
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter No 23

She was feeling sick for a few days and almost lost her appetite. She was suffering from morning sickness too. Easton was sleeping when she felt uneasy in her chest; she turned to face him. He was sleeping peacefully. She got up and rushed towards the bathroom. He woke up to the sounds of her coughing. He walked towards the bathroom she was throwing up.

"What happened to Mel?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't know Mr. Easton, I am feeling sick lately" she said while coughing.

"Hy why didn't you go to the doctor?" he asked while putting her hair behind her ear.

"I have an appointment today" she said, exhausted.

"I will come too" he said.

"No you should go to the office where you have an urgent meeting today" she said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said softly.

"Okay do call me and tell me everything" she said while hugging her softly.

"Yeah I will" she said shortly. She was staring at their image in the mirror. She took a deep breath and hugged him.


"Since when you are feeling this way?" It was some tall dark guy who was wearing a doctor's uniform. He was talking to her professionally.

"Since a week" she said.

"Okay I will take some blood test and I will need some urine samples too" he said. She nods.

After the test she was waiting outside in the corridor. Suddenly she felt as if someone was staring at her. She looked towards the window but no one was there. She put her hand over her chest and took a deep breath.

"What is this strange feeling?" she thought. She looked at the wall clock and still half an hour was left for the results. She grabbed her phone to call Easton.

"He must be worried" she thought. After a few rings the call went on the automatic machine.

"Why is he not picking up?" she thought.

"He must be in meeting".

She started playing a game over her smartphone.

The door's opens and a nurse has called her name.

"Miss Huston, these are your reports" said the nurse. She took the reports from her and went towards the doctor's office.

He examines the reports and looks up at her.

"Miss Huston. You are three weeks pregnant" he said.

"What?" she said in shock.

"No doctor, there must be some mistake please check again" she said in shock.

"No Miss Huston, it's true you are positively pregnant" he said calmly.

"But how can it be" she asked.

Doctor has give her a sigh.

"I am sorry I am just shocked" she said sheepishly.

"Take care of yourself Miss Huston and come for a regular checkup," he said while handing her the reports.


She was calling him continuously but he was not responding. She felt worried, so she dialed Christina's number but she was also not responding.

"I will tell him when he reaches home" she said smiling and left.

After twenty minutes she reached home, there was a strange noise coming inside the house. It was loud music.

"What really is happening? She thought and put the key inside the keyhole but much to her horror the key was not working.

"What the hell" she thought. She pressed the bell. A tall blond woman opens the door.

"Yes?" she asked, smiling.

"Who are you?" asked Matilda.

"Honey you are at the doorstep of my house and you are asking me who I am?" asked the woman softly. She seemed like a nice woman.

"But I…I mean Mr. Easton lives here" she asked worriedly.

"Oh he? He sold this house to me, I am still surprised since I was looking for the house and my cousin's boss sold this mansion to me? I still can't believe it all happened in a few hours" said the woman excitedly.

"Your cousin?" she asked.

"Natalie, she works for Mr. Easton, by the way who are you?" asked the woman.

"I am Mr. Easton's employer" she said in a lower voice.

"Oh, you must be looking for him, Natalie says he is in the office you can check" said the woman.

"Thank you very much" said Matilda and left.

"He sold this house? He sold it and he did not tell me what was really going on, We were together in the morning and he did not tell me, why did he do that?" She thought worried and dialed his number again, but he did not answer it.

She dialed his number again but it was still unreachable.

"Why I am I panicking? I should go to office" she thought. She had only money left for the cab. She reaches the office after twenty minutes. She got out and rushed towards the office.

She reached the main entrance where she had to put her finger on the biometric machine but much to her horror it did not accept her finger print. She tried again until it alerted two guards. They walked towards her.

"You must be Matilda Huston?" asked a tall black guard.

"Yeah that's me" she said, worried while gulping panicked.

"Well we have news for you, you are fired and the boss said if you are spotted here we should kick you out" said another guard.

"What? No he, he can't say that" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry we can't help it" he said.

"Hey Laura, is not she is that bitch that fucked with boss," said a female guard. She turned to look. Those two women were smiling at her. She never felt this much humiliation in her entire life.

"Miss you have to leave" said a guard.

She slowly walked out and looked up at the top of the building where his office is. There were tears in her eyes. She touches her stomach as if she is feeling something inside her.

"You, left me?" she whispers and turns towards the unknown direction.

"Where I will go now, I have left my previous apartment and I don't have money" she thought worried. Fortunately, she was carrying her passport in her bag, but that was not the only problem, she was helpless and even Jim had left for Indonesia.

"What am I gonna do?" she thought. All her credit cards and checks were left in Easton's old home and he moved all the luggage away and now he was not picking her phone up. She worriedly dialed Ivan's number. The call went on the answering machine.

"Hello this Ivan, I am not available for twenty days anything important or your pants are on fire please pour some beer" his voice appeared.

She felt panicked. "Now what am I gonna do?" she thought irritated.

She sat beside the fountain helplessly. She was all alone, pregnant and unsafe.

"He left me" she thought, she was heartbroken, "I trusted love despite knowing it is all bullshit" she thought crying hysterically.

When the rain starts, she feels like her heart will explode with pain. It was December and according to weather news the snow fall could have occurred. She was sitting beside the fountain helplessly as people were passing by her. She touched her stomach again.

Many hours had already passed and her body was feeling numb due to the cold. She walked towards the ally and sat beside the wall. She sat crossed leg down. It was too cold. She closed her eyes. It was clearly a suicide sitting there and waiting for death especially when it is snowfall. She closes her eyes slowly. His words were echoing in her head.

"I love you" his whispered voice, his beautiful seductive laughter.

She touched her heart which was aching. A tear fell from her eye.

Come on, come on, turn the radio on

It's Friday night, and it won't be long

Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on

It's Friday night, and it won't be long

'Til I hit the dance floor, hit the dance floor

I got all I need

No, I ain't got cash, I ain't got cash

But I got you, baby

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight

(I love cheap thrills)

Loud music was playing in the car. He was clapping and driving along to the music. He was also singing along with the singer. He was a carefree guy. A perfect example of a womanizer, who has a lot of women in his life. He has charms. He knows how to charm the pants of women. He stops the car near the town, because he was going to stay in this tonight. He got out of the car turning off the music.

"Tacky town, gotta live here?" he asked to himself and rolled his eyes.

"Only if I found a woman," he said.

He was walking towards the shop in order to find a motel. He was walking through the alley when something hard collided with his right leg. He turned to look, it was a woman who was wearing a coat not enough to cover her for the cold. He bends over her, she is not conscious. She must have gone faint due to the cold. Her hair was spreading over her face, he softly tucks the hair at the back of ear.

He took off his jacket and put it over her.

"I will be right back beautiful" he said and went inside the shop. After a while he came out and lifted her up in his strong arms and brought her inside his car.

He got inside the car and started driving, she was turning blue due to the cold. He drives carefully towards the motel, the address he got from the shop owner.

"Hold on beauty we would be there in time" he whispered while increasing the heater.

He reached the destination, due to the heater, her pale color was about normal. He opens her side of the door and lifts her up in bridal style and brings her in.

After getting the room, he softly put her on the bed.

She had beautiful eyes. He had gone lost inside her beauty for a while.

"You will be fine," he said.

The room was quite warm. He touches her forehead. She had a fever. He grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello beautiful" he said on the phone.

"Manfred Evans, don't you dare to put your toe out of line, no woman, no drink, have you reached the town are you home? Have you met him? Give him the phone," said a very angrily voice from the other side.

"Yeah I have reached the town, yeah, yeah I know I know I am gonna find him by morning, now it is getting snowfall" he said while trying to call her down.

"Manfred Evans I know you more than your mother, because I am your mom's mother, so don't you dare to fool me around, no girls and no other mess" she said angrily.

"Oh Granna I promise, I promise right now I need your help" he said while touching his head.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Granna, actually I happened to find an unconscious girl" he said hesitantly.

"A girl again? A girl? And an unconscious girl? What have you done to her this time that she is unconscious, my grandson is a beast oh lord why? I have always attended church and even made him come with me" she said angrily.

"Granna, Granna, Granna please hold your pistols, I have found her unconscious in the snow so I turned towards her to help and now she is not waking up she is having fever I need ya help" he said.

"Oh dear she must be suffering from coldness, keep her warm, change anything wet she is wearing and again keep her as warm as you can, I am sending some remedy soup to buy those things to give it to her" she said, he moved his hands in his finger.

"Okay Granna I am on it" he said and hung up the phone. He walked towards his luggage and took out some warm clothes. He had brought his white Hoodie with him. He changed her clothes to keep her warm. She was wearing something inside. Now she was wearing his hoodie over her clothes, it was quite warmer.

"You will be alright," he said in a whisper.

He dialed the receptionist number and ordered a warm soap. After half an hour he brought a bowl of soup. He was waiting for her to wake up.

She slowly regained her consciousness, she found herself in unknown surroundings. She was feeling warmer. She slowly got up. He was sitting in front of a smiling flirtiest. She pulled her hair back and opened her eyes widely to recognize the place.

"Where am I? And who the hell are you?" she asked.

"I am gonna take this as thanks" he said smiling.

She gives him a sigh.

"How am I here?" she asked.

"You had gone faint over the street, so my soft heart for the woman screamed to help you, thus I lifted you in my strong arms and brought you here" he said dramatically.

"Oh Geez you got to be kidding me" she said exhausted.

"Well I will again take this as thank you, I am your rescuer so you can take me as your prince charming" he said while spreading his arms.

She rolled her eyes and got out of bed.

"Hey don't try it, you are still week" he said.

Her feet were terribly aching. She almost fell over the bed.

"Opss told you" he said while staring at her. She sneezed heavily.

"You got cold, here, have this" he said while giving her the soup bowl.

"How would I know I can trust you?" she asked doubtfully.

"Well you don't have any other option, I mean your feet are painful and you are sick plus there is snowfall out, and as for me if I have to do anything I would have done long when you were unconscious, so you got only option to trust me drink this soup and by the way this is my Granna's recipe you gonna feel good in hours" he said last sentence smiling.

She looked at the bowl and then to him. She took a sip through a spoon and he smiled.

"That's like a good girl kitten" he said. She looked at him with astonishment.

"What?" he asked.

"Do I have cat features?" she asked with angry expressions and laughed in return.

"Well I am too tired I need to sleep, I am going to bed," he said and went to the other bed in the room at the corner.

"At least you can trust now as I have booked two beds" he said while closing his eyes.

She stared at him.


Hey Readers, I Know this chapter is heart breaking I personally cried while writing this but....like always....no core to the situtions....

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