
Living As The Almighty God

Victor Coleman was just another average 20 year old college student when he was suddenly summoned before the Almighty One himself, and that is when he would never be the same again…. This story is based off “Living as God” by Lazy_Runner Authors Note: I do not own any of the fictional characters and images used except for the ones I created, all ownership rights of the content used in this story besides the ones of my own creation belong to their original creators.

GreatKing05 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Victor’s Plans

Previously in Chapter 2:

"Yes brother!" the rest of the siblings said together, then they split up as each set of twins traveled together into different verses so they could start their work.

Now let's get back to Victor's journey as God.


(General POV)

Somewhere in an empty gap between universes Victor suddenly appeared. Only a second ago did he just leave his children and now has to think about what he should do for the next couple of years.

'The Primordials will be busy for the next couple of years as they'll be going around the verses and setting things straight' Victor thought.

'Now what will I do for that amount of time' Victor thought as he started to brainstorm ideas as he wanted to do something to pass the time.

'Well since I want to take my time with everything, I'll just teleport to exactly after two years have passed no matter how much time has passed' Victor thought.

'Wherever I go, I'll stay in that universe for maybe five or ten years depending on how interesting things get' thought Victor as he decided on how long he would stay.

'Now all that's left is to decide where I'll be living for the next ten years' Victor thought.

Victor floated in the universal gap for what seemed like hours in complete silence though it was only a few minutes.

'Hmmm, I've always wanted to be a superhero, so why not?'

'I'll travel to the DC multiverse and become a superhero. I've already got my superhero look and the powers I'll use figured out but which universe should I go to?' Victor mentally asked himself.

'Hmmm, I'll just randomly teleport to one, it's not like it matters' Victor thought as he decided what he would do.

Victor then used his Omnipotence to see if the DC multiverse was a thing and wasn't too surprised that he found it.

The Omniverse and beyond were infinite and had infinite possibilities, anything that is an idea is an entire universe that may already exist somewhere, and if it didn't Victor would just create it if he wanted to.

Despite the expressionless face Victor always has on, he is indeed excited to travel to the DC universe he read about as a kid.

'Alright, time to go' Victor thought and teleported to a random DC universe.


DC Universe Earth-16 (Young Justice Universe)

February 13, 2003

In the city of New Zealand, Australia, a young man with dreadlocks appeared on top of a random building, the young man was light-skinned and his dreadlocks were blonde.

The young man in question is Victor as he is looking around and uses his power to figure out where he is.

'New Zealand, and the Young Justice universe at that' Victor thought as he showed no surprise on his face.

'I've never heard of Australia having a superhero in DC, guess I'll take up that role for a while'.

'From what I know the protégés of the league members are the main characters so I'll probably take one on myself, besides, I wouldn't want Australia to be vulnerable once I leave.' Victor thought as he continued to think about his plans.

'I shouldn't get in the police's way as they are still the law but I'll help out in situations they won't be able to handle'.

'Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Hal Jordan the Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter seem to have been active for quite some time, give or take a few years'.

'It's February 2003 so the Appellaxian invasion will be happening soon.'

'This invasion was what brought the Justice League together in the first place'.

'I have no interest in joining the league, as functional as they are and while they do a lot of good, they're not very good at solving the supervillain issue permanently' Victor thought as he mentally scolded the league.

'There are many unnecessary deaths due to them being unable to strip supervillains of their powers or lock them away permanently, I won't be able to stomach such stupidity if I join them'.

'Besides, I've always worked better on my own' Victor mentally said as he finished his thought process.

'Alright, let me get into character' Victor joked to himself.

In an instant, a tornado of light began to surround Victor as he transformed into his superhero costume, while he was at it, he decides to change his hair as well.

The tornado of light stopped surrounding Victor as a muscular dark skin young man stood in his place. Victor in his new appearance was dressed in a black and silver superhero suit, his dreadlocks were now gone and short black hair was in its place along with earrings.

'Something's missing' Victor thought.

Darkness started to spin around Victor's neck and then it turned into a black cloak that covered him from head to toe.

'This will do, the suit is completely indestructible and the octogram star in the center looks nice.' Victor thought as he checked out how the suit looked in a mirror he created around a second ago.

'Capes are overrated, cloaks look better' Victor thought as he made the mirror disintegrate.

'To have some fun I'll limit myself to one power' Victor thought as he decided which power he would use for the remainder of his time here.

'I'll limit myself to the power, Complete Arsenal' Victor thought as he decided that would be his power unless he needed to use his Omnipotence for any reason.

'Complete Arsenal is the power to have absolutely all powers and abilities, so it's one power with an infinite number of them inside of it, I'm definitely cheating.' Victor thought as he mentally chuckled.

With Complete Arsenal, Victor can use every power imaginable and unimaginable and he's capable of stripping super-powered beings of their abilities.

He is also capable of giving anyone any superpower he wants them to have or he could create new ones, though he could do all of that with Omnipotence, the power is the very definition of overpowered.

'While I really should keep the power level down to the standards of this universe, I can't help but cheat a little' Victor joked to himself.

'Okay, it's time for my debut, now I need to look for a situation' Victor thought.

Victor gave himself the power to sense danger and spread it all across Australia looking for a situation where a hero is needed and he found one.

'A bridge is collapsing on the other side of Australia' Victor thought calmly.

There's no way Victor would let them die even if he wasn't playing hero as he would help if something like that happened in front of him.

'Let's do this' Victor thought as he jumped into the air from the rooftop he was standing on and flew towards the collapsing bridge.

'Hmph, nobody will die on my watch, natural deaths are fine but if I see someone in danger I will help them' Victor thought as he soared in the air.

Victor was flying moderately fast as he was thinking but decided to speed up so he would get there in a few more seconds and he could see nobody was in direct danger yet so there wasn't a need to be in such a rush.

'Alright, I'm here.' Victor said as he is flying directly above the bridge.

'Looks like the bridge cables are snapping' Victor realized.

'Now to move these cars, they're all too close together due to the instability of the bridge and there are car crashes left and right, though nobody is seriously injured, a few of them do need medical attention.' Victor thought as he assessed the situation and decided to deal with it quickly and efficiently.

Victor then flew down to the bridge as another car was about to crash into another.

(Civilian POV)

'This is bad!' I screamed in my mind as I kept stomping on my brakes to stop myself from crashing into another car.

The bridge was collapsing, I guess it's been so long since it's been built it started to rust or something.

"Dammit all, I'm going to die!" I said as I was scared as I didn't want to die.

Then I saw something flying down towards me.

'Shit!, looks like this day is about to get worse after all' I thought as I prepared to get hit by whatever was coming down so fast.

But then, nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw somebody in a black cloak with their arm out holding the front of my car with one hand.

'A superhero?' I thought.

I had thought that most of them lived in America, and I'd never seen this one before on the news.

"Who are you?" I asked as I was still scared.

The cloaked figure turned his head at me as a dark red light that looked to be his eye stared at me.

"My name is....".


Author's Note: I changed a few things around, really just what power Victor will be using while he's on Earth-16 and I added a cloak.

Sorry for not creating a new chapter for over a week, I'll be graduating high school in a couple of weeks and I need to get some shit together.

I'll also make a poll that will be deleted after around 3 days for what superhero name he should have and there will be an extra poll do suggestions.