
Living Media

In a world where characters in entertainment are alive and carry on with lives of their own off screen. a teenage girl named Victoria Langley who is trapped in a British sitcom longs to leave and go on adventures of her own. She finally gets her wish when she wakes up mysteriously on board the Starship Dibits in another show entirely. There Victoria meets new friends and goes on space adventures with them, but as she'll soon learn she's destined for bigger things.

Ranting_Renegade · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 1: Accidents Happen

Victoria wakes up in her room on the USS Dibits and it has been three entire weeks since she arrived, in that time she's just been doing the work Heidi doesn't want to do such as mopping the floor of the bridge and cleaning the ship's many bathrooms. Since the ship can get cold Heidi gives Victoria her jacket with the Planetary Alliance's insignia on it. A blue jacket with a planet with rings around it. The same jacket she puts on as she gets up from her bed. As she is getting dressed a message comes over the com saying "Victoria we need you at the bridge immediately!"

"Well here I go" She says to herself as she walks out of the door and into the hallway. She looks out onto the ship's design of broad hallways, sliding doors for each room and Deck B written in big bulge letters across the wall. As she is walking to the bridge she sees a mural full of pictures stating "In memoriam to all the crew members we have lost." 

"I haven't seen this before," she says in her thick british accent. She thinks to herself, 

There appears to be 17 pictures of all those lost on this ship. Tragic. She continues to the bridge and when she makes it there she sees Captain Jeffers and First Mate Heidi sitting in their respective chairs.

"You're late." Heidi says

"Sorry I overslept." Victoria replies

"I'm gonna have to deduct points for that." Heidi exclaims

Captain Jeffers looks at Heidi with an unimpressed look on his face.

"So what do you want me to do today?" asks Victoria

"What is it you normally do?" asks Jeffers

"I normally do whatever random task Heidi gives me." Victoria says 

Captain Jeffers looks over to Heidi with an even more unimpressed look than before. Heidi feeling the pressure says

"Oh, Victoria, just use the scanner, it's easy. Just aim it, press scan and then read what pops up on screen."

"Ok" Victoria says

Victoria sits down in the seat where the scanner device is which is just to the right of secondary's seat

"So where are we going?" asks Victoria as she wants to type the course into the scanner.

"Morza" Captain Jeffers answers

"Why are we going to Morza? It's already in the PA. There is nothing to explore there." Victoria says

"The mission of the Dibits isn't just exploration, we also do supply runs." Jeffers says

"If you don't like it you can go back to that british show you hated so much," says Heidi trying to antagonize Victoria.

"No no I'm good here." Victoria replies

Jeffers smashed the FTL (Faster than light) button on the side of his chair. Which causes the Dibits to fly at unrealistic speed. As they get closer to Morza the scanner detects A Hondras ship. 

"Captain, Scanner detects a Hondras ship in the vicinity," says Victoria

Captain Jeffers and First Mate Heidi are shocked to hear this since the Hondras are the enemy of the PA and they both have a cold war like relationship, so it surprises them to see one this close.

"Impossible, the Hondras wouldn't be dumb enough to send a ship this close to Morza." Heidi says.

"Well the scanner says otherwise." Victoria exclaims

Victoria shows them the screen of the scanner and they see a Hondras ship cruising closer and closer to the Planet.

"Scan it" Captain Jeffers says reluctantly

Victoria scans it and the processing comes back,

"It's an exploration vessel named the Zezerick" Victoria says

"Beta, get the Captain on the Holocom"

Jeffers demand

"Affirmative Captain" Beta says, Beta is a Sharonian, a feline race from the planet Sharon. Beta has orange fur. He is also the ship's helmsman.

The Captain of the Zezerick appears on screen with his pale skin and his dark red eyes and emaciated figure a common look among the Hondras species.

"Oh my God." Victoria whispers as she's in shock of seeing the Hondras for the first time.

"Syre, I'm Captain Zeefor of the Imperial Starship Zezerick. What are you contacting us for Captain?" Zeefor says

"This is Captain Jeffers of the United StarShip Dibits, and we warn you Captain you are entering PA territory." Jeffers replies

"My government has sent me on a mission to analyze a planet Captain now if you would please" Zeefor then cuts the com off and FTLs off.

"Analyze a planet, Morza no doubt that's why they sent an exploration vessel. After them!" Jeffers commands

The Dibits takes pursuit as the Zezerick begins to shoot its lasers at it, the lasers fly through the dark vacuum of space in the form of greenlight.

"Don't fire crew, we can end this peacefully. Beta try to get them back on-" Jeffers is interrupted when one of their laser blasts strikes the Dibits' right wing causing minor damage. The fire from the small dent quickly goes out due to the lack of oxygen in space

"Alrighty then fire torpedoes" Jeffers says

Heidi smashes the button to fire the torpedo. From Deck F of the Dibits a torpedo launches and flies through space landing a direct hit on the Zezerick's engine causing it to explode in a massive fireball destroying it completely and leaving no survivors of the crew.

"That was not my intent." Heidi says in horror

They all look over the wreckage of the Zezerick which is left in pieces floating through the empty vacuum of space. 

"shit." Captain Jeffers says


Three weeks later, Captain Jeffers and Heidi are brought in to testify about the incident in front of the Admiralty at PA Headquarters in Alicus, the capital city of Morza. Before them sits five Admirals in a courtroom setting. 

First there's Admiral Newton, an olive skinned man with sleek black hair and a very short temper. Then there's Admiral Smithers, also a man of olive skin color and also has sleek black hair and is very apathetic. Then Admiral Flera, a dark skinned woman from the planet Cantrun, with dark black hair. Then Admiral Dasy a woman of white skin with blonde hair from the planet Sivom, and Finally Admiral Beedo, a Notuan a species that lives on a frozen iceball of a planet who wear coats that cover their entire figure and face, all that's ever been seen of them is their bright red eyes.

Even though Admiral Smithers is usually apathetic towards things he's livid as he says

"This incident has led to a diplomatic nightmare Captain. As we speak the Alliance's diplomats are trying to mediate peace between us and the Hondras Empire" Admiral Smithers says in anger

"Calm down Admiral." says Admiral Newton says as he hates the Hondras and sees nothing wrong with what they've done.

"I will not calm down Newton, I" Admiral Smithers sees the look of the other Admirals looking at him so he stops mid rant.

"Captain Jeffers I don't want to hear another thing about you torpedoing any other ship. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Admiral" Jeffers says

"Hang on now Smithers, how can a ship defend itself without using torpedoes?" asks Admiral Flera

"The Dibits is a Solar class vessel. It is 5×  the speed of light at its top speed. Any vessel that tries to combat it should be left in the dust. Dismissed!" Admiral Smithers says

The hearing ends and Jeffers and Heidi walk out of PA HQ and into the streets of Alicus. Alicus is a major city with a futuristic skyline high above the skyline you can see the beautiful rings of Morza, the buildings are similar to many sci-fi cities and cars that hover on the ground instead of driving on it. To their surprise waiting outside of the building for them is a beautiful white woman with sleek black hair and an umbrella to shield her fair skin from the sun. She is dressed in all black and has black leather platform boots.

"You two!" she shouts

"Is that?" says Jeffers in shock

"Yeah, it's me Princess Reya and you two idiots have destroyed the PA's relationship with the Hondras Empire." Princess Reya says

"We saved the Planet and in our defense the PA relationship with the Hondras wasn't too good to begin with." Heidi pleads to the princess. Reya smacks Heidi with her purse shouting "You possibly started a war!"

"Look, your highness maybe we could talk about this on board the Dibits." Jeffers suggests.

"No! We will talk about this later. In the Royal palace." Reya says

Reya then walks off and hops in a hover car that speeds off.

As Heidi is rubbing her cheek that Reya smacked she says "pampered bitch"

"Cheer up Heidi we got invited to the Royal Palace." 

"Hey I guess that's something to celebrate."

"See that's the spirit, no let's get back to the ship. Taxi!" Jeffers shouts

They both get into the taxi which takes them to the Alicus shipyard across town where the Dibits and all the other PA ships are docked when they arrive in Alicus. 


While they are in the taxi headed to the shipyard. Victoria is sitting in the Captain's seat with Beta sitting beside her sitting in secondary (The name for the First Mate's seat)

"Hit the bow to the stern. Batten down the hatches. Deploy the sails." Victoria says Jokingly.

"What is any of that" What does any of this mean?" asks Beta

"I don't know, I'm just doing this to take the piss out of Heidi when she returns." answers Victoria

"She's already going to be mad though." Beta says

"I don't care." Victoria replies

Just then Heidi and Jeffers walk in prompting Victoria to quickly jump from the Captain's seat

"Sorry sorry Captain" Victoria apologizes to Captain Jeffers.

"I don't mind Victoria," Jeffers says. Although Heidi has a very different reaction to Beta being in her seat.

"Get out of my seat Beta!" Heidi demands

"Yes Secondary." Beta says and he jumps out of Heidi's chair.

"So I hope you two had fun being in Command of the ship. Because you will have to do it again tonight." says Jeffers

"Really why?" asks Victoria

"Because me and Heidi have been invited to the Royal Palace," says Jeffers.

"Really, that's awesome. I've never been invited to the Sharonian council " says Beta

"I've been invited to Buckingham Palace before it was my show's series finale." Victoria says

"No one cares" Heidi says to Victoria

Victoria is saddened by this says 

"I care when you guys say stuff."

"Well we need to get ready. Because Princess Reya is a very impatient person. So if you'll excuse us." Jeffers says.

Both Jeffers and Heidi leave the room and go to there own respective rooms on Deck A. Jeffers comes back in a tuxedo

"Looking nice Captain" says Victoria

"Thanks," he says in reply.

Heidi then walks in wearing a prom dress with high heel sandals on.

"How do I look?" She asks

Victoria sits in ah as she looks at Heidi and all her beauty.

"You look beautiful," Victoria says.

"Nice, you ready to go Anton?" Heidi asks

"Yes," he answers.

They both walk out of the room then exit the ship.