
Living life to the fullest as a CRAB?!

After the teen, Astam Crabum, drowns and dies in attempts to impress his fisherman father by spearing a crab on the edge of a cliff, he gets reincarnated as the last thing he thought of. Dawning a new name for himself, he decided to live his new life to the fullest unlike his previous attempt.

landon_6388 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First Night

[Ordinary Skill: Night Vision has been obtained.]

As my peripheral floods with the cold blues and greys of the night and my eyes start the adjusting process of my new vision, i find a whole other meaning to the word "beauty".

Man, having night vision truly makes a difference even if it is just level one!

Id better head off somewhere to hide in case other monsters come out hungry for crab.

But the question is, where?

I mean i am pretty certain that there is a forest just over the sand dunes, might as well go there for the night!

The snarls and growls of other creatures near by gave me a reason to be ever so slightly faster than i usually would be.

[Ordinary Skill: Speed-Walk lvl.1 has been obtained]


Nothing could ever catch me now!

In my self glorification, the fact that i was at the bottom of the food chain in this place slipped my mind.

Also that there was a snake the size of an adolescent child slithering towards me at great speeds.


What the hell is wrong with this place?!

Does everything look like its been injected with steroids?!

[Ordinary Skill: Speed-walk lvl.1 has leveled up into Ordinary Skill: Speed-walk lvl.2]

Woah, in the knick of time!

With this i can just about out pace this snake, but running isnt gonna help me whatsoever so i might aswell try and fight it.

I twisted my little body all the way round and launched myself at the scaly foe, preparing my claws to slice its body up... so how did it end up like this???

Instead of what i wanted to happen, the snake also lept.

Colliding with me mid air and chomping down, taking off my left claw and two out of 7 of my legs left.

As i fell to the ground, my frail body picking up no sand due to the lack of weight, my mind went wild once again.


Yet again... really?

Im still so weak?

Im still too young.

I dont want to die just yet.

Please.. whoever is looking at me now... behead my calls!

As those lasts words rang through my mind, i realised that i felt... heavy?

Or maybe... full?

Full of water.

Salty water.

As a last ditch effort to spare my own life, i sprayed the water at the snake.

[Ordinary Skill: Water Creation lvl.1 has been obtained.]

Hitting its eyes, the foe hissed in fury and writhed in pain.

I may not have been a threat, but that was okay.

Because at least now i was an annoyance.

[Ordinary Skill: Physical Fortitude lvl.1 has been obtained.]

[Ordinary Skill: Mental Fortitude lvl.1 has been obtained.]

[Ordinary Skill: Physical Fortitude and Ordinary Skill: Mental Fortitude have unified to form Rare Skill: Impure fortitude lvl.1.]

Sure, the sweet ol' skills are nice but i am still being preyed on by a half blinded snake right now!!!

As flashes of me falling into the hands of death once again are playing on repeat in my head, a screech bellows in the sky, followed by a bird painted such a strong shade of yellow it clashed and overpowers the blue hue of the moon.

The bird then swiftly swooped down, its claws clad in a rich red flame, and caught the peripherally impaired snake and flew away, freeing me from the cold clutch of death.

I was stunned.

How could i be so stupid?

So far i thought of this as some game and me as the main character.

This is real.

Realer than any image i could put together in my head.

[Rare Skill: Rational Thought lvl.1 has been obtained.]

What am i thinking?

I shouldnt be stood here like an idiot blaming myself for ways i could be better.

I need to find a safe place.

Travelling across the sand covered plain, i finally felt grass for the first time in this magical life, and decided to finally settle down in a bush.

A simple shrub.

Digging a hole into the dirt was quite easy considering i only had one claw and five legs!

[Ordinary Skill: Earth manipulation lvl.1 has been obtained.]

Another skill to add to the collection!

Ahhhhhh... what a nice home ive made for myself, ready for me to have my first sleep...


[Epic Skill: Slow Regeneration lvl.1 has been obtained.]