
Living Better Than Yang Kai in Martial Peak

this is about a teenager weeb that died beacause of a god he felt bad that he accidentally killed a innocent kid so he send him to any world he wants and granted 5 wishes to him the teenager use this opportunity to transmigate as yang kai and will live as him to fix all the stuff that he hated about the story like women ignored,enemies he spared and being so overly polite ................................................................................. this is my first time writing ever so be easy on me also I don't own martial peak this is fanfiction I made this already before but it was a novel type and I wanted it be a fanfiction so I had to make another one

Reality_King4ever · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Trip with sister Xia

2 days later

in the morning yang kai just finished practicing his tempered body record and then went to The Coiling Dragon Stream after an hour he brokethrough to the 6th stage of initial realm

after he consolidate his realm he went to the contribution hall for the arrange meeting he had with treasure meng

standing before the contribution hall door, Yang Kai knocked gently on the door.

After some time, the front door opened, and Xia Ning Chang came out from within. From her shoulder hung a bag and said

"your here,Brother"

as she close the door yang kai responded "hm?where's treasure meng

xia ning chang replied nervously "his old injury is acting up again so he is recovering now,he won't be able to join us on this trip"

yang kai know that treasure meng is not coming and it's better that way as he get to spend time alone with her and get to know her as this is a great opportunity to win her heart as in the original he won her heart by killing and protecting her from their pursuers

as he was thinking about what's happening he played along "shouldn't we wait for him then"

as xia ning chang heard this her face turned red from embarrassment and responded "N N N No need, I know where the place is also master said not to wait for him as we don't have much time"

yang kai nodded and said okay as he said that xia ning chang look happy and smiled "I'll be counting on you, brother "

as she said that they left and went to a village called black plum village to buy houses for travel

Xie Hong Chen room

since the day yang kai was imprisoned Xie Hong Chen was depressed and was drinking these days 1st reason is that su yan had a relationship with another guy and he felt she was even colder to him than normal and has been visiting her to meet her but was rejected way to many time

and was disappointed every time

his 2nd reason is that he lost a lot of face 2 days ago because of yang kai and a lot of people are talking behind his back and no longer trust the disciplinary hall also 4th elder is considering replacing him with another person for the position of leader as his reputation has taken a big hit

as he was resting in his bed he saw A disciple come in and reported that yang kai and a girl named xia ning chang left the sect

as Xie Hong Chen was planning how to get rid of him as grand elder ordered not to mess with him

then he heard disciple say that long hui is looking for yang kai so he decided to leak yang kai whereabouts to him so that they can kill him without him getting in trouble

"I want to see how he will escape this disaster"xie hong chen said with a sinister smile

Outside black plum village

After Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang departed on horseback, a group of people came out from hiding. The leader's face was cold, and after staring at Yang Kai's back, he asked. " Did you see clearly, was that person yang kai"

"Absolutely! I saw clearly brother Nu Lang, he was Yang Kai without a doubt. Previously we were beaten up by him after this Cheng Shao Feng went to look for Brother Nu Tao. He said he would find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. So they went to Black Wind Trade one day and never came back."

nu lang was the older biological brother of nu tao after nu tao went to teach yang kai a lesson he never came back

he was worried and went to search his whereabouts and came to someone who said he went to teach yang kai a lesson and that's the last that anyone ever have heard of him

so he decided to search for yang kai to know what happened to his brother and to seek revenge if he is dead

This group of Disciples from Storm House started to follow their hoof prints

as xia ning chang and yang kai were traveling he started talk to xia ning chang to past time and to get to know her but he tried his best to not frighten her as she has a timid and shy personality

"sister can you tell me a little about yourself as to pass the time"said yang kai

xia ning chang was startled a bit but was considering it just to pass the time"..o-okay but you must tell me about yourself too"

something not right he was expecting her to say no and it seems something is different from her original personality but he guess maybe it's his dual cultivation technique and just put those thoughts aside "sure "he replied happily

they have talk a lot in these 3 days on this travel which actually surprised him alot as she would be to shy to respond to his talks,he is kinda frightened by how powerful his dual cultivation technique is by changing her personality a bit but actually benefits him as he has gotten closer to her

as they talk yang kai learn about her childhood,she was a orphan and didn't knew her parents but was found by treasure meng and accepted her as his disciple and raised her as a daughter

he's kinda glad to learn all this as he didn't learn these stuff in his passed life

he also ask if she knew where treasure meng is from her response was she doesn't know and yang kai wasn't sure If she was good at acting or she really didn't know

xia ning chang also asked about him about his special physique and he explained all about it and that the reason he was unable to breakthrough past the 3rd stage of tempered body was because this special physique was blocking his path and he didn't knew until he awakened his immortal battle will physique

they talk A lot about each other and learned a lot about each other and were happily enjoying their time together as time pass they found a village to rest

later xia ning chang and yang kai are resting at a inn in a village as they will be in there soon and will walk there on foot as houses won't survive there

as they are resting in their own room yang kai was using his heavenly remote mirror to spy of his pursuers as saw their entire conversation and saw as how storm manor and blood battle gang

joined hands to deal with him

as yang kai look at the mirror he said with a evil smile "looks like my cultivation pills are ready to be eaten ,I wonder how strong my sword will be after this fight"he see them as just a way to get stronger as he doesn't need to feel pity for these pieces of trash

the next morning xia ning chang and yang kai set off to black wind mountain it took a long time by horses as the last time he was here by running he was in the opposite side of the mountain showing how big this area is and xia ning chang didn't think he would keep up with her if they ran but she doesn't know how wrong she was

as they spend all day walking towards the location of foundation building dew of nine yin

xia ning chang used a braclet artifact to dodge all the beast and have a peaceful trip as night came yang kai and xia ning chang climbed a tree to rest and hide from the beast and thought "wish I could kill all the beast but can't since I'm weak now"as he was thinking xia ning chang asked him something that snapped him back to reality"so um junior brother I want to ask you a question"

"sure ask away" replied yang kai

"okay so why did you really want to help me in this journey"she ask nervously

"what do you think"

"um I don't know master said that I should be careful around you as you must have ulterior motive"

"well it beacause of that time you help me after A spar by giving me a medical cream and I always like to return the favor"

"really but how did you know it was me I was sure you were unconscious"

"it was a hunch and you just proved me right "

xia ning chang blushed as she fell for his trick

as she blushed yang kai decided to tease her

"but little senior sister your master was right about one thing, I have no good intentions here as I wanted to lure you here and forcibly make you my wife"As he laughed sardonically, he also slowly inched closer towards Xia Ning Chang she was schoked and took it seriously and took a step back a bit until she realized he was just joking around and were talking a bit and joking around bit until they fell asleep to continue tomorrow

the next day as they countiue on their trip yang kai sense yang Attribute somewhere and found red flowers on the ground about 80 stock together as they found that xia ning chang said "those are royal solor flower a earth grade low level yang herb,junior brother to you want me to turn them into pills for you"she said happily so it was hard to refuse her

as she finished turing all the herb into about 20 pills for yang kai he would used them to cultivate when they were resting

after 3 days they've arrived at their destination, xia ning chang said she will leave to make some preparation beforehand and ask yang kai to wait for her

after 2 hour xia ning chang left he used heavenly remote mirror to spy on their pursuers and saw some of them being killed by the beast they avoided and only about 16 people left and decided to cultivate and use what was left of the pills he got from xia ning chang

after 2 days yang kai brokethrough the 7th stage of initial realm and is consulting his realm right now then he stared thinking "I'm so worried,I'm getting stronger way too fast so my foundation shouldn't be solid but I found nothing wrong ,

I got to talk about this with treasure meng he's the best person in this world who I can ask about this right now"

then another idea pop up in his head"I do have my dual cultivating technique but I can't lose my virginity until I get foundation building dew of nine yin ,ah wait do I have to be a virgin to inherit the ancestral dragon source" as he came to that thought and trying to remember if that is one of the qualification to inherit it he thought "hah I can't risk it I have to get that dragon source, but after I get I'll get all the pussy I want and make them my sex slaves"

after 2 hours later xia ning chang returned and surprised that yang kai had another breakthrough "wow junior brother you had another breakthrough amazing"

"well it's all thanks to the pills you gave me so thank you little senior sister "he said with a smile

"Senior Sister is just Senior Sister, why do you need to add an extra little?" Xia Ning Chang asked with a tinge of unhappiness

yang kai ignored what she said and asked "did you finished the preparation "

xia ning chang quickly forgot about the little senior sister situation and responded "yes I have to recover first ,we have to capture the foundation building dew of nine yin tomorrow or it will go to hiding so we have to rest for tomorrow "

"yeah I'll do my best for you "