
Living life in Naruto relaxed. (I am Egotistical though.)

First off this is no where near like its cannon. Apparently the fact that is fan fiction people ignore really. You will not see your characters with there same personality. It would not make any sense with all the different exposure people have happen. The mc had a part of himself around way before the start of the series. He was an adult when Kushina left the village of whirlpool. There are added characters that change the world and how you may have read. Some things still happen, because why wouldnt they. Events can still take place how they would before. It may be worst or better. The concept of the ripple effect or butterfly effect are just concepts. Think Final destination. death finds away or in this case the deities will find a way. The story picks when Naruto is two years old. The timeline does not fit at all because I have included parts of the movies and the like. Also there is the ability dimension travel. As well as there are deity at work. This will not fit with society norms. Big shocker there. The fact you would think it was is ridiculous since Naruto is about children going to war. Something that a lot of people ignore. The fact that they are kids killing people tends to get glossed over.. a lot. If you want to see your characters as they always are, just read the original. There is no point in you reading a fan-fic. "So first wish... Kryptonian Body. Second wish...Genius intellect to figure out techniques. Third Wish.. the ability to summon random people and things." "Eh, don't really care for anything else. Feel free to grant what you feel. I'm kinda just gonna do nothing unless trouble comes knocking." The God.. just stared. "Funny thing about that, I am a God of fertility.. so you have to breed and make kids. Like a lot. A lot a lot. You are hyper fertile. Like by x3 one for each wish." The God smirked. "I will also bestow on you the ability to move through dimensions and control of your body's cells and to that extent a little bit of others." The God said with a smile before sending Kai-La away. DeviantArt Broken Shield by hoangphamvfx enjoy his picture work.

FrozenTide · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

A little night fun?? (Sex)

"No one will interrupt us. Pakura said moving off the bed to stand.

Her robe slightly parted at the top. She looked to be slightly embarrassed. Kai-La could hear her heart beating fiercely. He saw the blush on her cheeks creep up as he stared never looking away for a moment.

"Are you sure?" Kai-La asked. Moving his hands out he made a dimensional barrier around the two. One to negate the sound so it doesn't travel through the house. Two to prevent the blasts of chakra Pakura releases during sex from destroying anything. They did not need a repeat of the forest. And three to keep him from damaging the house by mistake as well.

Turning the cells in his body to a more normal level. He had it store most of the solar energy. His body was currently in a hibernating state. His powers as a Kryptonian were still active but less likely to go out of his control.

Internally Pakura wondered about his actions. Through the link, she saw his gaze never look away from her. Added with her looking at his body especially his groin she could tell he was aroused.

"I am. You have solved our original deal. You also listened to my request to save the Kazekage's wife and son. Why are you hesitating now? Am I not attractive enough?" Pakura asked as she placed his hands on her chest. "My heart still beats because of you. If you don't want me now I understand. You have so many others to choose from." She said smirking.

"It is not that. You are very attractive. The hesitation comes from something else." Kai-La said gently. He moved his head closer to her face and lightly kissed her cheek. "My upbringing is slightly different. When one makes kids it is generally with someone they love. Or by accident sometimes."

"Here I am, purposely getting you pregnant just to do my mission. It is slightly wrong for me. But I can't resist this. I have a strong desire to do it, close to an uncontrollable urge actually." Kai-La said as he grabbed her neck kissing her collarbone. His tongue moved about as he listened to her heart speed up and slow down.

"The problem you face is that you don't love me," Pakura said a little sadly. "But what if I love you?"

"It has been, only a little while since we have known each other. Love I doubt it. Care, yes I can believe that." Kai-La said leaning back looking into her eyes.

"You have been in love before I take it?" Pakura questioned. "That person is not here now. No longer by your side, if they were you wouldn't need me or the others."

"Yes, I have. You are right. They found another." Kai-La said slightly angry after remembering his past relationships.

"That is what you are using to judge our current relationship. Why not think of the other party involved. Do you think Hisa doesn't love you? The more you do in the village and the safer you make this household the stronger her attachment to you becomes. I won't even get started on Oreo and Anko. We are ninja, we fall in love easily but it is a strong love and last longer than you can imagine. We don't have the luxury of waiting for a full romance like civilians do." Pakura said.

"My apologies. I did not mean to cause offense. I just have to get out of my own feelings is all." Kai-La said with a half smile. "Responsibility has kinda caught up with me."

"But have you not felt anything for us? Have you never been drawn to others based on what they have done for you? What comfort and security they bring?" Pakura question with steel in her voice. She slowly moved her hands around his waist undoing his belt. Females ninja had always been better at seduction than their male counterparts.

"I do feel for you all. Just at times, I feel like everything is a dream. It is all a false reality." Kai-La said shaking his head.

Pakura grabbed him by the head kissing him hard. "This is real. We are really togethor right now. I am your first wife."

"Smoch" she planted a kiss on his neck.

"Smoch" another kiss then went to the cheek. As she licked his cheek towards his ear. She whispered into an ear as sexily as she could muster, ignoring her own doubts.

"I will make you fall in love with me. The others will have to fend for themselves."

"Well, I guess I shouldn't resist," Kai-La said as he fully lifted her up. Placing her on the bed he reached for the belt of her robe. 'Can't hold back anymore. Fuck this body is amazing.'

Pakura was no slouch. Her body was nicely toned. The marks from when her village tried the assination attempt were all gone. No scaring are blemishes. Her skin was flawless with a nice brown tint to it. It reminded Kai-La of a Brazilian friend of his.

She did not have a perfect hourglass figure but from what he saw no one would complain. Her stomach was flat with a little definition of abs forming. Ninja had to be fit if they wanted to get away so it made sense. Her hair was no longer done up and flowed down her back.

A wave of chakra dissipated off Kai-La as he gave in to his desires. Whatever else was plaguing his mind floated away.

'No sense in not using my abilities. Can't have her thinking I am super rusty at this.' Kai-La thought as he changed the tips of his hands to feel like they were wet. He made sure to give them a warm feeling as well. Looking down he traveled his hands slowly down the curves of her body.

At his touch, Pakura tensed slightly before relaxing. Each trail of his fingers sent a thrill through her body. Her brain was telling her this was right. Her instincts as a woman wanted this to continue. The ninja side of her fought to make sure she did not drop her guard.

"Mmm, so warm but slick. How are you.." Pakura started to say before he grabbed her breast firmly.

While her breast were in his hands he kissed her nipples each. His tongue playing with the tips kissing around the areolas. Looking up he saw the anticipation in her eyes and bit down on both after pushing them together.

"Ah! Do it a little harder." Pakura said moaning a little.

Kai-La bit a little harder but pressed down more with his tongue. Lashing against both nipples between his teeth. His palm pushed on her breast as he worked with his tongue.

After every hard lashing, he would pull back and separate her breast. He would move down and lick her sternum before moving to kiss her deeply. Their tongues would twist around one another in a wrestle. Her's trying to keep his steady. His tongue trying to coil around hers.

Pakura did not just relax idly either. Her feet had made its way around his cock. She used her toes to slide along his length. Her index toes lightly pressed under his helmet every time she pulled back.

"Fuck, that's good," Kai-La said pulling back giving Pakura the chance to breathe. A small thin trail of saliva bridged between the two. It broke and half landed on his stomach while the other half landed on hers.

"Glad I meet your standards," Pakura said smiling. She looked down at his cock and saw the increase of his fluids when she said that. Her eyes gleamed seeing the effect she had on him. 'I really want him to make love to me...but I think it will be better just sex for now. That way when we do it later it will feel better. At least that's what mom told me.'

Kai-La had to suppress his heat vision for a moment. 'I am really getting riled up. This is different than normal. It feels like I am with a woman for the first time again. Is it because of the body or something else?'

Seeing the look in his eyes Pakura felt assured with what she was doing. She added more pressure and increased her speed.

Not wanting to be outdone. Kai-La moved his hands down and grabbed Pakura's ass. Separating her cheeks slowly with the strength of his pinky fingers. He then used his thumbs to rub around outside her pussy.

"Ah, that's so nice." Pakura moaned. She slowed down with her feet and enjoyed the feel down below.

Kai-La gathered some of her juices onto his thumbs. Using it to trail to the upward part of her pussy. He massaged slowly but firmly trying to get her clit to come out of its hiding place.

After moments of this, it was revealed he smacked it lightly with his thumb. Alternating between the two. His pinky no longer had her spread as he placed his middle fingers at her entrance. With a little push, he was inside up to his knuckles.

"Oh.. what.. are you doing?" Pakura asked between breaths.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump," repeatedly echoed in the room. Pakura's feet jerked with each hit. The insistent pressure on Kai-La's cock drove him to speed up on her.

His right and left middle fingers moved slowly around. He found a spot right inside her that seemed to make her coo. Hard strikes did not do anything on the area but soft caress did, however. While his thumbs switched to a gentle caress on her clit as well.

'He has found such a great spot. I don't want to stop him but... I can see his cock jumping. His head looks swollen. Dammit how long have we been at this.' Pakura thought as she looked at the clock on the wall. 'Only a few minutes not to bad. He has some stamina. But my legs are starting to get weak. I won't finish first this time.'

Moving her feet to the back of Kai-La's ass she looked at him. "No playing. I will prove I am yours. Do it." Pakura said determined.

Nodding his head Kai-La moved forward and slide into her. The slick precum of his cock allowed for a smooth entry. Pakura used her legs and pulled him in completely by lifting her self off the bed. She did not want the slow process. Her lips spread to take him in.

Gasping his cock slid in all the way to the base in one go. "Hah, fucking hell that's tight," Kai-La said. He was worried about the heat being a problem but the stranglehold she had on him, made him reconsider activating his powers back.

Building up momentum on him with just her legs and hip movement, Pakura leaned forward more and grabbed around his shoulders for more control.

"Thought the heat would be a problem. Glad that it isn't. It hard for certain bloodline users to do this so I don't get a lot of practice." She said while squinting her eyes enjoying the feeling.

Kai-La was dealing with the tightness of her pussy. The heat turned out to be nothing to worry about. Pakura was getting used to the feeling of being filled all the way.

'Taking him to the base was the right idea. I must think Hisa later for that. How did she know?' Pakura thought to herself before shaking her head. 'Thoughts for later. I hope he can last a while.'

With each rise of her hips, Pakura let a little yelp. Kai-La grunted with the increase in speed. His cock produced more pre-cum along with her own juices flowing. Lubrication was not an issue. Little fire spheres formed and burst every time Pakura dropped her ass harder.

"Slick, slick, " sound could now be heard over heavy breathing. With each push forward Kai-La felt his body tingled.

'Fuck what the hell is this?! I have sex before this feels like too much.' He could feel he was already at the edge. 'Don't tell me I have to relearn sex with this body! Damn it!' Realizing to late he felt the relief of a good nut slip out.

With that, he started to cum deep into Pakura.

"Ooh," she whispered. "Ooh! Oh, oh, oh," she sighed, "So close. Dammit!" Pakura thought a little disappointed. 'Those little baby ones were not good enough. Maybe he can ..' She started to think before she felt him not slowing down.

Kai-La worked himself up into a frantic pace. He started to slam himself into her with a stronger force. Little shockwaves traveled around the two. A strong wave of chakra left from him and enveloped Pakura. This reinforced her body as he started thrusting harder and harder.

More fire spheres formed up with a large one building up above the two.

"Ah, this is better! Don't you dare stop keep going!" Pakura yelled. She just held on and enjoyed the waves of pleasure that ripped through her body. Looking into Kai-La's eyes she saw the determination.

His fingers gripped her nipples as he twisted them.

"Uh," Kai-La grunted as stokes became stronger. He felt his body become in tune with hers as he started fucking her harder.

"Ah that's it," Pakura said biting unto his neck. She held on as tightly as she could as they increased the pace.

With a hard thrust, Kai-La head was at her womb's entrance. Then she felt another wave of cum leave and force its way in. Cum leaked out the sides of her pussy and landed on the bed below her.

She did not know the two were hovering a little over the bed.

"Too much," Pakura said as she felt her orgasm finally take her. Losing herself inside her own pleasure she grabbed tightly onto Kai-La.

"Boom!" The fire sphere burst but was sucked into a different dimension causing little to no damage.

After they enjoyed a mutual orgasm the two finally came down from there sexual high. Pakura legs had given out.

Feeling a pair of lips on her own. She focused on kissing back. 'Finally not holding back. This I can work with.' Feeling herself touching down back on the bed she was surprised to feel Kai-La stop and slide out of her.

His cock now rested on her pussy with his head glistening with both of there juices. His erection did not go away.

Holding himself on his elbows he just watch Pakura slowly. Looking for any damage he may have caused or injuries. Noticing none he sighed in relief.

"Hah, glad we didn't destroy the place." He said looking around.

"Did huff, my best to real it in. Gulp." Pakura said. "But seeing as your seals worked.." she looked around and saw only little burn marks on the sheets. "Glad I can let loose next time. Also glad you came through in the end."

"Sorry about that. It has been way too long. Felt like I was a virgin all over again." Kai-La said as he stroked her face.

"Huff, huff, no problem," Pakura said between breaths. "For a moment I thought you were spent. I was gonna be very upset actually."

Cocking an eyebrow Kai-La stared at her. "Really now can't have that now can we. I will do my best to show you what I am made of." He said as he pulled back and lined himself up.

"Really now. Woman don't like all talk." Pakura said. Her face turned into a smile when she saw what he was doing. 'Oh, so you have stamina. Good. Hopefully, he doesn't cum so much next time.' Reaching out she scooped a piece of his cum and tasted it.

'It tastes so sweet. I can feel chakra as well. So many secrets.' Pakura thoughts scattered for a moment.

"Let us do this a little better shall we," Kai-La said grinning.

With that, the two enjoyed a night of lavicious activity.

I tried to change it up some but this was what I got.

Updated up 07/06/2019

FrozenTidecreators' thoughts