

My name is Kizuki, I am 30 years old and still a virgin.

I know that I am such a loser for gaining the achievement of wizard.

I still live with my mom and drunkard dad.

My dad always comes home late at night drunk and violent.

He ruins the house and hurts my mom and me.

I'm a coward i know, all because i never face problems.

I work at a convenience store just to earn some money since my parent can't spend on me forever.

I get bullied by my co-workers for not fighting back and drops the work on me when ever there is a mess.

In one night when i was going home, a truck blew a tire and cause a sound wave.

I got hit by the blown tire and died, gone forever.

And so i thought....

Bare with me on this, I know its short but i'm not good at this....I wish I don't have to make those unbearable scene to words and avoid corrupting my mind but... since I made this, I have no choice since it is part of the story.

illegal_incognitocreators' thoughts