
Living The Life again

A huge businessman somehow ends up in the past after being betrayed by one of his employees. Rameez is a 28-year-old billionaire, who sells weed to little innocent kids and runs a cartel in his area. After his accomplice Felix, leaves him and starts working for someone else He then realizes that one of his employees who used to be his old friend Nathan, has a change in his personality. Rameez gets suspicious of him and asks his right hand Carl to keep an eye out for him. Soon he finds out that Nathan is working for someone else and his main goal is to kill Rameez Rameez sends out his men to eliminate Nathan before he kills him. Carl and his crew arrive to kill Nathan by ambushing him but they fail to do so. Since Nathan is just too strong for any of them to defeat him. Even though Carl and his men were armed, they still couldn't manage to kill Nathan. Soon Rameez arrived at the place, where it all went down. There he sees Nathan still standing. Soon a fight breaks out between them in which Rameez comes out victorious The person whom Nathan worked with to kill Rameez is no one else but Felix. Rameez's old accomplice. He had kidnapped a person with him, who looked exactly like Nathan from head to toe. It was the real Nathan, the old childhood friend of Rameez. The one who betrays Rameez is a clone, created by Felix and his accomplice Jacob The real Nathan finds out about their plan and tries to stop them both but before he can stop them. His clone appears behind him with the body of Rameez. His clone shoots him and kills him. Both Felix and Jacob praise him for that They seat Rameez on a chair and attach a machine to him. Jacob sets the time to 12 years into the past and activates the machine. Rameez travels back to the past when was still a kid. Now that he is here, his main goals are to figure out how he got here and whether will he be able to go back to the future or if will he start a new life. Will he become rich again or will he do something else this time

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24 Chs


Rameez keeps on hitting Nathan continuously while he is lying down on the floor. Each punch leaves even a bigger crack than before. Nathan's face completely bleeds out and the structure of his face completely changes because of the punches. He beats the shit out of him so hard that the huge grin on Nathan's face is no more

Rameez punches Nathan until he passes out. Nathan has passed out, guess what's going to happen now? No! He is not going to get up and start fighting while he is unconscious, like Rameez. Not everyone can fight in that state. Nathan stays unconscious, and Rameez still keeps on hitting him but after a while, Rameez suddenly stops hitting him, for no reason, and just stares at him with his bright white eyes.

Soon Nathan wakes up after being unconscious and tries to stand up but his whole body is in pain, making it hard for him to stand up. He tries to sit down and he sees Rameez lying down on the floor passed out. His eyes are closed since he passed. Nathan stands up and stares at Rameez. His whole face is bleeding. He is bleeding from his mouth, his nose broken and so is his arm and a few of his ribs. He stares at Rameez and says " You should be honoured, it's been years since someone has caused me such pain, the last time I felt such pain was given by my brother. Maybe that's why they call you, the child born with gifts "


Felix stabs Nathan( The real Nathan ) in the stomach, piercing through it. Nathan just stares at the machete with his eyes wide open. Nathan yells at Felix saying that he will hunt him down in hell but Felix replies to him with a smile and says that he will create a new reality where he won't have to hunt him down in hell. Right after saying that Felix throws away Nathan's body on the floor. Nathan's body drops to the floor.

" Hey Jacob, you alright? You know he is tough since he mastered the state of instinct-" Felix said to Jacob but was cut off by him. " Shut the fuck up! Wasn't this supposed to be your perfect plan? You said there won't be any mistakes this time. How did that bastard escape? " Jacob yells at Felix in anger and Felix replies to him

" Look I can't confirm anything myself. It just happened, you know there is no such thing as a perfect plan " Felix then looks at the body of Nathan, lying down on the floor, covered in blood and says " Besides he defeated one of the four strongest crews of his time along with Rameez, it was obvious he would cause us trouble " Felix replied Jacob the says to him with anger “ Then why didn't you just kill him before? Why keep him alive for him to ruin our plan and then kill him off the moment you caught him? ”

Felix replies to him with a smile “ Hmm! Good question. I guess, I just wanted to torture him or maybe that's just how the author planned it, I don't know ”. Jacob looks at him with a frown and asks him " What about Ethan? How are things on his side, he didn't manage to die did he? "

Felix replies to him " Well don't worry about it too much, I am sure Ethan must have found a way to deal with Rameez, even if he doesn't manage to defeat Rameez. Ethan will just tell him the truth about Nathan and Rameez will eventually come here to find the real Nathan. The moment he steps in here, we will activate the machine on him. Resulting in him going back to the past, thus creating a new reality "

Jacob then frowns and says to him " We tried this before and it didn't result in the way we wanted it. This time we have to make sure he creates the reality like how we want him to "

Felix then replies to him with a smile " Of course, last time we weren't there. This time we will make sure the reality changes how we want it to " Right after saying that, they both hear a voice from behind. " Oh! So this was your great plan, huh? "

Both Felix and Jacob look behind in shock, it was Nathan ( The real one ) standing back up again like nothing had happened to him. He casually removes the machete from his stomach and throws it away. " Sending Rameez to the past to create a new reality? I never could've imagined " Nathan said as he tore off his shirt to wrap it around his wound. Both Felix and Jacob are left shocked to see Nathan still standing after they cut off one of his limbs and stand him in the belly. " What, why are you so surprised? Did you think you could kill me that easily? Just because you cut off my arm and stabbed, me doesn't mean I am simply going to die ". Nathan after taking off his shirt wraps it around his wound using his one arm and teeth. His body is covered with scars, many through stabs and some through gunshots

Jacob's surprised to see all the scars on his body. Nanthan after wrapping around his shirts on his wound looks at them and says. " Well, you see all these scars on my body? I got these all when I fought against all the gangs as a kid and all the cartel groups as an adult. Whenever I fight, I fight intending to fight till death ". Felix is impressed to see him still standing. He with a smile looks at Nathan and says " Well, I am impressed to see you still standing. I was just wondering how come you died so easily. The one who wiped out one of the biggest cartel groups in this country ". Just as he says that. Nathan kicks them in the face. Before Jacob could react, Nathan kicks him too on the face

" Don't try to flatter me, you are just one of the people that I kill " Nathan said with a smirk on his face. Felix grabs the weapon and charges at him but Nathan bends his body to dodge it. Just as he dodges the attack, he notices that Jacob is about to kick him. Nathan uses his hand to balance himself on the floor and kicks Jacob with a capoeira kick. Right then he stands back up and kicks Felix with a front kick and with the momentum he flips around to kick Jacob again

Both of them fall on the floor and Nathan then asks Felix. " Why do you need to send Rameez back to the past to create a new reality? You can do it yourself, can't you? ". Felix then answers him with a smile " Well you are right. We can do it ourselves but you see, Rameez is the keystone to the plan. That's why we need him for this plan ". After hearing that, Nathan replies to him " Well so that's what makes Rameez so special ". Just after saying that, Nathan gets a huge grin on his face and continues " Well to fail your plan, all I need to do is kill Rameez, is that right? "

Felix laughs at what Nathan just said and says " You won't kill Rameez, aren't you supposed to be his childhood bestie? ". Nathan replies to whiles still grinning. " I can use him as a sacrifice to save reality, after all, he is the keystone to your plan, isn't he? ". Hearing that, Felix starts laughing at Nathan. Nathan confused to see him laugh, looks at Jacob who is also smiling. Nathan asks out of curiosity. "Why the fuck are you laughing? ". Felix then replies to him. " Why don't you take a look behind yourself? ". Nathan turns around to look behind him. His eyes widen as he sees who is standing behind him. It was none other than his clone, Ethan pointing a gun at him

Nathan stares at him in the eye and asks him. " What are you doing Ethan? ". To which Nathan replies. " Don't ask me any questions Nathan. Don't worry, you will be alive in the new reality but have to die in this one, since you are ruining our plan " Right after saying that Ethan shoots Nathan in the head. Nathan's body falls on the floor, Ethan stares at his body until Felix calls him out. "Good job, Ethan. I didn't expect any less from you. I knew you wouldn't be stopped by your emotions ". Ethan just stares at Felix after he said that, and replies with. " You know this plan better work, for I have killed someone precious to me for this mere plan you speak of ".

Hearing that, Felix smiles and says. " Very well then, shall we get to it? ". He looks at Jacob and says " Jacob, I will let you do the honour ". To which Jacob smiles and walks you up to the machine. Ethan seats Rameez on the chair, right in front of the machine. Right then Jacon turns on the liver and a beam of light emits out of it. The light is so bright that all of them have to cover their eyes. It shines at Rameez and soon enough Rameez disappears

Seeing that Rameez had disappeared right in front of their eyes, Felix and Jacob are filled with joy knowing that their mission is done. As both of them laugh over the fact that all of their hardwork is done, Ethan stares at them. Thinking if he made the right decision, or will this plan really work. Right after he is done with his thoughts he hears Felix speak. " Now then the plan is over, why don't we get rid of extra garbage ". Right after saying that he walks up behind Ethan and aims the gun at the back of his head. Ethan noticing what he is about to do, he calmly speaks. " So is this also important of your great plan? ". To which Felix replies. " Come on, don't hate me. You it doesn't matter after we create a new reality. You that right? " . Ethan sighs and says " You and your obsession with this new reality ". Right after that Felix shoots Ethan with the gun and kills him. His body drops down to the floor. Felix lowers his gun and Jacob then says to to him while tapping on his shoulder. " Now then? Shall we move along to the main point? "