
Living Media

In a world where characters in entertainment are alive and carry on with lives of their own off screen. a teenage girl named Victoria Langley who is trapped in a British sitcom longs to leave and go on adventures of her own. She finally gets her wish when she wakes up mysteriously on board the Starship Dibits in another show entirely. There Victoria meets new friends and goes on space adventures with them, but as she'll soon learn she's destined for bigger things.

Ranting_Renegade · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 20: Apparitions

Victoria spends the rest of her night at Savr's palace held against her will. The only good thing about the entire situation is that it is a very nice palace for a medieval world. It has beautiful chandeliers and the whole house is littered with items that are made of solid gold. On the velvet red carpet next to the fire place. Victoria who is now dressed in a velvet red dress with her hair all curled up instead of her average Planetary Alliance jumpsuit. 

She lays on the carpet next to Savr. 

"Care for some wine, love."

Savr says

"No." Victoria replies

"Why not? I know you're thirsty you haven't had anything to eat or drink since I invited you in." Savr says

"Since you dragged me in. You mean." Victoria replies

"Come on baby, you know you want me, give me a kiss." Savr says as he leans in.

Victoria, who is seventeen and never has a boyfriend, who has never felt anything towards boys, leans in to kiss Savr. Hoping she can finally feel something romantic for someone of the opposite gender. She closes her eyes and leans in to kiss Savr and for a second they lock lips and kiss but Victoria pulls back.

"What's wrong?" Savr asks

"I...I can't. It feels wrong." Victoria says

"It feels wrong? How? Did your other boyfriends do it better, were they better kissers than me?" Savr jealousy asks

"No, Savr you're a nice guy. And by far the best kisser I've ever kissed. Because you're the only person I've ever kissed." Victoria says trying to console him.

"Really? maybe we can get to know each other a little better now than."

Savr suggests

"No." Victoria says

"Yes." Savr commands

"No!" Victoria shouts

"Most certainly!" Savr shouts

"It's either me or the arena. Victoria" Savr says angered at her for rejecting his advances

"The arena?" Victoria asks

"Yeah, a place we use for entertainment. We get criminals to fight each other to the death." Savr says

"The colosseum." Victoria whispers

"I guess that's what they call it in your world. Your friend is also going to the chopping block. Do you also want to go?" Savr asks

"My friend!" Victoria shouts.

"Oh, Savr you've got to save him." She says as she grabs onto him.

"Why should I help you?" Savr asks

Victoria jumps to her feet and grabs onto Saver's clothes and kisses him.

"There, now will you help them?" Victoria pleads

"Ok, as long as I get something other than a kiss when I return." Savr says all flirtatiously

"Yes, yes I will Savr" Victoria says 

"Then I will leave to change the bloodsport schedule in the morning and then I'll return to you." Savr says.

Savr walks out of the room and out of the palace.

"Uh, what's that thing they say in the US? Was it gag me with a spoon? Yeah that's it." Victoria says talking to herself as she twirls around the wine in her cup.

When she looks up from her cup she sees this mysterious ghost woman standing over her dressed in an all white dress and she is entirely white herself and her eyes have no pupils.

All the blood drains from Victoria's face and she is frozen in fear and can't even talk.

"Victoria" the woman says in an echoey voice.

Victoria still cannot muster up the will to speak and can only let out gasping sounds.

"Victoria, we finally meet." says the woman

At this point, Victoria can muster up a bit of courage and strength to ask.

"Who are you?"

"I am the White Witch. Guardian of the Creative World. We can't talk now but meet me in the Wildowol chapel. When you're ready." The White Witch says

"Ok" Victoria says as she is still visibly shaken by the whole ordeal. The White Witch fades into thin air. Leaving Victoria in total silence. That silence is interrupted by a knock on the door which startled Victoria. 

"Open up Vicki, I'm back" Savr says

With the fear of God in her from the encounter she rushes towards the door and hugs Savr and doesn't let him go.

"Seems like you missed me." He says

Victoria says nothing and doesn't kiss him again but for the rest of the night she is by his side never leaving it.


In the dungeon Jeffers is bored, he tries to talk to Beta over the radio but Beta eventually falls asleep so now he's just having a conversation with Yellow.

Him and Yellow go back and forth talking about gossip on the ship and what happened to Heidi.

"Captain, I've managed to get the scanner back working on board the ship." Yellow says over the radio.

"Good." Jeffers say

"I've also got the scanner to upload information on this new world." Yellow says

"Cool, what does it say?" Jeffers asks

"It says we're in Elda. A novel published by Walker P. Williams in 1947. Elda is the first novel in the World of Elda trilogy." Yellow explains

"What else?" Jeffers asks

"The other two books are named Heroes of Elda and the last book is titled after the trilogy itself. Being named ``The World of Elda." Yellow says

"Currently you are in Olson, the capital of the Sauldarian Empire and fun fact about the Sauldarian Empire they like to keep their dungeons vacant." Yellow says

"Yeah , so?" Jeffers asks

"So you'll have to fight to the death in the morning," Yellow answers in a depressed manor

"What?" Jeffers exclaims

"Yeah you will have to fight to the death." Yellow says

"How can I get out of this?" Jeffers asks

"Pray to Merci, maybe she'll have mercy on you." Yellow says

"Anyway out?" Jeffers asks

"I'll keep searching, but I also found that the heart of D'vron is in the catacombs of the city. Even though the scanner isn't picking up on it." Yellow says

"If the scanner isn't picking up on it that means D'vron has it." 

"Which means that D'vron is near full power." 

"How could D'vron have gotten his heart before we did?" 

"Horman the Spellcaster, a mid level sorcerer who works for D'vron. Seems like he is our prime suspect." Yellow says

"How do we beat him at full power?" Jeffers asks

"I'll keep looking but Captain, it's getting late, and you'll need rest for the morning. Yellow signing off." Yellow says

"Wait no." Jeffers says as Yellow goes offline.

"Merci dammit." Jeffers says, he lays down on the hard cold concrete floor and puts his hands together and prays to Merci.

"Guide me." he says, something Morzans say when they need help.

He closes his eyes and goes to sleep.


The next morning is a beautiful sunny day with no clouds in sight. The colosseum is full of people cheering among those people sitting in their own private section surrounded by guards, Titus, Savr and Victoria. Also attending is Horman the Spellcaster who is in attendance in the bottom row of the arena waiting for the criminals to butcher each other. Purely for entertainment before he goes back to D'vron.

Jeffers walks out into the arena dressed in battle armor carrying swords.

Victoria is immediately offended by this sight meaning Savr lied to her.

"How dare you." She says

"What did you actually think I was going to save him? That was too much work for me darling." Savr says 

Victoria, enraged, grabs a blunt object on the ground and hits Savr with it, sending him tumbling down the stairs and into the arena.

"Perfect." Titus says ominously

The entire crowd begins laughing at Savr. Embarrassed he yells

"I will not take this insult lying down guards!"

The guards grab Victoria and throws her into the arena with Savr.

"Ah, the nerve. You should never touch a lady." Victoria screams at the guards who threw her.

Savr takes out his sword and asks

"Are you ready to perish Vicki?"

Jeffers throws Victoria his sword and she grabs it and asks

"Are you?" As she holds her sword in a menacing fashion.