
Living Media

In a world where characters in entertainment are alive and carry on with lives of their own off screen. a teenage girl named Victoria Langley who is trapped in a British sitcom longs to leave and go on adventures of her own. She finally gets her wish when she wakes up mysteriously on board the Starship Dibits in another show entirely. There Victoria meets new friends and goes on space adventures with them, but as she'll soon learn she's destined for bigger things.

Ranting_Renegade · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 10: Good Governance Part 2

One week later the Dibits is under full restoration from the battle. Inside the Alicus shipyard, A new left wing has been welded onto her and she is being outfitted with new technology, such as sound cannons, stun torpedoes and stronger guns. Once again Heidi finds herself overlooking a work crew who are repairing the ship's software, while Victoria sits in the Captain's chair and Beta sits in secondary.

Jeffers is taking care of some business in the city, leaving Heidi alone on board the ship.

On the Holocom they watch a Senate hearing where Admiral Newton is again on the line ready to be removed. A Sharonian speaker (the cat-like race) at the podium.


"Admiral Newton has been nothing but a thorn in the side of the PA. He deliberately sabotaged the peace agreement between princess Reya and the Hondras Empire for a war he was sure he could win. He couldn't, and as a result the final death toll of that battle is over 8000. Morzan, Sharonian, Sivomese, Notuan and many more who I will not mention but who are not forgotten were killed. Because of this man's actions. I tell you men, women, and other lifeforms of the Senate. Remove this man from his position and let justice be served." The speaker says

"Is that all speaker?" asks the Senate leader

"That is all sir" the speaker answers

"Ok, now may the Admiral step up to show his side." The Senate leader says

"I will." Admiral Newton says

Newton steps to the podium and taps the Mic.

"Hello" he says

"Hello" the chamber says in unison

"I know that at this moment you want to remove me. Some of you probably think that your past judgement in trusting me was wrong. I think you're wrong for thinking that. Under my command we won that battle and saved Morza and Sivom from total destruction. The reason for the massive loss of life wasn't because of me. It was because of the shoddy way the fleet is managed. 160 ships is all I was able to scramble up on in a fleet of 5000 ships. Where were the others you asked? Well, a force of 120 didn't make it until the battle was already over. We have many many ships available but none come. Why is that, when our HQ is under threat we can only scramble up on a few ships. Well it's because our ships are scattered across the quadrant across the galaxy. On useless ventures such as exploration. Let me tell you people exploration is a waste of our time and resources! We don't need A whole litter of new planets in the PA who contribute nothing, but another bureaucrat in the Senate and then have the nerve to demand military protection because theirs is weak and obsolete. Newsflash people the PA is not a welfare system we are a governing body and every governing body should have immense military might. Speaking of other militaries. I know this is going on a bit long, just be patient. But speaking of other militaries all these planets have one. Do they not trust the PA, Sharon, Notu, Vekner and the others have their own individual armies. Notu's army didn't even bother assisting us in the battle even though their planet inhabits the same star system. Morza doesn't have it's own military anymore. Sivom dissolved it's military when it joined the PA. Avar's military is gone. Why don't they trust the PA? Do they have another more sinister thing in mind."

"I've heard enough of this nonsense!" The Senator from Notu jumps up and shouts

"Senator! We will have order" says the Senate leader.

"Senate leader, I just want to have one minute to just one to respond." The Notuan Senator asks

"You may have it" The Senate leader responds.

"Ok thanks. Admiral, I can't speak for the Sharonians or Veknerians but Notu has its own military because the PA may not get to us in time if we were attacked. You have a point: the PA fleet is poorly commanded but you are an Admiral. You and four others have complete control of the fleet and command it at your whim.

Everything you just said in your rant is against you. I ask the men, women, and other lifeforms of the Senate to consider replacing this utter failure of a commander with a Notuan commander someone who could do the job right."

The crowd started cheering and once it dies down the Senate leader says

"Now let's put it to a vote."

After a while all the votes are tallied and it comes back as 1500 in favor of removing the Admiral and 500 in favor of keeping him.

"It is settled Admiral Newton you have been removed from your position effective immediately." The Senate leader says.

The crowd started cheering as Admiral Newton is angered and saddened by this.

All over the PA there are cheered and onboard their vessel many spray paint ""remember the Solarwind"" on the walls of their starships. Some even with a mural of the starship.

As the Senate settles down they now decide what to do with him.

"As of right now the PA has decided to not bring up any charges against you. And we at the Senate have all come to an agreement. That you will now be the next governor of the occupied planet Proximus 9. That's not to say you won't be brought up later but just not today."

Admiral Newton begins to smile

"Thank you men, women, and other lifeforms of the Senate. I promise I won't let you down."

Meanwhile in the PA territories the cheering turns to booing. As they learn he won't be charged.


Back onboard the Dibits.

"Those poor people on Proximus 9. They will surely be subjugated by that psychopath." Victoria says

"It's unfortunate. But at the same time very fortunate. The people of Proximus 9 will surely revolt after a while and put Newton's head on a pike." Heidi comments