
Living my life in the Anime world

A guy reincarnated into an cross-over world with 3 wishes he tries to live his life to the fullest let see what he will do on his second chance in life . . . . . . I don't own any charecter accept the one I created . . . . . . . . The update will be mostly random because I'm doing this for fun . . . . . . . PS: I'm kinda bad with romance so it might be a bit cringy but I say I'm awesome with rejection because I got rejected more than 10 times already lol

DIVINE_LOLICON · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Magic Test

<A/N warning this chapter is not edited so it might be a bit bad please point out mistake that you find>

When I start to eat my lunch I can see a few people looking at me and it ruined my mood to eat lunch I can also see Nakiri looking at my food

like she wanted to try it and from Yato memory, Mamako cooking was made from Heaven it properly on par with Senzaemon Nakiri so about [Cooking SSS+]

<A/N so some of you may be wondering why I made her good at cooking and the answer is for plot and if you're also wondering why I didn't make it EX level right? the answer is because the limit for a human is SSS+ but if it like a fighting skill you can raise it to EX but that won't be applied to MC cuz of his instant mastery I know it sounds like BS because it is>

So I offer her some because I have too much anyway "Would you like some Nakiri-San" I said to her while showing her the box of lunch

Nakiri who just realize that she was staring at his food and got caught by him quickly said "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at your food but it giving off a very pleasant scent"

I smile at her and said " It fine please try some I have too much for myself to eat alone anyway "

Nakiri who saw my smile blush a bit and said "then I try some if you don't mind"

"Sure go-ahead"

Nakiri then use her chopsticks that she use to eat her food to grab one of mine Tamagoyagi

<A/N I won't go into detail about food cuz I'm not good at describing>

I can see a few people looking at us jealously

When Nakiri put the Tamakoyagi in her mouth she let out a slight moan "*Hmm~* Did you make this Oosuki-San it taste very good"

<A/N no overreaction because why would you cook the best thing for lunch everday>

"No I didn't my mum made it but I can also make something like this"

'well it isn't a lie I can cook better than this with instant mastery'

{ Nakiri Affection increase:

Interested --> Curiosity }

After I finish my lunch I grab my jacket from my inventory and wear it so I wouldn't draw any more attention

I stand up and wave. my hand at her "well I see you later than Nakiri-San"

<A/N look at the cover of the book for how MC look I not good at describing>

The next class is PE class which we will have a Magic testing class but I don't have any Skill right I might need to but some skills from the shop or use the Gacha

'Zero two can I claim my first-day reward or do I have to wait for tomorrow? '

{Yes, Darling~ you can would you like to claim it? }

'Yes, please Zero two'

{Claiming Daily Rewards...Received All basic elementals magic knowledge manual would you like to Integrate it? , Darling~}

'Yes, please Zero two'

{ Integrating All basic elementals magic knowledge manual...

Then a flow of knowledge about every elementals magic cam flowing into my head

...Integrating successful }

<A/N you can suggest any magic name or elements you want MC to use>

Then I went to the changing room on the way there I met someone who I didn't expect I meet I found a pink-haired boy wearing two weird hairpins green hairpins on his head actually it seems like it went inside his head yes I found Kusuo Saiki

'Then couldn't he read my mind right now?'

{ Don't worry, Darling~ as long as I'm here no one else can read your mind }

'*Phew* at least that a relief I can talk to him later let go to the changing room for now before the Author pulls anymore surprised'

<A/N you're not supposed to break that wall now be gone that or I will drop you'

'I'm very sorry please don't drop me'

<A/N that what I thought>

When I reach the changing room there was nobody there so I assume that they all are still taking a break I should just change first then go wait at the training ground then

After I finish changing I went to the training ground and sit down on a chair waiting for the other to come

After a couple of minutes of waiting, most of the class came and the teacher name for the PE class is Glenn Radars

<A/N I think most of you like him too right?>

When all of the students arrive they were chatting about why the teacher hasn't come yet

After half an hour of waiting for the teacher, he finally came and said "Sorry sorry I was a bit late, My name is Glenn Radars And my hobbies are well you don't need to know now let get started the first class you will be having with me today is a magic test if you can destroy the target you pass"

Some of the students got annoyed at him for his laziness attitude and for making the first-class hard for the normal people you would need at least a C in magic to destroy the whole target and most student only have a D in magic

Then the teacher said "Don't worry if you fail it fine and you can have as many tries as you want"

Then everyone went to their own target

Then the teacher said "It 15 meters from the target try your best I'm gonna go take a nap under the tree wake me up if the class is almost finished

Most of the student have an angry mark on their head it seems like they don't really like Glenn

Then I start to use Lighting magic on the first try I look like a complete newbie and some of the starts even look at me with disappointment but on the second try the instant mastery was doing it job now I learn how to do the magic chantless but I like to say it just to look cool and learn how to control its trajectory and how to control its power and everything about the lighting magic

I then said "Lighting Spear" It was some of the less powerful magic but its speed was fast and it could do it job destroying the target

When I finish saying the spell name a spear that made of lighting flew from my hand and hit the target destroying it completely there was nothing left not even the stick of the target and when my classmates see it they all got a shocked expression on their some even said "so the first try was to make us confuse" even Glenn woke up do to the impact of the magic look like I use too much magic power "*ops*" I made a small sound but everyone could still hear me

Then Glenn came over and said "Hey Hodie boy what rank is your magic"

I then replied to him "B+" and in everyone mind they though the same thing 'bullshit'

<A/N to be continue>