
Living in the Future ABO

Chu Jiayi is a rich, talented and handsome young master also considered the greatest beauty in the region in the Ancient World of Martial Cultivation. Well, it all turns to ashes when he is murdered under a cruel scheme. With the soul about to dissipate, a great Goddess gives him the chance to return to live. Then Chu Jiayi became Mu Liang, the fourth empire prince of the Tang-Kai Empire in an intergalactic world and with three different genres. There are no martial cultivation techniques, there are only mechas and high technology! Like an old soul, he feels lost to get worse he already wakes up committed and is about to live with his fiancé! Follow Mu Liang exploring this new world with the ABO genre and with great Mechas flying all over the place! Alessandra-066: Welcome, Host, I am your divine system! Mu Liang: Hello? Alessandra-066: I have two things to inform you about. First, you are a Recessive Omega and second, you are about to marry a ferocious man who has a scary XX! Congratulations Host. Mu Liang (...) Can I die now? Alessandra-066: Your soul will dissipate and be swallowed up by the great cosmos. Mu Liang: (!!!) NOTE: 1. R 18 2. Romance 1x1 3. Alfa (ML) x Omega (MC) 4. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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173 Chs

The history of the New World

Alessandra-066 liked the attitude of this new Mu Liang, she thought of the original Mu Liang and can only sigh, the previous Host was very troublesome. Make no mistake, Alessandra-066 is 100% dedicated to the previous Host, but the attitudes and actions that the former Mu Liang took were what led to the young man's early death.

"I like your attitude! Now lie in the jade bed, which I will help you with the memories of the original Mu Liang. You will feel a severe headache, but the jade bed will help keep your soul stable. Big sister Lan Lan was very kind when she sent you that immortal snow-white jade bed, "said Alessandra-066, helping Mu Liang lie down on the white jade bed.

This was one of the many items the Empress of Jade had bestowed on the youngest shou of her heart. In both rings were priceless and untold treasures, which would make even the true gods red-eyed by greed and envy!

Mu Liang closed his eyes in pain as memories began to roll in his mind. In fact, the story of the original Mu Liang was very simple, of course, it was the life of a prince, so there were luxury and richness everywhere.

What Mu Liang was doing was organizing the information to capture the essence of this new world. So in Mu Liang's mind, he organized everything as a history book.

First, this was the Xenon galaxy and the planet of Mu Liang is planet Tauros 1, a planet that has 60% water and 40% surface area, of course, that didn't stop civilization from expanding to create floating cities in oceans and seas.

This was the year 700 of the new galactic calendar, which came after the great battle against the other alien races trying to eliminate humanity. Humans originally came from a planet called Earth, so when humans reached the pinnacle of technology and the wars between nations ceased, the powerful countries launched into another great space race, this time in search of colonization.

The first planets were clear, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, among others until finally the entire solar system, except Mercury, had been conquered. A few thousand years later, humans dared to leave their solar system and search for new worlds, hoping to find other alien races to communicate with, in addition to the plants, bacteria and strange creatures they had encountered before.

Well, the wish of humans was fulfilled, they found a new race and were highly intelligent beings!

Fortunately, they were not hostile beings and humans formed their first intergalactic alliance. Elves are similar to human tales of hundreds of years ago, the only difference was the eyes, which unlike humans, elves had double pupils and were of different colors.

Well, there were also black elves, which were similar to normal elves, there was only a variation in skin color and hair types, they were also even stronger at night and had a very high mental strength.

Anyway, after that humanity with its rapid reproduction reached far beyond what the ancestors on earth imagined in the past, however, it was obvious that there would be alien races that were against the expansion of humanity and some other species that considered themselves natural predators of humans.

What soon led to a hunt for humans outside the original solar system, because of the distance between the solar system and the rest of the newly colonized planets, help would take time to arrive and sometimes it was too late. The human population was shrinking, women had difficulty getting pregnant in the hostile conditions of some planets, and there were men who were born with the weaker constitution and could not procreate.

However, hope resurfaced when the elven allies shared their reproductive and longevity technology, but for this humanity had to start a new era as a species.

Elven technology would allow men to bear children in their wombs too! It would also allow women to get men pregnant! This was unheard of for humanity, which had already broken the taboo of machismo and homophobia, and men and women who had homosexual relationships could have their own children through laboratory incubation.

But elven technology went beyond that, dividing humanity into three types of sex, the Alphas, the Betas, and the Omegas. The Alphas would have the strongest body and keen intelligence, perfect for the combat and strategy needed to fight humanity's deadly enemies. The Betas have their intelligence and memory strengthened, which would help to manage the various businesses and trades of nations, also taking care of the logistics and social life of humanity.

Omegas are the most special type, as their reproductive capacity of both men and women is strengthened. They were born to be beautiful and attractive, of course, their intelligence was far superior to that of Alphas and Betas, which would make them great scientists and teachers. However, their bodies were weaker than the Alphas and Betas, totally unsuitable for battle.

The Alphas and the Omegas have three further divisions. Alphas can be extreme, normal and peculiar, Extreme Alphas are those that have reached the apex of body and mind strength, are classified as triple standard SSS. Normal Alphas are the most common ones, they are classified with S and the most exceptional with SS. Peculiar Alphas are those that have an imbalance in one of their fundamental components, strength, and intelligence, being classified with the SSZ or SSY standard.

SSZ is the standard for strength deficiency, meaning his body was similar to a Beta, which wasn't bad and these Alphas could live normal lives in society, just couldn't enter the army's fiery fighting Mechas division, which it is the career with the highest degree of status in the new world order. SSY is the standard for intelligence deficiency, making this alpha just suitable for being a soldier, can't pursue careers that require strategy and quick thinking, which means that this type of alpha could only deal with low-quality Mecha.

Omegas are divided into recessive, receptive and variant. Recessive Omegas have a special gene and are rare, they can only get pregnant if your partner is 90% above compatible with your needs.

There is a system that identifies compatibility between partners at both soul level and genetics, which according to percentage can ensure reproduction and compatibility between souls. Receptive Omegas are those that only need to meet 60% of their needs before they can reproduce, most Omegas are of this type.

Already the Omega Variant is actually a powerful version of Omega, which would have the SSS body, in addition to the mind and soul being greatly strengthened, these Omegas are rare too and usually, they pair with strong Alphas women.

Male Omegas can only produce children of Alfas Males and Alfas Female, unlike female Omegas that do not have this restriction, so it is not uncommon for Betas (men/women) and Omegas (women) to marry, nor is it unusual for Betas and Omegas to produce Alfas children.

Of course, Alphas and Omegas hardly spawned a Beta child. Betas would be similar to normal humans, and Betas men cannot generate children with Male Alphas and Male Betas. The Betas are not totally like normal humans, as their bodies and souls are strengthened by elven technology, but Beta men would not have the reproductive power that the omegas had.

Anyway, outside the solar system a new Age has been established for humanity!

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Thanks for the comments and the support!

Here begins our saga in the ABO world. I don't know if there will still be a spoiler about My Yin turned Yang, but if there is I notice.

I've read other ABO novels, but I haven't seen a development like the one I created for this novel. If so, I would like you to tell me to read.

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