

(chapter 3)

When Xhel turned 18, he awakened into the thing he wanted to be. Feeling different, he began casting.





Xhel already has an idea of how to use his power because of movies, anime, manga, and novels he has read and watched, so he tries to use abilities from those sources.

But it's not working; he feels that he needs to imagine the source of power and understand how the abilities work in order to process them.

Then Xhel focuses his mind, attempting to create the ability he wants to use within his imagination, and then cast it into reality.

"Dimensional Space."


Xhel found himself in the dimensional space he had created, and then exit from dimensional space


Xhel feels a memory of Llhekxs stirring within him, realizing there is still much to uncover. He attempts to create an ability that can unseal some of his memories, but for some reason, he finds himself unable to unlock them, despite his repeated attempts.

"why is this not working i need to find who i am ."

Xhel's frustration mounts as he struggles to unlock his memories, driven by the need to discover his true identity.

"I will soon uncover the answer."

And then he moves on...

Xhel enters the "Dimensional space" and endeavors to recreate abilities he has seen in manga, anime, manhua, manhwa, and other sources

And then Xhel try to cast fire ball

"It feels different when I'm the one casting it rather than just watching."

The time difference in dimensional space and Earth is 1 hour on Earth to 100 years in dimensional space. Xhel recreates some abilities and creates his own.

Xhel stayed in dimensional space learn alot of ability and create some new so he can use it lt.

Xhel wants to rewind the time he spent on Earth back to the early beginning of his life

mean Xhel want to start again as a new born

but before that Xhel need to gain alot of ability so that he can use it

And the when Xhel comes out in 7 Hours on earth equivalent to 700 Years