
Living With a Drunk Millionaire

Rune Conner just graduated and she's looking for a job. Her uncle, who has multiple connections, made her apply to a prestigious company called Sckietel industries as an assistant to none other than the CEO, Elizabeth Schmitt. She is known to have a "bit" of a temper and an alcohol problem. How can Rune calm this beast? ON HIATUS

Teto_san · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

I am in front of the building of the biggest industries in science and technology. I am a bit scared but to the reader who's following this, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a fresh graduate. I basically have no clue whatsoever on what I'm doing. I am here because my uncle pressured me to be here. "This job would look good on your resume! It's perfect, just do it." he said. God that slimy, sleazy voice surely helps. Well what's even the point of complaining, you're here and you can't change anything. Only option is to push forward I guess.

I enter the building and I notice, suprisingly the people are relaxed. I then go up to the concierge and ask directions to the place where the job interviews are taking place. I then go over to the place where she's directed me to and I saw many people before me just waiting. I then sit down at one of the chairs that are stationed there. "Did you know that the reason they're hiring a new assistant is because that the last one quit her job after just a few days because of Schmitt's temper?" one said. "Yeah, I am scared but then again, it makes our resume look good so I guess it's worth it." another answered. I didn't mind it so I just put on my headphones. I then heard my name being called. I went to the room where the panelists are and they asked me some questions. They were pleased with my answers. "Are you good with handling children?" One of them asked. huh? Children.... Does Schmitt have some secret child that she hid from the media? Why would they ask this question if my job revolves around business, science and all that stuff?

"Ms. Conner? Are you still with us?" One of them called out. "Ah! I'm sorry." I apologized. I was spacing out. Great. "About that question.... I believe I am good at handling children. I helped my mother in doing some work in adoption centers and in children's hospitals." I answered. "You know, I think I like you. You're one of the best candidates so far." One of the panelists said. "So this job has a 3 year contract. You should understand that you don't manage your own time here and I should tell you that this is quite a difficult job if I say so myself." One of them continued.

I then leave the building to go home. My phone then starts ringing loudly. I pick up the call. "Hey! So I know you're tired from your job interview but I really want you to be with me tomorrow night. There would be a party and all the important scientists are going there. I managed to convince the events manager to give you a spot so yeah. You should go." uncle said before quickly ending the call.

Well, shit I'm dragged along now then.

I then go my usual commute to go home. I plop myself down my bed and I shove my pillow onto my face. Well I had a really long day so far. I just wanna sleep.

Morning comes and I am awoken by my phone ringing. It's a call from my mother. "Hey, how are you now? I heard that you were interviewing for a job at the Sckietel industries." she said. "The interviewers said I am one of their best candidates so far. I don't know whether I should be proud or I-" I stammered. "You're gonna do great, honey. You are the top of your class after all." Mother interrupted. "Are you eating properly? Are you getting enough sleep?" Mother asked. "I'm fine, mother." I answered with an annoyed tone. "Is there something wrong? Did I bother you?" She panicked. "I'm fine. I just woke up." I answered. I then drop the call and I proceed to drag myself out of bed. I check my phone for the time and I realize that the party is today. The people there are important and accomplished, a fresh grad like me doesn't have a place there.

I am legit scared of what's gonna happen today. I don't know what to do.

I binged watched some Netflix shows and I realize it already almost 5. The party starts at 7 and I should prepare. It takes so much time to go there and I need to be at least ready by now. I then go scramble to prepare.

I finished preparing myself. My makeup is done, my hair is done, I'm ready to go now. I check my phone and I realize it's already 5:15. Oh no, I need to hurry. I go out of my apartment and my phone has a notification. I check it and my uncle says that he's near place and that he's gonna pick me up. I go downstairs and he's already there. I get into his car and he immediately drives off to our destination.

After 2 hours of traffic, we finally arrive at the venue. It's big and spacious. The lights are glittering and people in fancy looking clothes are everywhere. All of them chattering and laughing casually. I can feel my heart beat out of my chest. What if I make a mistake in front of these people? They achieved more than I can ever achieve in my entire life. I slowly feel a suffocating sensation envelop my whole body as I just force my face muscles to at least try and pull a smile. I just wanna curl up in a ball in a corner.

We want to the main hall then my uncle went on to introduce me to prominent scientists. Some are middle aged and some are young, probably the same age as me or older. While my uncle was talking to them and introducing me, I just stood there with my face hurting from smiling on hours on end. After that was done, I just went outside to the balcony to at least catch a breath.

The sky is dark, although there are clouds present, I can still see hints of shining white specks scattered across it. I suddenly felt a presence behind me. I turned around and I saw a tall, slender figure. As he went nearer, I notice his face is as smooth as white jade, his eyes, as black as the night sky and his shining, luscious hair. His face paints an expression of relief. "You're here to escape too?" I asked. "I endured her wrath and I'm not really suited to these kind of things." He said. "What happend?" I asked. "My boss tried spilling wine on a man because he irritated her. I stopped her from doing so and then she became more pissed. I endured her scolding and here I am. I became the new punching bag ever since the last assistant left." He answered. "The program is starting, I have to go." He said before going back.

Damn, he is very hot. He's good looking, tall and god he's my type. I need to get his number.

I go back inside to the main hall and sat through the entire program. My uncle never really specified what kind of party would we go to but it seems to be an awarding ceremony. I watched as people get handed their awards and some of these people are well known. Activists, heroes, scientists, philosophers, writers, basically really influential people.

I then see a woman wearing an all-white dress go up the stage to give out a speech. As she was giving out her speech, everyone started chattering around her. "I heard she has a terrible temper, much like a child's.", "I feel bad for her employees." I constantly hear these type of words while she's giving out her speech.

After that, I got some wine and I was walking around with a wine glass on my hand. I feel the soles of my shoes slowly separating from the rest of my shoes. I was looking for the guy I just spoke to because I wanted to get his number. My other shoe finally gave out then I tripped and my wine spilled. I try to recollect myself and then I saw that same woman and her dress is stained red. I stand up and her face tells me that she wants to kill me. I froze in fear. The feeling of fear slowly crept up and consumed me, rendering me paralyzed. Everyone gave me the look of pity then afterwards, they started chattering. "I feel bad for her." I can mostly hear that.

I feel a liquid spill on me then I realize that she spilled the wine that she was drinking. "Get this cockroach out of my sight." She commanded.

Rage filled my whole body. I gritted my teeth and my brows furrowed. I clenched my wrists upon hearing those words. I wanted to explode then and there.

She leaves and the same man that I was looking for saw me and immediately ran to me. "I'm so sorry, she's like this at times." He apologized. "I'm fine, don't worry about me." I reassured him. "By the way, may I know your name?" I asked. "Claude, Claude Wu is my full name." He answered. I just stared at him as he left, forgetting the events that led to this moment.

My uncle ran to me as fast as he could. "You idiot! You just pissed off the most important person here! You literally pissed off Elizabeth Schmitt! What were you thinking!" He scolded. "I'm sorry my shoes failed me and I ended up tripping and spilling my wine all over the place." I said. "I'm sick of this" I shouted. Multiple people looked at me. I then storm out of the party. I then called my friend Maine afterwards.

"Hey Rune, what happend?" Maine asked. "That bitch! I just spilled wine on her, she's rich enough to get it cleaned or buy a new dress." I ranted. "Okay, what happend?" She asked assertively. "My shoes broke and I accidentally spilled wine on a really important figure. She then spilled wine on me for ruining her dress." I added. "Damn, rich people these days think they rule the world." she commented. "They've always thought that for a millenia." I replied. "I hope you're doing okay. I will kill you if you become sick." She added. "You cannot kill a sick person, Maine." I said. I eventually said goodbye and I dropped the call. I then arrive home.

I plop myself down on my bed. I just want this to end..... I then fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning because of a call. My phone is violently ringing and I immediately pick it up. "Hello, Ms. Conner I'm happy to say that you got the job." A man said. "The job?" I asked. "Yes, also let me tell you that you'll be starting next week Tuesday, at exactly 8:00 AM." The man added.

It seems that I got lucky.