

Sora was walking towards the clubroom as he felt that Chifuyu had already learned that the student council had called him and decided to skip her class for the morning.

Sora looked at his phone to check his messages and surprisingly there were none.

"That's a first for this week" Sora yawned as he felt sleepy, he didn't mind and went ahead, as soon as he arrived he saw that the door was opened.

Sora checked the time and knew that no one should be here, he knew the girls weren't careless when it came to their territory unless"

"Well" When Sora stepped inside and decided to check his quest he acquired when he was in Sobu

[ Yell A Noble Phantasms Signature Call! ]

[ Reward : The Noble Phantasm you have called for ]

Sora sighed and took a deep breath.

"Light, may you be released from the ends of the world. Split the heavens and tether the earth, anchor of the storm! 'Rhongomyniad!'"

Sora shouted and called for Rhongomyniad, shortly his hand was enveloped in light and and Rhongomyniad appeared in his hands.

While all of this was happening.

"I'm Sorry!" A girly voice could be heard as she was startled, she looked at Sora and raised her hand in surrender as she thought the light came from security officers

"Come out" Sora then placed Rhongomyniad in his inventory as he didn't feel any magic presence coming from the voice.

Sora saw a girl that was average in height, light brown eyes and grey hair who was also wearing glasses.

"May I know why you're here?" Sora asked the girl and lowered his guard as he knew who she was.

"I was following a cat! I saw it enter here I thought it was lost or something" The girl explained her circumstance "I wasn't going to steal anything I swear!"

"I believe you" Sora then looked at one of the chandeliers and saw a black cat that was smiling.

"Nya!" The Black cat immediately jumped on his arms and landed perfectly and then nested on his head.

"That one!" The girl pointed at the cat who was taking comfort in Sora.

"I see you've met Alice" Sora took Kuroka and introduced her to the girl.

"You own her?"

"Yes and" As soon as Sora said that a white cat appeared and began walking towards Sora.

Sora looked at Kuroka who just meowed and nodded.

Sora let Kuroka down, Kuroka then circled around Sora's feet, while the white cat sat and observed Sora.

Sora didn't miss the chance and took a cookie from his inventory and gave it to the white cat who sniffed the cookie and immediately took a bite.

"Nya!" The white cat bit into it and then immediately ate it whole in one bite, the white cat then also circled around Sora and started acting cute.

Sora just chuckled, he took out another cookie but he didn't feed the cat, he then looked at the girl and decided to give it to her.

"Want to try uhm?" Sora scratched his head and acted as if he didn't know her already.

"Rio Futaba, you can call me Rio, and judging by the way you act, you must be Sora-san?" Sora nodded.

"Here" Sora gave the cookies to Rio who accepted it, even though Rio wanted to taste the cookies she knew that it was meant for the cat in front of her.

Sora took Kuroka again and placed her atop of his head, Sora knew the white cat was Koneko.

Koneko then looked at the Rio and started acting cute, without hesitation Rio gave it to Koneko who immediately nibbled it down.

"What's her name?"

"It's Koneko" Sora just said as she wasn't Rias' knight as of the moment and that this Koneko was trained with senjutsu along with Kuroka.

Koneko meowed and immediately also jumped on Sora's head, Kuroka moved aside to make room for Koneko but Koneko ultimately decided to stay on Sora's shoulder.

"Ah I almost forgot, please don't report me! I didn't open the door, it was already open when I searched for Alice!"

"It's fine" Sora reassured Rio. "What are you doing here anyway, don't you have classes Rio-san?"

"I um!" Rio couldn't say she was going to take photos in the club room after finding Kuroka could she now especially to a guy she just met. "I'm here to apply for the club!"


"So you're the new member?" Cecilia observed Rio who was sitting at the center.

"I would like to apply if it's possible" Rio only wanted to get out of here but she couldn't since Sora didn't let her.

"She said she wanted to apply and I decided to take in consideration that she searched for Alice and Koneko" Sora told the rest of the girls while Kuroka and Koneko played with him in their cat forms.

"Ah But I still have to ask the Student Council if it's possible to join two clubs at the same time! I already have a club I can't manage two at the same time!" Rio told them so she could escape her current predicament.

"Well? It's not a problem you can ask her now" Houki then pointed at Mayumi who was currently drinking tea across the table.

"It's not the first time that it's been requested but" Rio gulped as she didn't expect to see Mayumi here.

"But what?" Cecilia was curious.

"But they were just ultimately convenient excuses to get out of a predicament between not being able to choose a club" Mayumi sipped her tea then looked at Rio who gulped down harder.

Rio who somehow didn't mind the current attention she was getting smiled wryly.

"I suppose you're not one of those people are you Futaba-san?" Mayumi placed her tea, everyone then looked at Rio who was sweating.

"N-no! I'll prove it!" As soon as she said that Ram and Rem placed papers and gave her a pen.

"Here" Rem told her as she placed it in front of her.

"We're watching" Ram told Rio as she placed the pen on her hands.

'Why does everyone look like they want to eat me alive' Rio thought as everyone around her looked at her intently.

Rio gulped "On Second thought" Rio swore she saw everyone raise their eyebrows.

"It's fine, you don't have to force yourself" Sora intervened and touched Rio's shoulder.

Rio sighed "Can I at least be given time?" Rio looked at Sora.

"Sure, come on, I know you don't want to stay here for another second" Sora grabbed Rio and left.

"Well that was certainly entertaining" Mayumi told her thoughts as she played chess with Cecilia.

"It certainly was"

"You look unbothered for someone who us territorial" Mayumi said to Cecilia who currently had a smug face.

"I have my own reasons"

"Keep it for yourself then."

"I most certainly will"


"Thank you" Rio told Sora as he helped her get out of her predicament. "And I'm sorry I lied"

"It's fine, I noticed you were somewhat uncomfortable"

"I'm not used to be in groups that's all" Rio told Sora the truth.

"Then what about your other club?"

"I'm the sole member of the science club for the first years" Sora raised his eye brows but nodded since Momo was in his club.

"Why not join my club instead? I mean we basically also have a laboratory"

"Eh? That floor had a laboratory? I thought it was all leisure and are those girls really your harem?"

"Yes and Yes, I wouldn't mind adding one more beautiful girl" Sora teased Rio and stared at her chest.

Rio was flustered at Sora's words she wanted to say something but before she could Sora shushed her as he placed his finger on her lips.

Rio didn't do or say anything, Sora then took out a plastic bag, she saw it was filled with Cookies.

"Here, I saw you want them earlier" Sora gave the bag of cookies to Rio who nodded. "It's my way of saying thanks for worrying about Alice and Koneko"

"Thanks" Rio blushed as she had never received something from someone before especially from a guy she had met.

"Anytime, if you want more you can always come by the club room, also you can go there even if your not a member"

"Why the privilege?" Rio was curious as she opened the bag and took out a piece of cookie as she asked Sora

"I have my reasons."

"Do those reasons include you trying to get into my pants?"

"That and more"

"My body?" Sora nodded which made Rio flush harder "Pervert"

"I know" Shortly after they both heard the bell and indicating it was time for them to go back to class.

"See you around, Sora-san" Rio didn't take a bite and put the cookie back in the plastic bag as she ran towards her room so she wouldn't be punished by Nemuri.

"See you around too" Sora waved her goodbye as he also went back to Chifuyu who was waiting for him to arrive to dole out her punishments for skipping her class the past few days.


"Rio? You look happier than usual" Sakura told Rio who had just arrived.

"Ah Sakura! No it's nothing, by the way have you met the guy you've been searching for?" Sakura sighed as she remembered Sora who was nowhere to be found.

"No, I haven't" Sakura then took out her phone and wondered if she should text Sora.

"I think you should move first Sakura, who knows someone may get to him first if you hesitate" Rio gave advice to Sakura

"I think I should" Sakura sighed and sent a message to Sora.

Next chapter