

"Why am i forced to come here" A young man by the name of Kodaka grumbled as everyone around him thought on why a delinquent like him was in a high end restaurant

"I'll give it a chance I guess" As soon as Kodaka said that he saw the girl he was waiting for.

"She seems pretty enough" He muttered under his breath, he saw that she was waving at him and he politely waved back.

Sena came forward and sat opposite to Kodaka.

"It's nice to meet you" Sena smiled at Kodaka.

"It's nice to meet you too" Sena then took a deep breath.

"I'll be direct and forward with you" Kodaka raised his eyebrows "I already have someone and that the agreement was made by drunk men"

Kodaka nodded and understood but somehow felt bitter.

"It's not because you look like a delinquent don't get me wrong I know about your lineage, it's just that well" Sena smiled wryly as Sora entered and waved at them both.

"I understand" Kodaka nodded and accepted it calmly but still felt like he had lost something.

"Enjoy your stay here, I'll be leaving now" Sena stood up and bowed as she went to Sora who was waiting for her.

Sora gave his arm for Sena and the two then went out as they entered Sora's car with Sora opening the door for her.

Kodaka saw all this and didn't know what to but accepted that he couldn't do anything if he wanted even if Sena was beautiful.

"Crap! I forgot to at least ask her were U.A is" Kodaka sighed and instead decided he would check and ask later.


"Dad Called?" Sena asked Sora on why he didn't enter with her.

"Mm, your father asked me for a favor, of course we had to talk it out"

Sena buckled herself as they were going back to U.A. "What did he ask for?"

"It's about the guy you just met, your father told me he owed his friend so he at least wanted to give his friend's children the best education"

"And What did you ask for in return?" Sena knew Sora would always ask something in return not unless they were a girl he liked.

"That I don't intend to hear anymore surprise engagements because I'm the only one you should be engaged to" Sena blushed and looked away from Sora.

"Say, are you hurting there again?" Sena then looked at the time and estimated they both had enough time.

"I don't know? Does it?" Sora knew what Sena was referring to.

"Let me check it" Sena bent over to Sora and unzipped his pants "It does look like it's hurting."

"I wonder what we should do then?"

"Let me handle it I know how" Sena chuckled as he pulled Sora's cock out and began rubbing it.

"Seems like there's heavy traffic up ahead"

"Oh? Then that should give me enough time then" Sena smiled as she sniffed it and kissed the tip before taking it on her mouth as Sena began her check up.


"Say what's the name of the guy you dated last week Sakura?" Rio asked Sakura as they were going to their class.

"It's a secret until you tell me why you want to join another club" Sakura questioned Rio back.

"I did something I shouldn't have done" Rio sighed.

"Well I won't ask if you tell me but what club is it?"

"It's a leisure club, I don't want to say it" Rio became dejected but Sakura felt that she somehow knew.

"If I say what Club I was going to join will you tell me yours?" Sakura wanted to know that bad.

"That's kinda unfair, why not tell me who you were dating instead?" Sakura thought that nothing was wrong especially since it was Rio one of her friends that asked.

"Let's say it at the same time then" Sakura happily told Rio who nodded.

"On 3!"




"Sora''s Harem!"

As soon as bought said it their eyes widened and they both turned red as they looked away from each other.

"It's not the Sora that I know right?" Sakura asked Rio.

"Probably not I think?"

"Ye-yeah It's probably a different Sora" Sakura knew that there was only one Sora and she didn't know how to react that even her friend was somehow smitten by Sora as well.

"I think it's the same truthfully" Rio adjusted her eyeglasses as she wanted to accept the reality.

"I guess I shouldn't deny it and just accept it right?" Sakura looked at Rio who sighed and nodded.

"I think you should choose a better guy"

"So that you can have him as well?"

"What!? No!"

"Then why are you suggesting that I should choose another guy?" Sakura questioned Rio who wanted to explain.

"Yeah Why?" Sora arrived behind them with Sena who was chuckling.

"See you upstairs" Sena kissed Sora as she went back to the club room.

"Sora!" Both Sakura and Rio shouted at the same time.

"Did you guys need something?"


"Are you sure you're not going to discipline him Chifuyu?" Nemuri asked Chifuyu as she was currently staying in her office room.

"There's really no use in trying to disciplining Sora, he's smart and prepared enough already" Chifuyu wanted to disclose Sora's identity but decided not to since she wanted entertainment.

"Are you sure you're still the Chifuyu Orimura that wouldn't hesitate to beat up her own students? Or are you afraid because his Mother is our boss?" Nemuri was curious as Chifuyu just shrugged her shoulders.

"I already beat him up a lot as a kid" Both Nemuri and Yu who was sleeping on the side intently listened.

"You knew him when he was younger?" Yu was fully awoke this time.

"Were you not listening earlier?" Nemuri then just noticed that Yu was still groggy.

"Like I said, I knew him since he was still a Kid, he's like my little brother and I owe his family a lot"

"Like what?" Yu was now fully curious.

"Well if it were not for Sora finding my little Sister I think we'd have a world problem to think about" Chifuyu sighed as she remembered her sister who was going to transfer next semester.

"So that's why you don't care to discipline him then?"

"He's already disciplined enough, He knows that I'm just putting on a show" Chifuyu continued her work but when Nemuri was about to ask they heard a shout.


"Hey tone it down" Sora calmed both Rio and Sakura as he knew that Yu and Nemuri were listening from Chifuyu's office.

"Why does Rio want to join your club huh? And since when did you have a club named after you?" Sakura pouted while Rio was listening.

"Rio can answer the first question, as for that well the girls decided it"

"Girls? Do you really have a harem?" Sora just chuckled and nodded.

"I can't deny that can't I?" Contrary to his expectations Sakura took out her notepad and crushed out an item.

"Good! Let me Join then!" Sakura smiled while Rio flinched.

"And what about you Rio? Are you going to Join?" Rio sighed when Sakura asked her.

"I guess Yes now if Sakura is joining"

"What's this club?" As soon as they finished Nemuri joined in as she was curious.

"Ah! Nemuri-sensei!" Sakura and Rio were surprised by their Advisor's sudden appearance.

"It's my Club Sensei, they said they wanted to join" Sora then took out his tablet and gave to Nemuri.

Nemuri looked at the club name "Harem Club? What kind of Club is this!? Is this even legal!?" Nemuri complained how an indecent club was approved but then chalked it up because he was the owner only child.

"It's not Indecent if everyone in there is at the top of their respective games" Nemuri listened in as she then looked at the members.

"This!" Nemuri knew the names were the top recruits but she didn't know they were part of his harem.

"Even Mayumi and Saeko!?" Nemuri noted that everyone was truly the top players and were considered favourites of their respective events.

Nemuri thought this club was scary but the name threw what scariness it could have brought.

"Are you sure this is a harem club? This looks like a collection of future club leaders to me"

"Can't blame me if they made it themselves plus it was their decision and they agreed" Sora shrugged his shoulder.

"And what about you two? Are you still planning to join?" Nemuri then asked Rio and Sakura who gulped and nodded slowly.

"It's their decision Sensei not yours" Sora gave a smile as Nemuri nodded.

"I noticed you don't have a club advisor, every club is subject to have an advisor unless they want to be abolished" Nemuri told Sora as he gave back his tablet.

"I thought we had one?" He was sure that Rem or Ram had registered Chifuyu.

"No you don't" Chifuyu came out of her office.


"I received the letter the day it was created but I talked with Saya-nee to give the position to someone else as I may be biased since I know almost everyone" Chifuyu then grabbed Nemuri shoulders with her strength.

"So that's why I endorsed Nemuri-sensei here" As soon as Chifuyu said that Sora's tablet blinked and Nemuri's phone received a message.