
Living Better Than Yang Kai in Martial Peak

this is about a teenager weeb that died beacause of a god he felt bad that he accidentally killed a innocent kid so he send him to any world he wants and granted 5 wishes to him the teenager use this opportunity to transmigate as yang kai and will live as him to fix all the stuff that he hated about the story like women ignored,enemies he spared and being so overly polite ................................................................................. this is my first time writing ever so be easy on me also I don't own martial peak this is fanfiction I made this already before but it was a novel type and I wanted it be a fanfiction so I had to make another one

Reality_King4ever · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

I get 5 wishes

It was about noon when a 15 year old boy was waking up there were tissues on the floor that were sticky and two anime body pillows on his bed

He started to feel abnormally weak and then stared to walk to the kitchen to see if anything there can help him feel better either food or medicine that his mom keep in the dror

2 minutes later the boy just collapsed as if his soul just left his body after that there was an explosion that destroyed his house completely

when the firefighters came and put out the fire they only found pieces of human bones and reported that they were only 1 casualty and the cause of the explosion was a gas leak


All i see is a black empty and endless void and i can't even see my own hands and i wonder what I'm i doing here then i see a bright gold light until it stop in front of me and said

"Hello you must be jason right"I nodded as i know that this is a god level being that can kill me and even read my mind so i shouldn't be rude and be polite to it unless it erased me out of existence

"Don't worry child i won't harm you I'm just here to compensate you for what I've had done to you"said the god level being with a guilty voice.

"For what you've done?"

"yes,you see i was chasing a devil and as a last resort to escape me he tried to possess you so before that happened i pulled your soul out of your body to prevent him form possessing your body and soul and then i was able to capture him then got to send him to hell after that i couldn't put your soul back to your body and so i had to cover it up with and gas leak explosion so no one could doubt your death and now you're here"

I was shocked by what he said and still trying to process it and feel frustrated as to why did this had to happen to me

"you hate me don't you" said god with a guilty voice

"well i get you had to do what you had to do i just feel so unlucky this happened to me and you look like a good person so you probably didn't do this on purpose,im sure if that devil had his way he would've brought hell on earth right"i said try to cheer him up

"yeah that exactly it he was going to kill and enslave everyone on earth just for fun"said with cheerful voice but still guilty "so anyways as compensation for your trouble I'll recantation you to any world you want with 5 wishes i hope this is enough"

"really!!"i said with an excited face or rather mood since im just a soul,to me this is the best thing that could ever happened to anyone it's a dream come true "can i pick a fictional world "i said with my hopes up

"sure anything you want i know you like anime so you'll probably pick one of those and just have fun"reply god with a cheerful voice

"can i have some time to think what wishes i want and which world i want to be in"i said with a hopeful voice

"you only have 4 hour before your soul dissapeared into nothingness okay"he said with a serious voice

"okay" i replied spending the next 2 and a half hour thinking of which world i want to and then though of martial peak and all the things i can do and all the waifu and how badass i could be and to fix all the mistakes that yang kai messed up like all the enemies he spared and all the women he ignored and how awsome it whould be to just replace him and be the new god of the outher universe and so i picked my world i think of wishes i I would use to help me be the strongest and become the best anti hero ever and harem god

"okay i know what i want" i said so happily


"I want to transmigrate into yang kai from martial peak after he wakes up from having recieved the golden skeleton from the black book of great demon god"

"that could be done easily now for your 5 wishes"he replied after i speak

"My first wish is to have the best comprehension on all daos and is easy to learn and understand any martial skill or technique"With this it will be easy to learn any skill and create any technique i want based of the anime I see or by my ideas and have the upper hand on my opponents.

"Now my second wish is the best dual cultivation technique that can purify male and female energy and strengthen foundation and it's name is true dual cultivation technique "I'll be able to have all the women I want and help them get stronger with this and get stronger at the same time.

"Third wish is a soul bonded sword that grow stronger with me and grow stronger by imprisoning and tourting my enemies soul and I'll call it hell punisher sword "there is so many people I hate in martial peak and I think they got off too easy and with this weapon I'll give them what they deserve and make them regret ever making a enemy out of me.

"Fourth wish a soul bonded mirror that can find anyone or anything in the outer or inner universe and can defend and reflect attacks and I'll call it heavenly remote mirror"i thought of this from overlord when ainz used a mirror to find people or to see anything from far away ,I'll need this since I'm not sure if I can meet the people I need to or the treasure I need it's better to have a backup plan.

"Now my final wish is a special physique call immortal battle will physique that has great self recovery and It can strengthen my body by the damage I take and can heal any negative effect on my body and I control what happens to my body like if there demon qi,monster qi,sword intent invading my body I can absorb it easily and it won't negative effect me"With this it will guarantee that I won't die and make my body hard to hurt since that is one of yang Kai greatest weakness.

"okay everything fine but are you sure you don't want a system mostly people these day ask for system to make it easy for themselves"he said with a questioning voice

"yeah that's okay I'm not interested in a system it will take all the fun out of it and i want to experience my grow and beat people with a little fairness"i said i really want to beat people as i grow and not depend on a system that will make me a god level threat on the first day like those fanfic i read when I was alive

"okay this is goodbye and i hope you have fun and I'm really sorry for killing you i just hope you live your life to the fullest"

"no it's okay this makes up for everything and I'm sure that I'll have fun and conquer the entire universe and become the strongest so thank you "i said with a super happy voice

"okay then bye i will send you there now have fun"

"yeah, I'm going to live a way better life than yang Kai and conquer the universe and all the waifus"then i saw a flash of light and then nothing i guess I'm about to start I'm journey soon.