
Living the Dream: Starting in Game of Thrones

New inspiration. A wish-fulfillment fic. First World: Game of Thrones Second World: - Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fanfic except the OC's. All rights reserved to their respective owners! [Author's Note: I'm not a professional nor a good writer. The plot may suck but meh~, I don't care. I write how and what I want.]

Pie_Daddy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Curiously drawn by the frequent yet faint distressing sounds that seemed to be not too far from them,-

Arthur pointed out and had Tania immediately manipulate the hovercraft ship to narrow down the location to where the sounds seemed to originate from.

And not long after, they had finally seen what the sounds they heard were about when they stumbled upon a rather disturbing scene.

Just directly below them were littered with butchered corpses of defenseless village men of varying ages; from the ones in their prime, as well as to the elderlies.

While in the middle of a clearing within the settlement, the duo was even more greeted with a dreadful sight; a group of men, clad covered in darkly colored clothes and leather vests were-

drinking and laughing merrily as their faces contorted in pleasure while enjoying the nakedness of the squirming and weeping women, each with their cloth violently ripped from their bodies.

Some of the women were even raped besides whom Arthur had assumed were their husbands' motionless bodies.

Well, formerly known, at least, as they appear to no longer belong with the living, judging from how the rapers repeatedly mocked their wives' dignities without any protests while violating them.

This almost prompted both of them- Arthur, for the most part, to act impulsively and plunged into the fray directly but knowingly held themselves back.


They were currently landed atop one of the hills within the settlement's premises to prepare their gear and themselves, well... mainly Arthur, for a fight-

when both of them came to an agreement to offer their help after witnessing the ongoing atrocities 75 yards below them.

But as soon as they landed, they saw the back of a man, leaning his back and hiding within the covers of the trees,-

in the same clothing as the men responsible for the raid down the village seemingly standing on the lookout.

The man, though had immediately noticed them as soon as they revealed their presence after they had gotten off the hovering vessel,-

didn't even last for several seconds before he was taken down, bounded, gagged, and interrogated.

Unfortunately for them, the man was stubborn. He defiantly stayed true to his and his companion's purpose and kept spouting some profanities without giving them even a bit of information.

Thus, led to the current scene...

"Grr- hmm! hmm!"

"...I told you to shut up!"

Tania muttered softly but sternly at the man beside her who was currently being gagged and tied down kneeling and being tightly restrained by herself.

"Mhhh! Hmmph-!"


But when the said man repeatedly kept protesting despite the gag put on him and attempted to struggle free from her hold,-

she got annoyed and decided to shut him up for the moment before turning her eyes towards Arthur.

And in a satisfied tone after knocking out the poor man from a fatal hook at the jaw, she clapped her hands and adjusted the leather bracers on her arms, and said, "There... that's better."

"Are you sure you're ready for this? You know I can take them alone and I wouldn't even break a sweat afterward."

Tania couldn't help but asked as she approached Arthur who seemed to be in deep thought while gearing himself-

but was also gritting his teeth at the cruelty that was currently happening in front of them while paying attention to the happenings below...

'I always thought that I had already prepared myself enough for this. But upon seeing it with my own eyes...'

An exasperated sigh escaped his lips and said as he looked at her...

"Yes, I know. But- well, this is just the kind of world we are in now, as much as I hate to admit it. And if I want to become someone who I wanted to be, I, myself, need to adapt to this world's norms and cruelties from now on."

As he finished his words, he pulled out Tania's bronze shield and spear from his inventory and presented them to her.

"Very well... In that case, before we go, I need you to do something first."

With a sigh, she reluctantly nodded her head, took the shield and the spear, and turned her back on him before walking towards the still unconscious and unfortunate man...

"Draw your sword and execute this man yourself."


"Ugh... Ughraa!"

With a final and intensely pleasurable grunt, the final drop of his seed spewed out from his prick within the woman,-

who had already lost the light in her eyes, dried her tears, and torn her throat from weeping and screaming beneath him...

"Sae, howfur is mines compared tae yer deid wee pricked Guidman? | (So, how is mine compared to your dead little pricked Husband?)"

The man asked mockingly as he drank a mouthful of plundered wine from who knows where, as he buckled his belt and fixed his trousers.

"...Noo, listen 'ere, fud. Ah asked ye a quaistion. | (...Now, listen here, cunt. I asked you a question.)"

But when the woman still remained unresponsive, he became irritated and threw aside the mug of wine from his hand, grabbed her throat, and lifted her up slightly.

"Noo, tell me. Howfur is mines compared tae yer deid wee pricked guidman? | (Now, tell me. how is mine compared to your dead little pricked Husband?)"

He clamped her jaws and slowly turned her head right, to where lies the corpse of her dead husband whose eyes were still opened from the horrors he had witnessed before his demise...

"Gang oan. Tell him. Mibbie his breath aye hadn't left him yit. Gurahahaha- | (Go on. Tell him. Maybe his breath still hadn't left him yet. Gurahahaha-)"

The sicko held her for a while, humiliated her repeatedly, calling her names, and such when a booming voice resounded catching his and his companions' attentions...

"A'richt, lads! we've hud oor fin. Noo, let's load up thralls 'n' anythin' o' uise tae th' ships, then let's git oor arses oot o' 'ere! | (Alright, lads! we've had our fun. Now, let's load up thralls and anything of use to the ships, then let's get our arses out of here!)"

"Aye, Captain!", shouted the reavers who were grinning from ear to ear, displaying their disgustingly rotting tooth cavities.

"Tch, weel, looks lik' we wull hae tae resume oor fin efter, loue. Ye heard th' captain. Kekeke~ | (Tch, well, looks like we will have to resume our fun later, love. You heard the captain. Kekeke~)"

The man, now named Mord was still sensually caressing the woman's filth-covered skin, both came from his and the muddy ground beneath them until the captain turned his eyes at them in interest...

"Och, Mord. Urr ye aff tae keep her as yin o` yer salt wives? She's git a guid bahookie , this yin. | (Oh, Mord. Are you going to keep her as one of your salt wives? She's got a good arse, this one.)"

"Aye, indeed, she is. A guid catch tae keep mah kip warmer at hame. Kekeke. | (Yes, indeed, she is. A good catch to keep my bed warmer at home. Kekeke.)", he responded with a sick smile on his face and stood up before facing his Captain.

"Aye... Aye! Though we didnae git muckle in terms o' Gowd or cristals.. | (Yes... yes! Though we didn't get much in terms of gold or gems.)"

"Kakakaka! Still, we've git mair young, fresh, 'n' able bodies as slaves- 'n' wummin! | (Kakakaka! Still, we've got more young, fresh, and able bodies as slaves- and women!)"

"Nae th' best compared tae th' wan befare raid. Thay lookin' a bawherr peely wally. Bit they've git a crakin', drookit, 'n' ticht wat! wakaka- Urgh... | (Not the best compared to the previous raid. They lookin' a bit pale and sikly. But they've got a nice, wet, and tight wat! Wakaka- Urgh...)"

While their other comrades were busying themselves gathering their raid's spoils, both the Captain and Mord were grinning from ear to ear with their chatter.

Until a violent, tearing sound reverberated in between them...

"...Ha... Ha... Oh, bugger!"


The captain's gestures and shit-eating grin were abruptly put to a halt when he suddenly made a gurgling sound,-

as if choking on his own words in the middle of their conversation while a pointy, bloodied, spear tip emerged on his chest, from the back.

A second later, Mord remained stunted while his smile froze stiffly as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened.

"Whit th'... "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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