

"hey wake up!!!

your uncle already been call for work this november.

what about you?"

mom was screaming from outside of my bedroom door.

its just been one month after my graduation and i was planning to climb some mountain around november.

by the way, for your information.

the uncle my mom refer to is the younger brother of my stepmother.

my dad second wife.

he is older than me (around 9 years maybe), but due to doing some work first after his high school, then getting his diploma in engineering and finally having his bachelor in education.

so basiclly we both graduated for bachelor in education in the same year. And by some coincidence, our major for education is Mathematics.

And by some luck, we got the offer for teaching at the same institution.

Awkwardy, i received my offer letter for work in the afternoon of the day that my mom was screaming from my bedroom door.

Its my first formal job and the date to report to work is just two month after my graduation day.

it seem, my journey of study and work seem like a straight line route.

i am gonna start the story from the memory of my first job.

assignmentdinacreators' thoughts