
Living The Ultimate Dream

This is my first time trying to write, so if this is booty... I'm a writing virgin that is my excuse. This will have a lot of kinks in it. A lustful man was killed by snu snu, but that led this man to the events that got him his ultimate wish... TAGS are; Futa, smut, harem, R-18, Skyrim, non-human relationships, pregnancy

Hmm_Lets_Try_This · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

CH. 10

Running with a slim sexy werewolf around my waist grinding into my hip is a bit harder than I thought it would be as I feel my balls flex shooting more cum into her needy womb hearing her moans echo as we run. The saber cat in my one hand not on Luna holding her in place as she moves her hips at rapid speeds.

Looking around at the now massive looking wolves keeping up with our speed with ease puts a smile on my face, seeing as they are now keeping up at speed where things are starting to blur past us. Slowly increasing our speed to see how fast they can go before it's too much for them. After reaching about 160 mph before I noticed some bigger sized wolves not being able to go any faster, but a few of the wolves including Ella are still on my heels.

Slowing our speed so we don't pull to far ahead of the rest of the pack, feeling the grin on my face spreading at the fact I have new family members and I am curious at the possibility of that single spell. Could I possibly make my own dryads, fairies, unicorns… as my mind drifts to possibly using it on myself before Ciel ruins that train of thought. "You can not use that spell on yourself. Mainly because you're already at a certain point of needing something more to get a higher evolution of your bloodlines. It would be like trying to upgrade Serana and her mother's it wouldn't work at least without the correct things to do so."

Feeling Luna's insides tighten trying to squeeze me of everything I have again as she shakes with orgasm. Her arms wrapping around my back with her claws slightly digging into my skin not causing any damage but making sure I feel her pleasure as she continues to flex her muscles in orgasm.

Knowing that we are getting near our home I slow our speeds to a nice trotting speed as the snow crunches under our feet. As the path up to our home comes into view and the smells of home are getting thicker as I take a deep breath getting a whiff of home, firewood, cum, Luna, Hel, and the turned-on wolves.

Reaching the front door of the Viking styled longhouse and pushing the doors open with Luna still wrapped around my cock. Not seeing many people inside the main hall like I did when I first got here, seeing Sif sitting with Moria having a conversation. Sif seems to be doing the most talking out of the two as Moria just nods along with Sif as she continues to talk about something I can't hear.

Hearing the door open catches both of their attention as I feel their gazes on me and Luna still knotted together. Not saying anything to them as I move to where I somehow know is the kitchen/prep room and next to it the "cleaning room" which I know is not a clean room.

Entering the kitchen/prep room seeing ingredients of all kinds hanging and growing all over as multiple wonderful smells hit my nose. Making me hungry as my stomach growls out in rage demanding food. Ignoring the desire to eat everything in sight I head to the small door on the right side of the prep room. Opening the door to a blast of cold air and a few other bodies already prepped and hanging ready to be used, pushing past those and heading towards an area with a warm temperature and a other bodies of deer, elf, and a body of a bear hang dripping with blood as the blood stops before hitting the ground and flows into a container being stored.

Just dropping the cat in the corner for someone else to deal with seeing Hel do the same we walk back out to the main hall. Seeing Moria and Sif still conversing I go over to where they are sitting. Starting to hear the conversation as we get closer. "Who do you think is wrapped around Yora's dick, and why are those wolves so fucking big?" I hear Sif ask Moria in a curious voice. "I imagine Yora has found a new mate, and the wolves I would say magic of some kind." I hear Moria reply in a strict sounding voice.

"The one wrapped around my cock is Luna." I say to Sif as I approach the table feeling my balls being wrung of cum again as an orgasm rushes through my spine. Feeling Luna not slowing as her hips haven't stopped grinding into my own. Reaching the table as cum splashes out of Luna as her hips shake in pleasure as I pump more of my seed into her greedy womb. Watching the cum splash on the table and some getting on both of their hands.

Watching as Sif stiffens for a second before I hear and see her breathing pick up as her breasts heave. Looking to Moria who already has her fingers in her mouth cleaning me cum off of her hands as she stares into my emerald green eyes with her own pair of red eyes. "That was delicious, think I will need more here soon." Moria says as she eyes Luna's now huge stomach full of my cum and her pussy dripping with my cum.

Hearing Moria made my dick twitch inside of Luna resulting in her letting out a loud moan as her insides are still trying wring me dry, which is impossible I have found. I am kind of scared to look at my ball sack stat again, I am a literal cum factory with me regening cum at a constant rate.

Placing Luna on the table in front of them both I slam my hips into Luna a few more times as she rides an orgasm out. Feeling her walls loosen as her orgasm ends, I start to pull my knot free hearing a whine and a moan leave Luna's mouth as my knot slowly leaves her hot warm embrace. Feeling my own cum gushing out around the small space left behind by my massive knot slowly leaving her heavenly warm walls.

Watching as the cum splashes against my stomach and starts flooding the tabletop with a puddle of my seed. Freeing my knot from her succubus like pussy still trying to wring me of cum, a huge amount of my semen floods out of her pussy and washing the table in my cum as it flows into Sif's and Morias laps. Freeing myself completely as my dick slings cum into the air slinging it across my body and Luna's giant breasts and stomach as it comes free from her pussy.

Watching as an endless stream of my cum pours out of my Luna making my dick twitch in excitement as my cum covers the table completely and with a puddle forming on the floor, but controlling myself in order to get everything done for the day. Reminding myself we need to get the rest of my new family members.

Making eye contact with both Moria and Sif before I tell them about the three saber cats ready to be hanged and gutted by someone while I told them I will go to get the rest of our new family members. Making sure they also show the wolves around and making them feel at home before I pick Luna up in my arms by her legs and ass as I bury my face between her legs and shoving my tongue into her pussy as my own cum floods down my throat. Tasting my honestly delicious cum as my tongue drills into her pussy wiggling and vibrating rapidly causing loud and sultry moans to leave Luna's mouth.

Watching as I see Moria grab and squeeze Luna's tits while Sif is masturbating furiously while watching me tongue fuck Luna into another orgasm. Pulling my tongue from her pussy as I set her on the table to let her catch her breath, I grab Moria kissing her and shoving my long cum covered tongue down her throat making out with her. Giving her huge tits a squeeze as I ravage her mouth with my tongue, I can hear and feel the moan leaving her throat as I work my tongue in her mouth. Leaving Moria heaving in her chair, I turn back to Luna watching me ravage Moria's mouth with my tongue. "Are you ready to go or would you want to wait for a while?" I ask Luna as I point at her overly stuffed stomach as her pussy continues to pour my cum out of her hot dripping wet cave.

"We can wait, I don't feel like moving much right now, and don't think my legs could even support me." Luna says with a bit of laughter in her voice. "Okay, take all the time you need what was it like 40 orgasms?" I say with my own laughter in my voice and pride dripping as I smirk giving one of her tits a squeeze.

Turning to Moria and Sif as I hear them stand from the table "I'll see you guys later for lunch I will be back here soon just going to let Luna rest up for little while." I say to them both. Turning back into my normal form as my fur disappears and my massive size shrinks back down to normal size.

Looking into Moria's eyes as she stares at my body with want in her eyes, but not a single trace of it on her face. "Take care of our new family members will you Moria and Sif?" I say as a final reminder that I want the wolves to be treated like family and members of our pack. Knowing there won't be any problems, but just wanting to make sure they are treated good.

Watching their asses as they walk out of the main hall leading the wolves around their new home "Such great asses" I can't help but think. Turning back to Hel and Luna, Luna laying on the cum covered table as cum still pours from her pussy as Hel is kneeling now transformed back into her normal form licking at the cum pouring out of Luna's pussy.

Hearing my stomach growl again in protest of not getting anything to eat besides my own cum and a bit of saber cat blood. "You guys' rest for a bit I am going to get a snack, I am starving if you can't hear the hidden beast in my stomach." Getting giggles in return of my comment.

"Just make sure when I get back you guys are ready to go!" I yell as I enter the kitchen heading for where I know well be holding fruits and dried meat. Opening the doors and stepping into the huge pantry being assaulted with fresh fruit and jerky smells as I see literal shelves full of dried meat on one side and shelves of fruit on the other.

Grabbing some saber cat, elk, and deer jerky with a hand full of raspberries, I turn around and come face to face with a short, beautiful Imperial woman with ocean blue eyes and dark brown hair. Looking at her short stature with amazing portions for her height, her tits a D size cup and her ass being the real treat, if I stuck my face between her checks I might get lost in them. The woman barely reaching the underside of my massive, exposed tits. "Can I help you beauti…" before I can finish my question, I feel her small hands on my dick as she looks up at my face.

"Yes, you can help me, I saw you enter my kitchen looking hungry, so I followed you into the meat pantry. I figured we are both looking for a nice meal of meat to snack on." I hear the mystery woman say as she falls to her knees and engulfs my cock in her mouth before I can protest. "Oh, shit woman!" I say as I feel her small mouth start to suck like a vacuum around the head of my cock.

For some reason a name appears in my head as my hips thrust forward unconsciously into her awaiting mouth and throat. "Oh, fuck Alexia your mouth feels good." I say as she tries to shove more of my massive meaty rod down her gullet. Feeling myself approaching climax as I feel her shove fingers into my pussy and ass. I can't help, but convulse with my orgasm as my massive load of cum shoots down her throat directly into her stomach.

Pulling my cock out of her mouth as a few more rounds of semen splash over her face. I grab her hands and lift her to her feet; I grab her firm ass and lift so I can rub my cock a long her covered slit as her legs wrap around my waist. Feeling the heat coming off her pussy as I glide over it eliciting drops of cum to come out of my cock. "Come on shove me full of this mighty meat, let me dine of the finest dish in this place!" Alexia says as her hips pick up speed grinding against my massive 32-inch cock.

"Oh, I will fill you with the meat you want, and I will give you the best dessert, I am going to stuuf you so full of my special delicious cream!" I say as my hips pick up speed with her as slapping noises resound in the room, we are in.