
Living in an Abyss

Jad_afflictio · Realistic
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9 Chs

Chapter 5- Night

I walked out of the café. Tears brimming my eyes.Thunder crashed, and instantly I knew it was about to pour. I kept walking to the direction of my apartment, and then it began to rain. I didn't mind being wet, didn't mind the cold, I pushed myself to hurry back. I never opted to get the umbrella from my bag.Stupid.

I reached my apartment, drenched in rainwater. And that's when I felt it. Pain, Heavy feeling in my chest. I didn't mind that too, instead I went in the bath to take a shower after that I proceeded to make coffee.

Jeric's POV

Thane walked out of the café and if I'm not mistaken. I saw him leaving the café teary-eyed.

The sound of thunder and heavy downpour outside wanted me to follow him. I felt guilty.

Looking at his disappearing frame. " Sorry Thane." I uttered.


I decided to read a book, I look at the clock it's 15:00. I must prepare the Tabby's food.

" Meow" Always right on time.

I smiled to myself.

" Hey Tabby! Always on Time. You stray cat"


The previous owner of this apartment used to feed Tabby, unfortunately He had to move. So I felt responsible for feeding Tabby.

I opened a can of tuna, and set if near the entrance.

" Here you go baby"


I headed back the bed and wrapped myself. It feels comfortable, not too cold, not too warm. Still, the heaviness has not left me yet. It was a big slap of unappreciative gesture even for him to just throw those.

I closed my eyes and began to drift off.

" Hey, handsome" I smiled. He keeps bugging me, even at work. I turned around and walked towards him.


" This is for you" He handed me a piece of envelope, The gold lining made me double take if I even wanted to tear and read what's inside. I opened the envelop inside was a piece of paper that read:

I wished for you,

From heavens above,

And then came you,

An angel of perfection.

I looked at him, He's smiling at me. I settled the paper on my desk and embraced him.

The crashing sound of plates, woke me up.

Tears started to collect from my eyes, nevertheless I got up to check what happened. I saw Tabby, who fell from the counter.

" Come here big guy, It's way past bed time for you and me."


I had a nice dream Tabby. Yet I can't bear the pain that came along with it.

I tucked Tabby beside me and drifted off to sleep. Praying to dream that once again and risk getting hurt.