


Xavier's pov :

The driver parked the limo in front of the main door of the house .

I looked down to my angel and saw that she was soundly sleeping with her head on my chest .

SHE LOOKED SO PEACEFULL AND INNOCENT , the driver opened the door and I gently picked her in my arms careful not to wake her up , stirred a little and snuggled more into me but went back to sleep .

I kicked open her room door and laid her on the bed .

I looked at her and saw that she still had her long dress on which would be quite uncomfortable to sleep in.

Should I change her? I had a self-debate to change her or not I can’t let her sleep like that all night now can I.

I smirked to myself and went and closed the lights of her too then went to her bed and gently lift her up with one arm supporting her back .

I unzipped her dress and I gulped.