
Living as God

Walking along the sidewalk while playing Clash of Clans, a young man by the name of Jonah Peterheart was suddenly summoned by God to an empty dimension. Follow Jonah along as he creates his multiverse and has a relaxing life being omnipotent. This story may not seem to be a fanfic in the beginning. but the MC will go to several fictional worlds, so yeah. The first world he travels to is an OC though, so if you can't stand reading it, wait until he goes to a fictional one. *More of a slice of life story* DISCLAIMER: This story will not be anything serious! I'm writing this in my free time, so I can't be bothered to write anything professional. There won't be a deep plot behind everything. I'll try to create some little side stories on a few worlds, but that's it. This book is more about the MC's new life as God and him having fun. I'll write whenever I want, so there won't be a fixed update schedule. Somedays there might be 5 chapters, while some weeks there might be none. I'll try to keep it at, idk, 3 chapters a week? Anyway, enjoy the story. WARNING: Extremely Insanely OP MC: NO HAREM I do not own anything except for the MC of this story.

Lazy_Runner · Book&Literature
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17 Chs


[2470 words.]

After a few minutes of hugging and talking, Jonah thought of something that he could give them to make them happy.

Standing in front of them, he said, "What if I give you your own universe? One that you both can do anything and be like me, but only in that universe. I don't want to leave you here since I plan on leaving, but if you're in your own universe, I'd know that both of you are always safe and happy."

"Will you visit us?" That was all his mother cared about.

"Of course, mom! I can't live without seeing you both at least once a week." Jonah said.

With a smile blooming on both of their faces, they accepted Jonah's offer of having their own universe where they could be gods.

They wouldn't be omnipotent per se because there can only be one truly omnipotent existence at a time, and that was Jonah, but they would be powerful enough to do anything in their universe. Create galaxies, people, animals, planets, all of that, and more. They would be like the One-Above-All to their universe.

Just so you have an idea, not even the One-Above-All from the Marvel Multiverse can do anything to Jonah. Literally not one being across the entirety of everything can harm him.

Yes, the Marvel Multiverse exists. All fictional worlds exist. Jonah knew this since he was also omniscient for a few seconds after he gained his omnipotence. That became too much for him, though, so he locked his omniscience and erased all knowledge and memories he gained from being omniscient except the ones that made him know that fictional universes existed. Even if they didn't exist, he could just create them, so it didn't really matter anyway.

Jonah simply created another dimension where their universe would exist and implemented the concepts of space and time there since they didn't exist in this baby dimension. Its diameter was 100 billion light-years, so it was quite big. For now, there was only black. Just like the place where he met the former God, there was nothing here.

Giving both of his parents reality-warping powers that made them able to do anything in this universe, he transported both of them to this new dimension.

"Welcome to your own universe, mom, dad! It's empty for now, but I already gave you the ability to do anything here. I should add that you will need to practice your powers. I could make you already know how to use them perfectly, but I thought that you'd rather practice them for a while." Jonah explained.

He then spent the next 30 minutes teaching them the very basics of their powers, such as creating things and erasing them. Jack was ambitious and tried to create a Solar System just like Earth's one on his first try, but he failed.

Amanda and Jonah had a good laugh at his failure, so Amanda tried something smaller first. She opened her hands in front of her and imagined a comfortable couch there. Magically, it appeared.

"Good job, mom! This is your first creation! Dad, you should try something small first and build your control up until you can create entire galaxies as easy as blinking." Jonah instructed them.

Understanding his son's words and being happy for his wife, Jack kissed his wife due to her achievement and hugged his son.

Wanting to relax a little, Jonah created a small table in front of the couch and a gigantic TV. As the 3 of them sat down on the comfortable couch, Jonah started playing some The Office for them to have some laughs.


Spending God knows how long sitting on the couch, actually not even God knew how much time passed, Jonah decided that it was time for him to begin his own adventure.

Standing up from the couch and setting the bucket of popcorn that he had created aside, he said to them. "I'll be taking my leave now. Don't worry; I will visit you guys as often as possible. Try not to laze around too much and train your powers, okay? I want to see what you guys can create..."

"Be careful, Jonah. Don't forget about us, or else I'll come after you myself!" His mother showered him with her motherly love.

"Where are you going now, son?" His father asked.

"I'll be creating my own universe now! Maybe even a multiverse! Oh, and here, take these phones. They let us text, facetime, call, and whatever to each other, even between dimensions and multiverses. I'll text you before coming here, and you can also call me if you want to come to my own universe." Jonah replied, creating 3 smartphones, 1 for each.

The phones looked exactly like an iPhone 11. It actually was an iPhone 11, really; it just had some extra-dimensional functions...

"I hope that you have fun! Visit us when you can. Never forget that we love you more than anything." Jack said his goodbyes while hugging him. You probably already noticed that this family loved some hugging...

"You got it! Also, I've created a clock near the TV so you guys can always know what time and day it is. I'll probably be coming here in about a week since it's connected to Earth's time. Well, see you soon, mom and dad! Love you!" Jonah concluded their conversation and disappeared with a ray of heavenly light falling on top of him. He added this little effect for it to be cooler.

Teleporting to another empty dimension that he created, Jonah wondered how he should go about creation. This dimension was filled with nothing. There was not even space and time yet.

"Should I create gods in this universe? Maybe Primordials? Yeah, that'd be nice. They can even help me in this entire process, so it should fit well. I guess that I'll start by creating the Primordials and add the gods when some planets already have intelligent life. I Don't want these gods to become cocky and think of mortal life as lower lifeforms, so by them being born at around the same time, they should be more understanding and humble. That's the plan anyway. Don't want some gods with Greek Gods' personalities... majorly Zeus' one." He mumbled to himself as he floated in the emptiness.

Finally formulating a solid plan for his creation, he would start by creating the Primordials. There would be 6 siblings; 3 females and 3 males. The 3 males would be Ordo (Order), Locus (Space), and Mortem (Death), while the 3 females would be Chao (Chaos), Tempus (Time), and Vita (Life). Yes, these Primordials would be the embodiment of these concepts, so their power would be on another scale.

Locus and Tempus would be the first twins, and they'd implement their concepts into this dimension so that things can actually exist. Then, Ordo and Chao would be born. These 2 would give meaning to everything. Lastly, Vita and Mortem would be the last to be born. Vita would be responsible for, well, all of life, while Mortem would be responsible for their demise.

Starting with Locus, Jonah imagined a 6'0'' white man with compact yet big muscles all over his body. His long hair was a deep black that reflected the stars and galaxies of the universe that would soon be birthed into existence. His eyes were a bright pink color, resembling a beautiful nebula, and he wore a simple void black robe that covered his entire body. He also had 2 earrings with ∞ symbols on them.

Before creating him, Jonah started envisioning his twin, Tempus. She was a beautiful 5'5'' woman with waist-long brown hair and white skin. Her eyes were of a light-brown color with some golden specks all over them. Her attire consisted of a beautifully made white dress with golden streaks on the sides and shoulders. Tempus' body was what many considered to be perfect. She had large but not too large breasts along with a nice waist and a voluptuous & firm behind. On her right hand was an ancient pocket-watch that would mark the time since the universe's creation.

Now finished with both of them, Jonah finally brought them into existence. Suddenly, the same male and female that he envisioned appeared in front of him. Jonah didn't set any fixed personalities for them. He was only going to make all of them loyal to him. The rest was up to them to develop.

Looking around for a few seconds, both Locus' and Tempus' eyes landed on Jonah. Immediately feeling the superiority and power coming from him, they fell to their knees.

"Thank you for creating me, Father!" Respectfully said Locus.

"What is your order, Creator?" Reverently asked Tempus.

'Damn, I'm a father now...' Was what was going on in Jonah's mind now.

Focusing on the present, Jonah looked at both of them. "No need to thank me, Locus. You both are the first of your siblings, the Primordials. Your task will be to protect and supervise my creations. For now, you should implement your powers into existence while I create the rest of your brothers and sisters. When done, stand by my side and wait until all of your siblings are here."

He already gave them the necessary knowledge to perfectly use their powers and know their names and a few more basic necessary knowledge. He gave Locus complete control over space, falling second only by his own space powers, and also gave the same degree of control over time to Tempus. He would give all of them this level of power over their concepts.

"Yes, Father!" Replied Locus while standing up.

"It will be done." Simply said Tempus.

As they both started creating time and space, Jonah focused on creating the second pair of twins, Ordo and Chao.

Ordo was a 7'2'' black man with shoulder-length white hair tied in a top knot, similar to a samurai. His eyes were of the brightest white color, and his very gaze demanded respect. His entire body was built like that of a warrior's, with large arms and even larger legs. He had a big white beard that reached his upper abdomen and was tied in a Viking style. His medieval and ragged clothing only added to his strong and warrior-like vibe, and on the right & left side of his waist were 2 silver war axes.

Moving on to Chao, Jonah thought of a chaotically beautiful woman, obviously. She stood at a tall 6'1'' and had waist-length hair that kept changing colors infinitely. Her eyes were like a bright rainbow showcase that never stopped at a single color. She had a gorgeous hourglass figure and wore a luxurious black dress that stopped a little above her knees, and on her feet were a pair of red high heels. Chao had plenty of jewelry all over her body, such as an expensive golden necklace, a pair of beautiful silver bracelets, and grand ruby earrings.

Finishing with their designs, Jonah once again birthed them into existence in front of him.

Doing the exact same actions as Locus and Tempus and falling to their knees, they greeted Jonah.

"It is an honor to serve you, Sir." Ordo politely spoke.

"For what have we been created, Dad?" Asked Chao.

Each one had their own way to call Jonah, and he was fine with it.

"Hello, my dear children. Just like your siblings over there," He pointed to Locus and Tempus, who were introducing their concepts to reality, "you are of the race of the Primordials. You will be the guardians of the cosmos. As your first task, you will create balance. Send your powers throughout the space that Locus created and have it be balanced. Not too much chaos, and not too much order." Jonah said while trying to act more as a father than God.

"Of course, Sir." Agreed Ordo.

"Yes, Dad!" Cheerfully replied Chao.

They distanced themselves a little bit from Jonah and started to process of creating balance.

Now it was time for the last twins, Vita and Mortem. He imagined Vita a little different than the rest. She was a small child with lovely shoulder-length golden hair and bright golden eyes that glowed even in the dark. Her aura was that of innocence & purity, which made anyone instantly love her. She wore a casual white robe that went down to her ankles, and she would always be barefoot. On her collar was a beautiful necklace made entirely of green leaves and small wooden sticks.

Mortem, however, was an adult like the rest. Even though they are twins, one was an adult, and one was a child but whatever. Mortem had space-black hair that was trimmed on the sides and long on top. He had a young Japanese face and pale white skin color. His eyes were of the deepest shade of black and almost seemed empty. He wore a black shirt that was buttoned up fully to support his elegant tie that had a creepy skull pattern. On top of the shirt was a sleek black vest with 3 buttons. A stylish black suit jacket was present on top of the vest, completing the all-black look. His pants were normal black suit pants that complimented his outfit and on his feet were modest penny loafers. He always carried a beautifully crafted black walking cane in his hands which contradicted his young look.

Creating them both, Vita and Mortem appeared in front of him just like the rest.

As they both looked around for a few seconds, just like their siblings, Vita's eyes landed on Jonah, and she sprinted towards him.

"Papaaaaaaaa." She yelled while walking towards Jonah.

Reaching his position, she jumped and hugged him with her arms on his neck and her small legs on his waist.

Mortem was just there standing up while looking at this, chuckling at his sister's actions. Despite his almost vampire-like appearance and being the personification of death, Mortem was a very gentle and kind person. He understood that for the evolution and progress of everything, death should always be the end. If a civilization knows they won't ever die, what motivation will they have to better themselves?

"Hey there, Vita!" Replied Jonah as he had already gotten accustomed to being a father by now.

Removing her arms and legs from around him, he positioned her on top of his shoulders, and she sat there while playing with his spiky white hair.

"Vita and Mortem, for now, you have no work. Wait here with me for your siblings to be done." Jonah instructed them.

Vita was already waiting there on top of his shoulders, so Mortem walked to his right side and elegantly stood there.