but they are wrong we made this whole thing up till we find this mother fucker and finally get what really came her the man who has an access in the org and the government .

The man call the ''The Bridge.''

Mr. Abdul Jawad

He is a retired CIA agent and a former member of the org,

But he is not a fighter more on a negotiator, a financer for us a big use insert some grin my face right now.

The whole room was silent as we wiped the people inside without a single noise why?

Outside the room is another story same as how we get out of this place .

I quickly pressed something on mr. abdul jawad neck and he immediately collapse.

''Now what?'' I whispered asking Marianne because we never talked about this we planned all this never thought of a plan on getting of this place.

''Are you ready for suicide?''

Marianne said as she was looking outside the window .

I don't like what I see in her face .

But wherever she goes I go.

''So?'' She said

I peeked on the window and my face turned pale.

She smirk at me .

''No.no.no I am not doing that''

The door explode that shocked us we never expected another visitor but this is it's not good.

''No . anything but this .'' I begged.

''Atleast you'll die facing your fears ..hahaha .'' After she said that she kicked without a notice but I won't go without the stinky man so I pull him with me

''Aaah'' Both of us screamed.

Finally able to update.

Maryflorcreators' thoughts