
LIVING WITH VAMPIRE BROTHERS All is fair in love and war Be my lover

Ayobami_0060 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"Where is he" ' sorry I'm late ma'am' ,I said while panting after running a few minutes late to work. "William this is the fifth time you're coming to work late this week and I'm not going to take any more excuses . " His boss said with anger while banging her fist on her desk .

" Am sorry but I'm going to let you go , Will you're fired."she said before sitting on her chair.

I can't believe it , first I lost my car keys and now I'm losing my job today is just not going well for me. "Mrs Claire please don't fire me this job is all I have please" I begged her.

Mrs Claire looked at me before sighing and said " Will you're are good kid but your performance is not going well , why not just get a new job instead , I can introduce you to a friend of mine who is looking for a new employee how about that."

"Thank you ma'am but that's a lot to ask of you ", I said before leaving her office.

l packed up my stuff before heading to a nearby cat cafe .

"What can I get you ?" a cute waitress wearing a maid outfit and cat ears asked me. "just the usual please "I replied.

"So that would be a chocolate milkshake and two strawberry cupcakes" she responded cutely before leaving.

"what am I going to now , I don't have enough money for next month rent " I thought while looking at my phone. "sir your order is ready" the waitress said snapping me out of my thoughts. "thanks " I said before paying .

"Beep beep"my phone rang while I was eating my order .l looked at my phone and found a text from Jason. He texted saying he wants to meet me by the lake side. I wonder if he was finally going to propose to me because we've been dating for two years now .

I was excited and left the cafe .

Finally done with the second chapter (≧▽≦)

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