
Living in The Stars in a Galaxy Far Far Away

A woman goes to sleep one night to be awoken in a new place of light and darkness. TAGS: R-18, harem, smut, story with porn, porn with story, futa, non-human relationships, non-human mc, Pregnancies, possible dark/torture scenes, and possible rape and mention of rape. More tags might be added in the future. Mc will be a sith and we all know sith's aren't nice people specially the real sith race.

Hmm_Lets_Try_This · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


"Before I send you off Ffela I think I told you about the little something to help you keep track of your progress and strength?" I hear my mother say.

With lust still dripping in my voice, I say with a low growl resounding in my throat. "I think I remember you say something like that, but I am not sure I got distracted by my sexy mommy."

With a smirk on her face her response is "Well I want you think of stats and you should see a little screen pop up, its only purpose is to keep track of your progress."

With that said I think of stats and am quickly met with a screen of light with dark black letters stating all the things I know of and the levels at which I know it.


(AN: 1 is the level a youngling would be at, 2-3 would be a padawan, 4-5 equal to the experience of a jedi knight, 6-7 a master, 8-9 Grandmaster level, 10 would be among the levels of legendary jedi/sith throughout the History of Star Wars.)

Midi-chlorian Count: 29,000

Lightsaber Forms:

Form I: IV/X

Form II: III/X

Form III: VI/X

Form IV: IV/X

Form V: VI/X

Form VI: III/X

Form VII: IV/X

Force Abilities:

Force Push: VII/X Mind Trick: VII/X Dark Transfer: I/X Flow-Walking: X/X

Force Pull: VI/X Force Choke: V/X Force Lightning: V/X Force Jump: IX/X

Force Stun: VIII/X Force Speed: VI/X Telekinesis: VI/X Crush Opposition: VI/X

Many Shades of the Force: X/X (AN: Lets her use both sides freely without restrictions)

Force Stasis: II/X Force Barrier: V/X Force Strength: VI/X

Seeing the list of my abilities I can tell right away I should be able to handle myself in most combat situations as long as I don't get a big head and rush around aimlessly. My preferred forms being 3 and 5, I have always been a big fan of forms 3 and 5 thinking they would suit me the best if I did ever end up in Star Wars.

Not to mention the nice arsenal of force abilities I have thanks to the embodiment of sexiness that is my mother sitting in front of me giving me a handicap. Not thinking too much as I lean over planting a sloppy kiss on my mommy's sweet lips.

As I lean over, I can feel my cock rubbing against my mother's stomach smearing it with the oozing precream coming out of my engorged tip. Spreading my hot cream over her stomach while my tongue delves into her mouth going lot farther into her mouth than I thought it would.

Stopping the sloppy French kiss with my sexy mommy, I pull my 4–5-inch tongue back into my mouth. While leaning back my chin is caught by my mother's strong small hand, turning my attention back to her face from my tongue, I see a look of love and affection with a storm of power behind her eyes.

Making me feel; love and extreme affection for her, a sense of unstoppable power that my new hot mommy holds, and an extreme sense of lust. My new Sith heritage makes me extremely horny in front of the power radiating in her eyes.

All Sith's are naturally attracted to strength and my mother certainly radiates power, its one of the reasons I think my cock is constantly dripping my cream all over the place and my pussy flutters with every tingle I get through my spine.

Her strength could be one of the reasons I feel a constant heat building in my chest that seems to only simmer when my cock erupts with cum. Five minutes of a constant stream of my hot cream every time I cum.

Looking into her eyes until I hear her speak "The lightsabers I have made for you will gain a color once you ignite them, so when you go to ignite them, I want you to pour your force through your lightsabers. Doing so will also allow you to make bond with the sabers themselves and the crystal within. It would be best to do so one at a time." Hearing her say that I bring out my first lightsaber.

Looking at the black lightsaber in my hand I see a long straight handle with designs that look like naked women along the grip with them being out lined in a ruby red, and runes in ancient Sith somehow, I know means power, love, and passion. The lightsaber feels heavier than I thought it would in my hand, rolling it over in my hand I notice each woman is of different races and sizes.

The lightsaber in hand is constant in width until it reaches the emitter where it narrows a bit in size. Sending my force through the blade I feel it welcomes my touch and as if the crystal within is reaching out to me wanting attention and seeking it from me, waiting for my force to touch it. Feeling the connection with the crystal I begin feeding it with my force feeling as if my body is heating up even more than it was. After a few minutes of feeding the crystal with my force I feel like the weapon belongs in my hand and it sings for me to ignite it. I ignore the cum now staining the ground in front of me and my sexy mommy.

Standing up I turn away from her before activating the lightsaber hearing the 'ssk' sound of my lightsaber igniting I see the red color of my blade glow and I feel a smile spreading on my lips as it illuminates my features. Deciding to do a few practice swings with my lightsaber makes me easily flow into the stance of form V and form III going through combat stances and movements.

Ending my practice, I turn off my lightsaber and place it back into I guess is my inventory as I don't have clothes. Bringing my other lightsaber out I see about the same design just a bit smaller in size and much lighter with no naked women on it, but a sunshine resting near the emitter and below is what seems to be an ocean.

Feeling the same connection with this lightsaber but this one seeming calmer and gentler. I begin feeding it with my force this time it feels as if I am being hugged by a cool touch and the heat inside me subsides a bit. About the same amount of time passes.

I ignite my lightsaber and am met with a cyan colored blade, while getting into form III feels more comfortable with this lightsaber than it did with my other one. I begin to practice my forms once more with this lightsaber. Turning my lightsaber off and storing it in my inventory? Still not quite sure where everything is being stored as the system like thing never clarified if it had an inventory.

"With that done you are officially ready to start your adventure my sweet daughter." She says while licking her lips of the cum I blasted all over her the first time I brought my lightsaber out.

"Now it is time to send you on your way are you ready?" She asks and I nod in response. "I will miss my cute, adorable daughter and your sweetness." Once again licking a big wad of cum off her face.

"I will miss you too my naughty mommy, your warm and cold touch as I play with your moldable curves." I say while standing over my sitting mother. Watching her eyes meet my balls and travel up to the tip of my stilling raging hard on.

I grab my cock and give her a hard smack across her cheeks before resting my fat glans on her lips. Feeling the long tongue slither out and curl around my massive cock coiling up and down my dick stroking it. The sensations of her tongue doing wonders as the tip of her tongue starts searching around my pussy playing with my clit making my legs shake and my balls clench while my toes dig into the ground.

"Oh, fuck I am so going to miss this!" I moan out as my mommy's tongue does wonders to my shaft. Seeing the smirk on her lips even with her tongue coiling around my cock and beginning to dig into my pussy.

My hands go up to her ethereal like hair and feeling the smoothest balls of hair in my hands as I thrust myself along her tongue while the tip of my cock enters her mouth. I can't resist anymore and send the gallons of cum stored in my balls down her throat and into her mouth. Feeling my ass clench with my balls and my legs shake as I lean into my mommy wrapping my arms around her head and forcing more of my cock down her throat and more of her tongue deeper into my pussy.

Watching as the bulge in her throat bulges more as my cum travels through my shaft drowning my poor cum hungry mommy in want she wants, my hot sweet cream. Staying leaned over slowly working more of my cock down her throat while I continuously pour my fountain of cum into her for the next 5 minutes.

Feeling my orgasm end with one last shake throughout my body when I feel her tongue touching my sweetest of spots deep inside my wet garden. Feeling her tongue come free of my pussy while I unstuff my mom of my cock. Looking at the bulge in her stomach deflating fast makes me wonder what any other race would look like stuffed completely full of my cum without it disappearing. The thought seemingly making my cock stay hard as it bobs up and down slinging the drool and cum off my dick.

"Alright that's enough fun we can keep going like this forever, so I am sending you away this time." I hear her say and with a wave of her hand I see a portal that looks dark as space with little lights in that space while the portal itself is lined in white.

"Thank you, mother for everything you have done for me!" I say to her while quickly wrapping her up in my arms giving her a hug and a kiss before walking towards the portal.