
Living in my Favorite Worlds

ATG Fanfic

Fanfic_Lover_8921 · Book&Literature
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5 Chs


Primal Chaos Universe, Eastern Divine Region, Blue Pole Star, Blue Wind Empire, Floating Cloud City.

This was the beginning of a morning, a morning like any other, where the chirping of birds could be heard coming from all corners and the sun was shining in the sky.

In a dilapidated room, a young man was lying on the bed, not sure since when he was there, he just opened his eyes and looked around in complete surprise and confusion.

"I... I actually transmigrated into this world, so that dream wasn't a dream."

The young man muttered in a low voice, somehow he managed to stop himself from screaming in euphoria, after all, waking up in this place made him very happy.

"I better digest this guy's memories quickly, or one of those terrible headaches would invade my mind." A few moments later the youth muttered a few more words, and then sat down in the lotus position.

Closing his eyes calmly he delved deeper into his mind, where many memories appeared, the events of a 15 year life flashed through his mind.

Even though he tried to prepare himself, the memories crashed into his mind, causing him some discomfort, it was a lot of information after all.

A few minutes later and the young man was already in a cold sweat, the mental impact is still strong, that's when he opened his eyes.

"Gu Xiao, son of Gu Xuan and Yue Lin, his family has been serving the Xia family for money, despite his parents being respected Earth Profound Realm cultivators, this guy has always had poor talent, at 15 years old and he's just a practitioner of the 4th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm."

"Well, I won't complain, it could be worse, I'm glad I didn't transmigrate into a body with crippled veins and all those cliches that are always common."

After receiving all the memories the young man perfectly understood his current situation, it was not difficult to accept the facts.

"System, show status screen."



•Gu Xiao

♠ Race:

• Human


• 1.77



♠Hair Color:

• Profound Black

♠Eyes Color:




•Creator of Life - Pure

•Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor - Pure


•Chaotic Body

♠Profound Veins:

•Indestructible Chaotic Profound Veins

♠Profound Entrances:

•108 - Opened


♠ Innate Talent:

•Immunity to all Laws


♠Energy Types:

•All Types




♠Physical Strength/Resistance:

•Comparable to: ?

♠ Mental Power/Soul Power:

•Comparable to:?

♠Battle Prowess:

•Always Beyond an Entire Realm + 5 Layers

♠Dragon Marks:




•Light - Elementary

•Darkness - Elementary

•Fire - Elementary

•Lightning - Elementary

•Water - Elementary

•Wind - Elementary

• Earth - Elementary


♠Cultivation Technique:

•Dragon Transformation Scriptures

•Eternal Calamity of Darkness

♠Martial Techniques:


♠ Profession Techniques:

•Radiant Divine Art (Miracle of Life)


•Primordial Seal of Life and Death

•Sky Poison Pearl


•Average Profound Sword

•10035 Yellow coins


"I already have the basic understanding of the five elemental laws and the two higher laws, I just need to start cultivating, after that I will leave this place for a while, I have exactly two or three weeks to sort out some things and then return. But maybe I'll dont return, its only the wedding from that guy and that girl anyway."

As soon as he observed his information, Gu Xiao looked very pleased and so he thought about a few things and decided to cultivate.

Gu Xiao first took the Dragon Transformation Scriptures out of storage, this was an ancient yet extraordinary looking scroll.

Gu Xiao opened it and read it carefully, it took a few minutes, then he put it away again and closed his eyes.

Making some hand seals, Gu Xiao began to meditate deeply, his current state was completely one with his surroundings, it seemed that nothing could disturb him.

This was a very peculiar and powerful cultivation technique, it can strengthen the body infinitely, possessing special abilities, giving innate abilities and in the end even the cultivator's race will be changed, becoming a True Dragon.

The concept of a True Dragon doesn't need to be discussed, this is the race destined to always be at the top, they are strong, powerful, arrogant, respected and feared.

As he chanted the technique's scripts in his mind, an unstoppable flow of energy began to invade Gu Xiao's body, it was as if the Yin and Yang of origin were coming together, this caused his body to tremble fiercely.

From his trembling body, a thick layer of black, fetid and viscous liquid was expelled, the stench in the place was intensified due to the room being closed.

But that didn't seem to bother Gu Xiao, he still stood his ground despite all the pain and discomfort.

In a few moments a great amount of energy was drawn to him, a large but not alarmist movement, it was common to see such events in the advancement of some young people.

Snap Snap Snap

This went on for a while longer, until an hour later some popping sounds came from his body. His body shook fiercely, the pain was even greater than before but Gu Xiao still stood his ground.

It was then that his cultivation base began to rise.

5th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

6th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

7th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

8th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

9th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

10th stage of the Elementary Profound Realm

Gritting his teeth, he finally completed the entire process of cultivating the technique, condensing 2.5 dragon marks on his body.

Gu Xiao directly advanced 6 small cultivation stages, a result considered very good and satisfying, only then was he able to sigh in relief.

"It's really very painful, if that thing hadn't fused all these things into my body... I wonder if I could have endured such physical and mental torture." Gu Xiao muttered after all the pain was gone.

Gu Xiao then stood up, he didn't want to continue cultivating the other two techniques he possessed thanks to his Bloodlines, it would be something extremely dangerous, one was the Miracle of Life, every cultivator knows that Light Profound Energy users is practically a myth , no matter what planet they live on in this universe.

The second is even worse, the Eternal Calamity of Darkness, cultivators of the Dark Profound Energy are simply hated and antagonized wherever they are seen, and are automatically considered demons even if Gu Xiao successfully reaches the first stage and completely transforms his body. , the phenomenon of such a vision would still be felt.

When he got up he quickly cleaned the whole place, then went to the bathroom to wash himself, he incinerated his previous clothes because he was too lazy to wash them and too embarrassed to ask someone to wash them for him.

"Nothing like a good bath, I feel like a new person hahaha." Gu Xiao muttered after dressing in new robes.

"Will this be a problem? My appearance has changed a little bit, even though this guy already had black hair and golden eyes, my hair has turned a deep black like the abyss and these eyes are clearer and brighter... I Hope nobody notices this."

Gu Xiao muttered again as he looked in the mirror, his appearance actually changed slightly, but that didn't happen after he started to cultivate, it had already happened before he even woke up, all of this is due to the two bloodlines of two Gods of Creation.

His body has not changed just because he is a Chaotic Body whose rank is unparalleled. Gu Xiao didn't pay much attention to that, he just looked at himself a little longer, those robes and that purple robe really looked good on him.

He then left his room, heading towards his current parents' meeting, he wanted to leave without warning, but in his memories he saw the consequences this would bring, he didn't want to be beaten by them.

"They're not here... Are they with Xia Hongyi? Or have they left the Xia mansion?" Gu Xiao wondered after checking the entire courtyard where he and his parents lived and not finding anyone.