
Adjustment & Blind

When you hear about jungle, what is the first thing did you guys think of?

is it trees right and left? is it wild animal up and down? or many other things? but i think you guys will never think about a boy sitting leisurely in front of a glowing magic circle with furrowed eyebrow along with a few big and small crater around himself. yep, we didn't need introduction again that boy is Mandala. right now he is trying to learn about magic circle the reason is simple, if he can't use magic circle then he can't teleport to human world because dxdverse is one big world with earth at the middle and other world as branch at least that is as far as he know. so learning about magic circle is crucial.

[Mandala POV]

"if i put this symbol on top... but why the size of this circle is different..." i said muttering to myself while erasing and writing new symbol and adding a few line on top of the magic circle. i know that you guys may think... why i need to learn about magic circle in as a whole not just teleportation magic circle? that is my dear because magic circle is quite versatile and useful to use. it is not just because i can amplify my attack or using it as weapon similar with doctor strength, the main reason is so that i can pull of FMA cosplay.

"ugh... this is quite stressing. and i still need to learn about glyph and many other stuff. why can't i just buy it from the system?" i said while scratching my not itching white head.

[Because by doing that, Host will become depended with the system and it was not a good civilization. So, as way to make system still able to give skill while not making Host too depended with the system. System only selling the books to learn about the skill]

well, actually that is the main reason why i am learning about magic circle by my own. after knowing about this at this late hour, i already spent a few weeks in this world, i then start to learn and adjust my schedule not only wasting a big portion of it to gathering exp. the good and bad part is while i can easily increasing level of my skill after acquiring it but there is a hard standard for me to achieve before the skill is listed on my status. and that standard is really harsh and i mean it. i don't really know about magic circle at this world but a few things that i found about magic circle that i learn is about versatility and difficulty to learn and use. i can use it as glyph from RWBY or fuinjutsu from Naruto as for difficulty it was depend on how many layer is the magic circle or maybe you can call it the rank of said magic circle.

"But system, can you give me [Instant Mastery] or something along that line?"

[Negative, doing that will be same with spoiling the Host so there is no such item in the store. and there is no such things like instant mastery only bigger comprehension and before Host asking, comprehension is innate and cannot be changed even if Host having more intelligence. but comprehension is not entirely 100% cannot be changed, host can change it by changing way of thinking or people call it thinking out of the box.]

"I understand about what you mean, but i know there is a relation between brain nerve and how fast you are thinking, at least it influence how fast you calculate somethings. about how creative? it was another problem. so, i guess there are a way to make me a bit smarter and faster on learning something right?"

[Yes, there is something like that but Host need to remember that system is just a helper not a nanny. dependence on system can become hindrance in the future and also system guide will only help host on his mission for only until the first world.]

"I see"

now this is kind of good or maybe bad, there some pros and cons but i wont think about it less i become confused. but if that is what happen i guess i can make some adjustment how my status is. frankly speaking str, vit, int and stuff like that is not really necessary because it will hinder me from pushing myself beyond the limit. not that i really need it because i can make myself really - really OP considering i got at least hundred years before the canon start. well okay i know that i need to be fast so that i can kill the devil kings and god so... maybe 10 years? counting time difference between the dungeon and reality is about 1 : 3 it means i have 30 years to training before i start on rampaging. and also i can prepare before doing my job.

"System can you make some adjustment for status and mission reward because using something like stat is kind of confusing and not really effective its also kind of limiting myself. so just erase all the stat display and just show my skill level and other stuff. i still don't know if mana is needed or not but you can put it as of now. then the problem is about the mission reward i still dont know what suitable for that. whether item or other stuff i dont really know so i leave it to you. can you do it?"

[Yes, but the new system can only be used next week after the adjustment is finished so for the time until it finished host can't access system except for creating dungeon and inventory. continue?]

"before that how about my daily mission reward?"

[the reward will given after the mission update]

well... if not now then when i can?

"Do it"

[System Update]

[Time Remaining 6D 23H 59M 59S]

"ha... now its done. then what next?"

everything until now is kind of troublesome the system still need some adjustment in the future and i still need to prepare for everything not forgetting about venelana. about her, i still dont really know what should i do. did i take her or not, but by taking her for myself i basically destroying the canon.

"whatever when it comes then it comes"


"after 3 days on learning i can use teleportation circle that is specifically created for yours truly hahaha" i said while laughing out loud. after finishing my very own magic circle. of course it function is not only as an crest or special mark for my magic circle the main goal for the creation is erasing the time delay between circle creation and teleport itself. i mean, most magic circle need at least 1 - 2 second before teleporting but mine is instant.

"finally... i can go away from this hell (pun intended). but where should i go? and my system still not done yet on updating"

well problems come one by one. let just list the possible lace that i can visit. first of all i guess heaven is pretty safe considering their leader isn't hostile agaisnt human. the next is earth itself but in this age humans aren't really that advanced so... skip maybe. asgardian? maybe yes. in the canon they arent that hostile so maybe i can go and talk to odin. but still, i dont know **** where they are. whatever.

"alright. nothing ventured nothing gained. IKKKKEEEEEHHHHHH!!!!!!"

i yell while creating an instant transportation magic.









oh... boy this is not good. i dont know whether i categorized what am i saying as heaven or hell.


Ottar built an altar to the Goddess Freya and offered sacrifices to her. Freya helped Ottar win a bet by transforming him into a boar, “Hildisvini”. Ottar and Freya went to Jotunheim to visit the giantess Hyndla, she is a seeress. She revealed to Ottar that he is the son of Instein and the priestess Hledis and that Sigurd, one of the greatest heroes, is among his ancestors. He also became Freya’s human lover, and she took him to Asgard, still disguised as the boar, Hildisvini.

I have found this stuff on internet. and my brain just sort circuited for a while after reading this. I mean, that **** from danmachi is actually real. from his race into his occupation.

and I think Andika as a name isn't suitable so I decide to change it. of course not into something cringe like zero or stuff like that. just something that usually I use for my game account. so if you guys met that ign big chance it was me. lol. and the new name can be found on internet. so right now my MC name is looks like an India pantheon gods.

Ero_Usagicreators' thoughts