
Living in the past

This a story of a well known billionare who somehow travels in past Now that he is in the past, he tries to figure out how did he get here,why did he get here? And not only that but also he has to deal with the same discrimination,torture and bully that he had faced as a child except now he knows what's gonna happen to him So will he be able to endure the same treatment and become billionaire again by starting his own company and shut everyone's mouth again but with a twist.Also figure out how he got here OR He will lose it all and end up destroying everything he has built and not being able to become a billionare again and find out the secret.His life will end up as cheap and will make everyone's insulting assumptions right Not only that he will also have to face through the delinquint stuff,gang wars,family issues, bullying, school life

Zeton · Action
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Did you say revenge?

"Hey Rameez! How's it going? "

"Were you the one you poured cold drink on my table?"

"Nope it wasn't me"

"Then who was it"

"Do you know that two dou. Those kutta and kameena ,they did it"

"Where are they?"

"Ohh! You look angry, are going to beat them-"

"I said where are they! "

"Okay! Why are you yelling at me.Who knows where they are.Just wait until recess overs. They will come back to the class"

"Do you think they will come back.They always bunk after the recess"

"Oh yeah you are right but if they come are you going to fight"

'But I am sure they will come back after what you did'

" Maybe I will"

"Oh well, okay. See you after wards"

The boy then leaves and Rameez checks his bag to if his books got wet or not which wasn't the case but something else was taken away and he thinks to himself

'Just why would someone take something like that'

Rameez then lunch to eat but wait! He doesn't have because his mother never made one for him except for his siblings. So now he is hungry and dont have anything to do

"Hey Rameez, your friend is waiting outside"

"My friend, but who?"

"I don't know his name, he just told me to call you"

"Ok! But where is he?"

"Behind the third block"


'Who might this be and besides why would someone wait someone in a place where nobody can see us'

Rameez goes to the place where that random kid told him to go

'Where is this guy? I don't really have any friends, just who might this be?'

Rameez looks around for a while and searches for the person around the area but he noticed that from a far that chemistry lab's window is open

'Hmm? is that window open? I swear it was closed when I got here. Besides,Boy I can't see anyone here! I don't even have friends who's is this person waiting for me,besides why would someone call their friends to chat in a place like this where nobody can see us.Did that kid lie to me? Kids now a days! Obviously I have no friends'


'Huh? Was that a stone? How did it got there? Did someone throw it? Maybe some kids are playing on ground and threw a stone at someone and it reached here.I will go and check'

Rameez goes up to the stone which was near the end of the block and the school gate could be visible.Rameez reaches towards the stone and stares at it for a moment to which he notices that its the same stone until he bends down to pick it up but before he can pick it up someone swings a kick at him


Blocks the kick with his hands*

"Heh! Did you really think that I wouldn't know that you guys called me out here to fight"

"Oh wow! Mean to explain everything"

"Well okay! At first when I saw drink on my table I thought it was you guys but then I checked my books to see if any of them was taken away but non of them was taken away which means that it wasn't you guys who poured the drink on table but made someone else do it and when I would see the drink on my table I would've started a commotion and ask everyone who did this and eventually someone would answer it and I would argue with the person who did this and also probably fight them too which will make the teacher alert and when we both would be getting questioned you both would try to defend that guy which lead to me getting in trouble. You guys really believed that I would think that it was someone else who poured it on my table instead of you guys. I am not that dumb anymore"

"Oh wow! I appreciate your IQ but how about this?"

Kutta tries to resist back so that Rameez can let go of his feet, yep! he was holding his feet the whole time he was explaining him but Rameez knows what's gonna happen next as Kutta tries to resist which he succeed in and tries to kick him with another feet


Blocks the kick again*

Damn Rameez is a total savage right now


"I knew you were going to kick me with the other foot after you get your leg back from my hands. You wouldn't just kick me again when I already have one of your leg because if I catch another one which I am, you will fell over and I can start punching you and win"

"Hey! Do you really think you would win against him if he falls you know I am also here"

"Oh kameena! I didn't even knew you were here"

"What did you say you bi*ch?"

"Hey kameena calm down. Rameez how did you know it was us?"

"Because on my way to school I was playing around with a rock which I kept in my bag when I got into school. Don't ask me why did I keep the stone in my bag. And when I was checking my bag for the books the stone wasn't there which meant that you guys told the person who poured the drink on my table to grab the something valuable from my bag and obviously my bag has nothing valuable except the stone and so that person brought stone to you guys which then you guys used as bate towards me and I noticed the chemistry labs window open so that's when I knew you guys were hiding in the lab and when you got out of the lab you threw the stone at me and hid behind the corner.So when I got there you you tried to swing a kick at me.Which was obvious to me.That its you play. Because you guys only like to play dirty and not fare fight"

"Oh boy amazing but"

"But what?"

"How are you gonna block this kick?"

"Which kick?"

'Wait where is kameena?'



Rameez fells down

"Haha! You shouldn't have gotten cocky"

"Kameena you rotten bastard. Playing tricks like that"

"Oh? Aren't you a mastermind you should've known my next move"


"Ahh! You Bi*ch stop stepping on me"

"And what if I don't? "

Kameena continues to kick him as Rameez is laying down




"Hey is that kid getting beaten up? Should we help him out or something "

"Why should we? Besides, even I wanted to we just can't because we can't trespass this school"

"Yeah you are right. Let's just enjoy him getting beaten up"

Oh incase you wondering they are the same people who came on the bike searching for Rameez. And how can they see the fight? Remember when I said that Rameez went to pick up the stone which was at the corner of the block and the gate could be visible from there. So obviously they can also he visible from the gate. Any ways back to the fight

"Hey kameena wait"


Kutta bends down and pulls Rameez's hair

"You really thought you can defeat me by just blocking my kicks? You might be fast but you can't endure mine nor his kicks-"

"Shut up your mouth, you breath stinks"

"Ahh! Stop scratching my face"

"Oh? And what if I don't"

Rameez scratches his face to the point where he starts bleeding and gets the marks on his face

But kameena starts kicking him until Rameez stops scrating him

"Stop scratching his face you Bi*ch.I said stop it "


Kutta tries to hold Rameez's hands and starts pushing them away

"Ahh F*ck! Look what you did to my beautiful face"

Rameez stands up and punches Kutta on the face


Rameez's punch sends Kutta 3 inches away

and kameen kicks Rameez

"You Bi*ch you got some moves huh?"

Kameena then punches Rameez which Rameez fails to block.He tries to hit kameena back but Kutta joins kameena and both of then start hitting Rameez. Which leaves Rameez weakend and is bearly able to move




"Damn that kid is getting owned"

"Exactly. He is even smaller and thinner than those two. They both are taller and muscular"

"It sure is their win. Though it's an unfair fight"


"Seems like you are at your limit, ain't ya?"

"Ha ! Ha! Ha! yeah you are right about that but"

Rameez can bearly move and is breathing aggressively

"Do what? You gonna beg us or something?"

Kicks Rameez*

"Ha! Ha!Ha! No! No way"

Rameez then starts running towards the labs window where there are kept lots of boxes filled with books. He picks one of them and throws at Kutta which Kutta catches

"Trying use this as a bate-"

After Rameez throws the box at Kutta he charges at kameena. To which obviously both Kutta and kameena are confused.Why would he throw box at Kutta and charge at kameena instead of him

Kameena tries to kick Rameez which Rameez catches and pushes Kameena towards the wall. Rameez hold kameena's both hands which makes it seem like kameena is the one who is holding Rameez. Kutta seeing this takes the chance and throws the box at Rameez to which Rameez quickly leaves kameena's hands and dodges it and jumps inside the chemistry lab which is completely empty

Any ways the box hits Kameena on the head. And kameena can't see properly now.Rameez who is inside the lab picks up an empty test tube and jumps out of the lab and directly throws it at Kutta on the face to which Kutta starts bleeding

"Ahh! F*ck yo F*ck you F*ck you Bi*ch! My face"

"Hehe! Seems like my victory"


"Oh wow! Break is over bye"

The bell rings and Rameez without thinking anything rushes towards his class leaving the area




"Woow! Did you look at that?! The kid got brain!"

"Yeah he sure does have brain"




The recess is over and Rameez is just sitting on his chair soon Kutta and kameena join the class too but Kutta is wearing a mask and a bandage on his forehead where the test tube hit him.After all he is the one who got the most hurt

'Damn! Seems like I really hurt him bad'

"Hey kutta and kameena. Why are you both late"

"Oh miss nothing I got hurt"

"How did you"

"I was playing around during recess and a ball hit my face"

"Bandage for a ball? Seriously?"

"So what? I can't use bandage if get hurt now?"

"No you can, but kameena why you were late"

"I was just with Kutta"

"Why were you. You should've come back to the class"

"He is my friend. I can't wait for my friend if he gets hurt now?"

"No you can"

The both of them get seated and everyone start thinking to themselves that Kutta just got hurt. was he in a fight? Did he lose? Etc.

After a while*

"So the magnets attract with each other becuase of the magnetic force around them-"

"I am sorry miss to interrupt but Principle is calling Kutta,kameena and Rameez"


"Wait did Kutta get into a fight with Rameez"

"Did Kutta lose to Rameez?

All of them reach to the principal's office

"You all know why I called you here,right"

"Yes sir"

"We found a broken test on the back of the chemistry lab. Rameez are you idiot? why would you throw a test tube at a person"

"Sir what about them?"

"And you Kutta and kameena why did you both try to start fight with him. Are you all psycho or something? Someone is throwing around boxes someone is throwing testubes. You both started ganging up on Rameez. How is that a fair fight. You guys should have shame,teaming up on someone like Rameez"

'What do you mean by the you old man'

"Seems like I will have to suspend you all-"

"Sir here's the money you are waiting for. Thousand bucks and let all of us go"

"What do you mean? You think you can buy me Kutta"

"Don't try to hide it sir because Rameez is here.Just take the money.I know that's what you have been waiting for"

"Fine you all are okay to leave.But don't do this again"

'Yeah like we would listen'

They walk out of the room to their class

'Damn both of them are really rich.They literally bought the principle.Maybe that's how they always used to blame me'

"Why did you guys give the money for me?"

"Just shut up and keep walking"

"But I asked a question"

"I said shut up or else I will beat you"

"Heh! beat me? Don't forget I won 2 against one"

"It wasn't fare you used objects"

"You talking about what's fare? It was 2 against one how is that fare "

"I said shut the f*ck up"

"Hey Rameez do you wanna get beaten up? if not then follow Kutta's orders"

"Orders? Do guys want me to tell everyone about who won"

"Who is gonna believe you?"

"Oh well no one"

"Exactly! Now keep walking"




The school is finished and everyone is going to their home

"Sigh! Damn my body hurts. It was a rough day but atleast I won"

"Hey kid stop"

"Huh? who are you guys?"

"That's not important. Do you know a guy named Rameez"

"Huh? Rameez? "

"Yes. Do you?"

"Oh well its-"

'Wait is that Murda Zameer's logo on their bike? No way are they? I remember this. This when I got involved in a gang stuff. That was one of my darkest moments of life

" Uhh! Well he didn't come today.He is probably not gonna come fro a while"

"Okay! You can go"

"Okay then"

Walks away*

"Hey kid! Can you help us find him"

"Huh me?