
Mission in Kansas, US

"Leader it would seem that Paradox is on the move again. We need to head to Kansas, United States," stated Cindy.

"Alright Cindy. Everyone prepare your gear and head to the plane. Blaire follow after us on the second plane with the spare supplies and gear," commanded Greg.

""Yes Sir!"" (everyone except Catherine an Blaire)

'Kansas? Isn't tornado season? I really don't want to go, I'm afraid of natural disasters the most,' Blaire starts shivering with hands clenched by her sides.

"Blaire, go and fetch Catherine and tell her to hurry up or she'll never get a break," Greg says.

"Yes boss." Blaire jumped and turned around to answer Greg after she's lost in thought.

'Why me?' Blaire sighs with her shoulders drooped and head helplessly looking up. 'Guess I have no choice in the matter. Now where would she be at this time of day. The mall, cafe, bar...apparently she's on a date, so she would be at that Italian restaurant.'

She picks up the phone reluctantly. '...Better call ahead and tell her I'm coming to pick her up.'

Bring Bring! Bring Bring!

"What do you want Blaire? Can't you see I'm on a date? This better be important," Catherine answers.

"Boss's orders. Apparently we need to head to Kansas, United States. Where are you so I can pick you up."

"I'm at a French restaurant, the new one that opened a week ago. You don't have to pick me up in that old bug of yours it's embarrassing to be seen in it. I'll head to the airport myself, I've already had my gear ready in the back of my car. Tell the leader that I'll be there in about five." Catherine takes the check and signs it leaving a wad of cash on the table and leaving the restaurant to enter her Ferrari.


Beep! Catherine immediately hangs up the phone.


"She could at least say goodbye before hanging up," mumbles Blaire.

Back the base Blaire is organizing the inventory of what she needs to bring along for the mission. She picks up one at at time and loads them onto the van that's meant to fly on the airplane. 'Let's see now, inventory check. Batteries, med-kits, flash lights, ammo, rocket launcher, spare tires. Hmm...

Do I need to bring umbrellas for heavy weather? I'll bring it, just in case.'

Bring Bring! Bring Bring! Blaire's phone is ringing and she picks it up to find Greg is the one who's calling.

"Hello boss?"

"Blaire are you done packing?"

"Yes just about, but I don't know if we need weather gear since it's tornado season over there," she says as she holds up an umbrella.

"You don't have to worry about that just bring some towels and blow-dryers so that when we get wet we can immediately get dry."

"Understood," Blaire throws the umbrella away and gets the blow-dryer and towels ready.

"We've already arrived and hope to see you in and hour."

"Alright. I'm on my way out the door now," she says as she drives the van out the garage and into the airport.

"See you later." Greg suddenly hangs up.



'At least he said 'see you later' to me. Got to give him credit for that.'

Blaire takes a peek at the blue sky while driving and gets lost in thought. 'I hope everyone will be save when I get there. It's going to be difficult if a tornado shows up.'

Kansas, USA. Greg's POV

Greg looks up at the looming clouds above his head while the other six members are right behind him. He turns to look at them and in a heavy tone speaks. "Today's mission will be more difficult then the ones before since it's located in a grassland biome where tornadoes frequent and it just happens to be tornado season."

Everyone looks at each other nervously then look to Greg since it's his call whether they go through with this mission or not.

"We're not going to get any additional weather gear since it will only hinder us in a battle." Greg looks to everyone and speaks with a firm tone, "I don't know what Paradox is planning, but from what we've observed of them is that they are searching for something. To what that is we don't know. What we do know is that we have to stop them since they've done nothing but get rid of obstacles that include the surrounding area as well as people that try to stop them."

Everyone nods their head in agreement towards Greg's statement.

"For now what we need to do is stop them and get whatever they want before they do. That goal of our missions hasn't changed. We'll move out when the people have been evacuated to the shelters and try to capture them by surprise. I'll call you and meet you at the temporary base. Your dismissed." Greg turns and walks away towards the base.

'It's been three years and this is the only thing we can do. Simply getting world of their movements and trying to stop them.' He clenches his fist and grits his teeth as looks at a map on the table of the grasslands of Kansas. 'One day and organization known as Paradox comes out of thin air and starts making a mess of the world and nobody knows why. They go to random locations and ransack the place and the hundred yards radius that surrounds it!'

Rubbing his neck, Greg restlessly looks at the map and the data on Paradox at same time trying to comprehend it all. 'Just what are they looking for? Why are they looking for it and who is looking for it?'

Paradox's Group 1 Leader's POV

"Mater Eon, we're ready to start work excavating now," says Paradox lackey.

"Good be better hurry before both the the storm and the heroes arrive or the Sovereign will go back on his promise," Eon warns the lackeys.

""Yes boss!""

'I hope we find it is what the Sovereign has been serching for this time otherwise a lot of people and resources will be wasted for nothing.' Eon looks towards the sky and sees the dark clouds hanging above forming even denser and darker ones. 'I hope he knows what he's doing and not leading us on a wild goose chase.'

At the main headquarters of Paradox, the employees are looking up at screen with the leader, the Sovereign on it. Covered in heavy, black baggy clothes covering his face no one can tell what he looks like and as he speaks his voice is distorted as though talking through a radio with bad reception. No one knows in Paradox if the Sovereign is male or female and just use the term he for convenience.

"We are running out time. We need to find it before anyone else does. Then when we do. I promise to all of you I'll fulfill your wishes. Just like I've done with Eon and the other six. For now find one of the seven pieces that I need and you'll all be heavenly rewarded."

'Once I do this world shall meet it's end.'

I decided to add more actions to my characters to get a good visual effect for those that are reading. I don't think I need to do it for the first chapter since it's mostly just focused on introductions. Again if you see any problems that need editing please tell me and I'll do it to make it easier to read. Thanks for reading! -Ventia

Ventiacreators' thoughts