
Living with Truck-sama's Blessing on my Greedy path

Crack Fic Ahead do not proceed if you want Logic. Continued Synopsis: If you have read my other book the Chapter 1 will make a lot of sense. As for new readers well know that I will not apply logic most of the time. Actual Synopsis : Truck-sama! Truck-sama Is the Way! Truck-sama is the Life! What? Did I just win the Gacha!? P.S. I do not own anything.

QueenScathach · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

7. Congregation

'I've been meeting Heroines left and right' Sora sighed as he lay down the bed and looked upwards.

[ It's the host's fate and Passive Skills gained from Najimi ]

'I know'

[ Does host want to turn off the passive skills? ]

'Hell No! Keep it on'

[ Understood ]

'It maybe tiring but it's fun and I'm wondering who I'm going to meet more in the future'

As Sora was contemplating.

"Sora-kun" He heard an all familiar voice.

"Wait a minute Rem" Sora stood up and opened the door.

"Sora-kun" Rem blushed as usual.


"A-ano I was wondering why you didn't wake up as usual and I was worried"

Sora smiled at Rem "You don't have to be worried Rem nothing will happen to me"

"Mm!" Rem nodded but soon Ram joined in.

"Oh you're awake Sora-kun"

"I am Ram" Sora also smiled at Ram who coughed her way out.

As the trio were walking to do their daily morning routine

"Say what do you both do when I'm not around?"

Rem blushed and looked away while Ram looked at Sora straight in the eyes.

"Well Sora-kun, we stay with Saya-sama or we train or we do nothing but stay somewhere else inside the Mansion"

"And where is that somewhere?"

Ram coughed her way out again while Rem refused to look at him.

"Anyway Sora-kun let's go to dining room" Ram said straightforward as she went in first.

"So what's my schedule for today Rem?"

"A-ano? It was a question mark?" Rem said to Sora.

"A question mark?"

"Mm, Shizuka-san already left, Saya-sama should be-"

"Sora! I'm leaving for a few days and so is your father so You, Shizuka, Rem and Ram will be the ones staying here for awhile all right I'm leaving!" Saya then opened a portal and immediately left.


"You look good Sora-kun" Rem said at Sora.

"Mm" Ram nodded

"I didn't know there was a butler costume"

"Are you really sure about this Sora-kun? Our routine everyday is just the same" Rem said as she stared at Sora.

"I'm sure, plus I get to spend the day with you guys!" Both Rem and Ram nodded and blushed as Sora smiled at them.

"Well why don't we start cleaning the house? Maria-san is on vacation anyway and she told us that when she returns the house must always be clean" Ram said as she gave both Sora and Rem cleaning supplies.

[ Ding! ]

[ Cleaning Mastery Acquired! ]

'Hmm? I wonde- '

[ Cleaning Branch Unlocked! ]

'Ok then?'

"Sora-kun let's start here!" Rem said to Sora who she felt was at a loss.


'Say system, can you so it automatically to stop time whenever I'm using you? I do have the ability right?'

[ Order Acknowledged ]


"Wait for Me Rem! Ram!" Sora said as he chased Rem and Ram who were already cleaning the Hallways but hid their blushes.


"Who are you?"

"No! Who are you!"

Two children were battling outside the door of the Murasaki mansion unbeknownst to them two more people were watching behind them.

"Shizu-nee who are they?"

"Hmm? I only know one of them Houki-chan" Houki nodded but observed the two little girls squabbling.

Shizuka then went near to the children with Houki behind her.

"Cecilia-chan and?"

"Akeno Himejima" Akeno bowed politely to Shizuka to which Shizuka nodded back

"Mm, I may know why Cecilia-chan is here but?"

"Aunt Saya told me to stay here for a day or two because she went out with Mom" Akeno said as she showed her small bag behind her.

"I see, Well let's go in, I think someone would be excited to see you all" Shizuka smiled wryly as she didn't know that her favourite nephew had already hooked this many girls.

As Shizuka was opening the door Cecilia bursted through in first.

"Sora! I'm here!" Cecilia shouted.

"Sora! Let's play!" Akeno didn't want to be outdone by Cecilia as she looked at Cecilia and smiled at her.

Shizuka tried to hold back her laughter but noticed Houki pouting, she then whispered something to Houki.

"You know they're your competition for Today" Houki's eyes widened as she looked at Shizuka, she then ran towards both of them and yelled.

"Sora! I'm here to beat you up!" Houki yelled as loud as she can, she then noticed something was different.

Akeno and Cecilia looked at Houki weirdly as they didn't expect her to come here to just beat Sora up.

"No no it's not like that!" Houki defended herself.

Shizuka facepalmed as she also didn't expect her to say those words

"Shizu-nee!" Houki looked like she was about to cry but Shizuka patted her head to calm her down.

"It's fine Houki now why don't we all find him?"

"Mm!" The Three little girls nodded and followed Shizuka.

'Why do I feel like a councillor at this point?' Shizuka sighed.


"Did I hear someone calling me?" Sora asked Rem who looked nervous but stared at Ram to which Ram nodded.

"Nope no one was calling you Sora-kun" Ram replied

"Really? I swore I heard someone yelling to beat me up?" Sora may had an improved physique but he hadn't gotten used to it yet thus he was confused.

"It must be your head Sora-kun you did practice Kendo yesterday right?" Rem said as she and Ram picked up their cleaning supplies.

"Maybe, hey where are both of you going?"

"Sora-kun I heard Izumi-sama say that the garden on the other side needed cleaning" Ram said to Sora without looking back at Sora but noticed Rem looking at her

"Nee-sama, Nee-sama are you sure?"

"Remu, Remu, We'll only pick up the leaves"

"Mm!" Both sisters giggled as they went for it while Sora followed them

"That's strange?"

"What's strange Shizu-nee?" Houki asked as she always knew that there were a few things that could make Shizuka and her sister Tabane confused

"Usually Rem and Ram would be greeting or Sora would stay in his room and always look like he's planning something?"

"You're right Shizu-nee last time I was here Rem and Ram greeted us" Cecilia crossed her arms as she was in deep thought.

"Rem? Ram?" Akeno also was shocked that there were two more girls, unbeknownst to her a competitive fire arose within her.

While everyone was waiting for Shizuka, Shizuka then laughed which made the three little girls more confused.

'Those sly girls, to think they were also in the whole time and are monopolizing him' Shizuka laughed more as she didn't expect that Rem and Ram were like this.

"I think I know where they are, the area is too clean" Shizuka then went to the other side of the mansion along with three little confused girls.


"So this is all we're gonna do today?" Sora asked as he finished his part without breaking a sweat.

"We only have one more place to go!" Ram said as she finished and was ready to lead Rem and Sora out of the garden.

"There you are!" Shizuka yelled as they finally caught up.

"Nee-sama! Nee-sama!"

"Remu! Remu!"

"Plan failed abort! Abort!" Both of the sisters said as they tried to run away with Sora.

But before they could run away.

"Hyaaa!" The three little girls tackled down Sora which caused Rem and Ram to also fall over.

Shizuka sighed as she saw the five of them dirtied while Sora was piled down by five beautiful little girls.

'I'm already having a headache with the Harem Law getting passed and this happens' Shizuka then went near and helped each person up.


All Six of the children were lined up in front of Shizuka.

"Tch, my head is hurting thinking of it but, to think both of you"

"Sora-kun told us to teach him what we do" Ram defended.

"Mm!" Rem nodded in agreement.

"Shizu-nee why are the three of us also included?" Houki asked for herself, Akeno and Cecilia.

"I don't know I just feel like it, jokes aside let me confirm this, all three of you will stay here right?"

Houki, Cecilia and Akeno nodded.

"Akeno is here because her mom and Aunt Saya had somewhere to be, Houki, Well I don't trust Tabane taking care of you when your parents are also on vacation, and Cecilia well She'll stay here indefinitely after her parents finish moving your stuff right?"

"Mm!" Cecilia smiled while Akeno and Houki felt like they lost a battle but not the war.

"As for you"

"I'm innocent!"

"I know, it's not your fault that these girls like you, be considerate in the following days in spending your time with us" every girl coughed as they turned red.

"Well that settles it now-"

The bell sounded.

"We'll get it!" Rem and Ram ran toward the door and opened it to see a cosplayer?

"A-ano? Are you lost Ms. Rabbit-san?" Rem asked the girl.

"Hi! Hi! Tabane-chan here to invade the party!" Tabane smiled as she posed like a professional cosplayer.

Shizuka slumped down as Tabane entered as if it was her house.

"Yo! Yo! It's the great Tabane-chan! Here to stay with My Houki and Sora!" Tabane performed in front of everyone as her rabbit ears swayed along.

"Onee-chan!" Houki felt wronged at the moment seeing her Onee-chan like that.

"Great another child to take care off, at this point my career path should just be a councillor or worse" Shizuka then sat down as she contemplated her life choices