
Living with Truck-sama's Blessing on my Greedy path

Crack Fic Ahead do not proceed if you want Logic. Continued Synopsis: If you have read my other book the Chapter 1 will make a lot of sense. As for new readers well know that I will not apply logic most of the time. Actual Synopsis : Truck-sama! Truck-sama Is the Way! Truck-sama is the Life! What? Did I just win the Gacha!? P.S. I do not own anything.

QueenScathach · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


"Bah! Why does it have to be Konoha and Suna of all places" Hidan complained to Kakuzu as they were now waiting.

"Silence, as far as we're concerned we're only here for the seven tails, don't screw this up"

"Since when did I screw things up? You're the one screwing things up, always going for the extra body for the extra credit" Hidan complained as they were nearing their location.

"This is the route we should take, Once they're done we should intercept them here"

"This place? I'm surprised you didn't pick a crowded place? This is boring can't we just go into the exams and deal with everyone directly? I'm in need of offerings"

"Shut it! The last time we did that we alerted everyone, I lost money because of you!"

"My religion comes first even if it's tedious you greedy bastard!"

As the two were arguing they then looked at a certain direction.

"Show yourself!" Hidan roared as he was pissed.

"If you're just a nobody I swear I'll destroy you till your ashes!" Kakuzu was even more pissed as he was annoyed.

Shortly after they saw a man wearing a trench coat and had only one black wing on his back and a katana looking sword who was flying in the air.

"Who are you?" Kakuzu then took out his bingo book and looked for his description.

"Who cares! I wanna kill him" Hidan said as he raised his scythe.

The two didn't care as they thought he was just a random nobody.

"So who is he?"

"He's not in here, he's just probably some nobody that knows Henge for the wings" Kakuzu said as he put back his bingo book in his pocket.

"Heh just an Idiot who thinks they're a pre-!" Before Hidan could finish Sora had stabbed him from behind as he came flying down and teleported back to a branch.

"Damn it! This Hurts a lot than expected!" Hidan complained as even though he wouldn't die he would still feel pain and now he was covered in black markings from the sword.

"You idiot! How many times do I have to say don't underestimate them!"

"Stop being a hypocrite and kill him already!" Hidan still couldn't move as the pain was intolerable as it aimed at his heart.

"Damn it" Kakuzu then looked around and he couldn't see Sora anymore. "There!" Kakuzu turned around only to kick empty air.

"Idiot! He's just on the branch!" Hidan yelled but the pain strengthened. "You're thinking too much!"

"Shut u-!" Kakuzu saw a tip of the sword in his chest, he then held the tip of the sword as he smirked. "What An Idiot" Kakuzu smirked as he held Murasame but.

'This upgraded Murasame really is too broken' Sora thought as he stabbed Kakuzu

"Wha-" Kakuzu began coughing out blood and he checked that one of his heart had stopped functioning and immediately replaced it.

"Damn you!" Before he could do anything he was stabbed again in the chest.

"Oi Oi you idiot! Stop fooling around!" Hidan said as he saw how Kakuzu was just standing getting stabbed repeatedly.

"AHHH!" Kakuzu yelled as he was stabbed for the third time, but this time Sora was in front, he mustered all his strength to remove the sword and Sora just took it out of him.

Kakuzu then coughed up more blood as he only now had two hearts remaining.

"Wh- who are you!" Kakuzu was in fear as he know understood how dangerous the sword was.

"I'm an idiot" Sora replied nonchalantly as Kakuzu was thinking of how to escape this situation.

"Hey why are you looking!" Hidan couldn't finish his sentence as he was kicked into the air.

[ Katon: Gōka Mekkayku ]

Hidan had alarm bells in his head as he swore this was some shit that Deidara would love as the fire radius was too large and wondered if he would even want to try fighting Sora.

Kakuzu looked in awe and wondered if he should help Hidan or not. Kakuzu didn't think twice and tried escaping as he saw Sora still releasing fire.

He ran but he was stopped by an Invisible Barrier.

"What!?" He couldn't escape and tried locating the seals to break them but before he could Sora had arrived in front of him.

"You only have two hearts correct?"

"How did you!" Sora had stabbed him already again making him cough up blood once more "I'll kill you!"

Kakuzu was in rage as he immediately replaced his current heart with his last.

"If only if it wasn't for that sword of yours!" Kakuzu complained even he knew he also had an unfair advantage of having five lives in a fight.

Kakuzu then threw his robe revealing his true form as it was a do or die for him. He then saw Sora throw the sword.

"You're right it's unfair for you, but" Sora had summoned his Excalibur Proto and unlocked all it's seals.

Kakuzu then tried to lunge at Sora not minding what he was reciting since he thought he was an idiot for throwing his only advantage until.


Kakuzu saw a ray of light and swore it was the brightest and magnificent he had seen, he had also that it would be his last day as he felt it's power concentrating and aiming at him.

"Well Shit" Kakuzu was enveloped in light as he disintegrated into dust.

Hidan who was burned and still aching saw everything and was for the first time was in fear even though he was still immortal.

As Sora kept getting closer Hidan was getting scared for his life.

"You know, I'm thinking of sparing your life and take Kurenai for myself" Sora squatted in front of a disabled Hidan.

"I know how you look when you activate that form of yours, wanna see mine?" Sora then swapped Excalibur with Murasame

Sora then activated the upgraded Murasame's trump card as his sclera turned gold and the sword fused with Sora turning his skin white and black markings appearing over his body and he grew two wings and he now had two two horns protruding

He then grabbed Hidan as Hidan's body was now being marked with Murasame's curse.

"I know you won't die with this but" He then grabbed him by the throat and accelerated Hidan's ageing.

"You! How'd you!" Hidan's body had experienced ageing by centuries.

Shortly after Hidan was left with nothing but dust too since Sora had aged him to the point of thousands of years since his body didn't get the nourishment as well as he didn't do slaughtering to keep his immortality.

Konan then jumped in front of Sora as she took Kakuzu's Akatsuki robe earlier and then took Hidan's as well.

"Is this your true form?" She was curious.

"No It's just another costume I wanted to try" Sora said as he removed his inverted Hallowed Form soul reaper cosplay and returned to his normal appearance.

"I prefer that white Haired transformation or your original than that weird monster thing" Konan told Sora who undid the barrier.

"Really? Then I'll just stay in this form" Sora said as Konan nodded as he had returned to his normal looks somewhat close to Proto Arthur.

"So you want me to send this to the Akatsuki?" Konan asked as she knew where their base was as she had been collecting information via her clones for two decades.

"No, wait" Sora then looked at a certain direction and Konan followed as she noticed.

Shortly after another Akatsuki member appeared in front of them.

"Itachi Uchiha" Sora looked at Itachi who was unfazed.

"So you're her master, and you must be the real body" Itachi said as he had observed Konan's signatures everywhere.

"You can say that" Sora relaxed as Konan was keeping the Akatsuki robes and threw Hidan's ring at Itachi who caught it. "I have a favor"

"Are you sure" Itachi looked at Sora and Konan who looked like they didn't care at all.

"I'm quite sure, especially you being a double agent no?" Itachi flinched.

"So you know" Sora and Konan nodded. "I guess this explains why both of you are calm, I won't ask how"

"And I won't ask why you were tailing Hidan and Kakuzu"

"What do you need me to do then"

"If it's for the leaf I know you'll agree, Can you transform into Hidan and Kakuzu" Itachi nodded.

"When and where"

"Here three days from now, you can just leave a clone to do it, The Tailed beasts are or maybe sensitive to Chakra's so if we do it they may notice us"

"I'm assuming you'll save the Jinchuriki and convince her to stay in Konoha, it's not a bad plan but it'll attract the attention of the Akatsuki even more."

"Do you think I'm scared even though I know who compromises the Akatsuki?" Itachi looked at Sora in the eyes and shook his head.

"Then I'll see you three days from now, since you network is vast" Itachi then threw a scroll at Sora who caught it. "You can contact me here"

"Sure, oh and before you face Sasuke" Sora then threw a scroll back at Itachi who stopped in his tracks as he caught the scroll "It's a surprise, just remember to contact me before you face him."

Itachi nodded and made sure to remember Sora.

"You don't want to heal him?" Konan asked Sora.

"Of course I do, not just now, Obito may notice it and I still want to have more free time in getting a harem" Sora said as he looked at the destruction he had caused and confirmed that Itachi and no one else was around.

"Well then" Sora clapped his hands and slapped the ground and all the land reformed as if no damage had been done inside the barrier.

"I'm now curious why he didn't ask about your powers"

"Oh he did" Sora chuckled as he and Itachi fought in Genjutsu earlier.

"Now why don't we go back to Konoha and come back here three days from now?" Konan nodded and teleported them out.

"Bastard don't even think You'll be doing me tonight It's quite sore compared to earlier"