
Three Headed Dog!

"I came to warn you guys that Draco may not be coming to duel. Lavender overheard them talking to Filch" She replied.

"So you just have to come here" I replied.

"We've got to get back to Gryffindor tower," said Ron, "quickly as possible."

"Let's go." I replied while heading to the staircase when suddenly we heard a chucking sound nearby. It was Peeves. He caught sight of us and gave a squeal of delight.

"Shut up, Peeves — please — you'll get us thrown out." Ron just couldn't keep his mouth shut and pissed peeves off.

"Wandering around at midnight, Ickle Firsties? Tut, tut, tut. Naughty, naughty, you'll get caughty."

"Not if you don't give us away, Peeves, please."

"Should tell Filch, I should," said Peeves in a saintly voice, but his eyes glittered wickedly. "It's for your own good, you know."

"Run" I screamed while bolting towards the dorm. I knew that letting harry take the lead could lead us to fluffy. Soon we heard Peeves shouts behind us.


Thankfully I knew several ways to reach the dorm safely even though strangely some doors got blocked or staircases moved when we approached them but we didn't stop running until they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady on the seventh floor.

"Where on earth have you all been?" she asked, looking at our robes hanging off their shoulders and their flushed, sweaty faces.

"Never mind that — pig snout, pig snout," panted Harry, and the portrait swung forward. We scrambled into the common room and collapsed, trembling, into armchairs.

We didn't say anything and headed right towards our bed.

"Exciting night, right" Ron croaked still breathing heavily.

"If chased all along half of Hogwarts is exciting for you then yes" I replied knowing full well how close they were to an exciting night.

The next day we woke up refreshed. It was the weekend so we headed to breakfast in the great hall directly after freshening up. Malfoy couldn't believe his eyes when he saw us having breakfast cheerfully.

"Hey Harry, Jack" Fred called us with George just behind him "We will be having quidditch practise today just after breakfast on grounds"

"Today?" I asked.


"But, I don't have a broom yet!!" I mumbled.

"Don't worry we have several good brooms in spare in case we break ours during the game" George replied " You can use one of them to practise until you order yours"

"Thanks, George"

"By the way it's Fred"

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes" He replied but I think they are just messing with me.

"Can I take one too" Harry injected in between.

"You don't have your own?" I asked confused.

"No" Harry replied when suddenly owls flooded into the Great Hall, as usual, everyone's attention was caught at once by a long, thin package carried by six large screech owls. Harry was just as interested as everyone else to see what was in this large parcel and was amazed when the owls soared down and dropped it right in front of him, knocking his bacon to the floor.

"Well you got yours now" I replied while feeding some bacon to Gonzo who seems to be getting fatter each day.

"You need to stop feeding him or he will become a pig." Hermione scoffed looking at the fat ball of feathers.

We quickly finished our breakfast before wearing quidditch robes and Heading to the grounds. Soon Oliver came in and started introducing all of us.

"Good morning everyone, Great day to start new practise session right"

"Yea" all of us chortled.

"So I will introduce out new seeker and new reserve chaser of the team, Welcome Harry and Jack in the team" Oliver exclaimed " Now as Jack didn't have his own broom yet please take your pick from one of them"

I reached back into the broom cupboard and there were several brooms laying in front of me. Most of them were older model and didn't have very great speed. After searching for a while I break down my choices between Comet 1000 and Nimbus 1800 and finally decided on Comet 100 which seems to be in the best condition.

"Comet series has good maneuverability and braking enchantments and is generally preferred by chasers than the nimbus series" Oliver said trying to help me choose between these two brooms.

"Thanks, Oliver I was going to take comet anyway" I replied while heading towards the open ground with the team.

" Jack, you go ahead with Alicia, she will teach you some techniques while Angelina and Katie make some new formations, Harry follow me I will guide you in your training" Oliver instructed taking harry to another corner of the grounds.

"Jack right, I am Alicia Spinnet" A beautiful Latino girl stood in front of me extending her hand towards me..

"Yes, Nice to meet you too" I replied while shaking her hands.

"Let's get up in the air, I will teach you basic rolls, dives, and movements of the team and you can practice them later on" She replied while mounting on the broom.

Once we are up in the air she started instructing me on different movements a chaser should be able to make and different team moves that need to be synchronized with other chasers. Soon I found enjoying myself rolling over in midair and sometimes letting go of my broom while in midair or doing a headstand on the broom. Seeing me so good at flying, She soon started teaching me high-level moves like jumping in midair, braking, and many more.

"Thanks Alicia, you will make a great instructor" I told her.

"No, I was in reserves till last year but look at you, I took at least a year to start doing any complicated moves and here you are doing it in an hour" Alicia ponted out.

"I had a great teacher"

"Let's stop for today guys we have enough practice for today" Oliver shouted " We will meet next week same time to discuss our strategy for this year"

"Aye, Aye Captain" Fred chided in.

"And Angelina make sure Fred and George don't miss it because of detention again this time"

"Sure Captain, I will drag them here if I have to" Angelina replied.

I headed back to dorm with Harry in tow.

"How was your training, learn any cool moves yet" I asked.

"Well Oliver just release the snitch and timed me, Shortest was less than two minutes"

"Great going, I am sure you will make a great seeker"

We were climbing the stairs when it suddenly started to move. we nearly stumble before grabbing the railing to steady ourselves.

"Great now we have to take the long way" I grimaced.

"No there should be some connecting way in this floor" Harry replied while going forward.

"Wait" I shouted but it was too late and Harry already went in.

"Shit" I started following him and now we came across a dimly lit corridor. we went ahead and came across a closed door.

"Do you get feeling that we should not be here"

"Yeah, Genius we are on the third floor don't you notice" I replied.

"Lets go back"

"Yeah great idea"

As we were heading back, I notices filch cat near the staircase.

"Shit Its Miss Norris go back and hide or it will another detention for us" I shouted dragging Harry back to the third floor. Soon we are standing outside closed door again.

I am pretty sure Fluffy is on the other side of the door but I wanted to see him again and with all the plot armour harry has, I am sure he will visit here again so its better to let him see it.

"Its locked" Harry exclaimed trying to open the door.

"Get aside" I replied shoving him aside "Alohomora"

Harry immediately grabbed the handle and we got inside. I didn't even look back I was just awed at the size of Fluffy.

"Ohh Man" I cried looking at at least a ten-foot big hound with all three head staring right at me.