
Living With Beast

Reincarnation into a world where you get a chance to date many guys at once.

Charlette · Fantasy
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1 Chs


I've always dreamed of dating multiple guys at once. Well i know at this generation it's not possible as it will be seen as cheating to your partner and well you'll also be called names, which I don't like of course but wanting to date all handsome guys at once is still my dream or you can day it's in my to-do list.

After reading lots of reverse-harem novel I always imagine myself like how i will be living with many guys at once and would be dating them all at once.

You know there should be a world like this where you can date many guys at once and getting to live happily with them.

Seriously if I'll get the chance to live this I swear I will be able to die without any regrets.

Is what I thought but i never knew it would come true.....