
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

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29 Chs


The day after the ruthless attack, Minato and a fully recovered Kai ventured to the grim remnants of the decimated ninja clan. The scene that greeted them was one of utter devastation, a haunting tableau of destruction that left even the battle-hardened Minato shaken to his core.

Amidst the shattered ruins, a sinister trail emerged – the discarded remnants of snake skin snaking through the chaos, a sinister signature of Orochimaru's presence. Minato's gaze hardened as he recognized the telltale sign, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

In a hushed tone, almost to himself, Minato murmured, "Orochimaru."

Driven by a newfound urgency, Minato and Kai swiftly made his way to the Third Hokage's residence. The air was thick with tension as Minato was met with a mix of skepticism and resentment from the Third Hokage, who had harbored his own misgivings about the war Minato had initiated.

In a tense exchange, Minato and the Third Hokage locked eyes, their unspoken conflict evident. Unwavering, Minato broke the silence, his voice carrying the weight of dire circumstances, "It appears that your former student has become embroiled in this conflict."

The Third Hokage's demeanour shifted, a shadow of concern crossing his weathered features.

Minato's voice carried a heavy weight as he revealed, "It appears that Danzo has forged an alliance with the formidable organization known as the Akatsuki."

Turning to Hiruzen, Minato posed a pointed question, his gaze unyielding, "In light of this new revelation, will you continue to remain neutral, or will you stand alongside me to face this growing threat?"

Hiruzen's countenance shifted, a complex interplay of emotions crossing his features. The realization that Danzo had sought refuge with the Akatsuki was a dire turn of events, a decision that bore grave consequences for both Konoha and the fragile balance of power in the ninja world.

As he weighed his options, Hiruzen knew that Danzo's alliance with an external force had severed whatever flimsy justifications the elder shinobi may have clung to. The lines had been drawn, and neutrality was no longer a viable stance.

With a heavy sigh, Hiruzen's resolve solidified. Though a hint of frustration lingered, he understood the pressing need for unity in the face of impending danger. The village's survival took precedence over personal differences.

In a firm voice, Hiruzen pledged his unwavering alliance to Minato's cause. He knew that the path ahead was treacherous, fraught with peril and uncertainty. Yet, with the Akatsuki's presence casting a looming shadow over the village, the time for action had come.

Amidst the turmoil, Hiruzen harbored his own private agenda. The urgency of the situation underscored his determination to apprehend Orochimaru, to quell the threat that his former student posed not only to Konoha, but to the entire ninja world.




With the Third Hokage's steadfast support, Minato's power surged to new heights. The weight of their united determination infused him with a renewed sense of purpose. The time had come for action, and Minato's resolve burned brighter than ever.

Gathering the leaders of the clans once more, Minato convened a crucial conference, the air heavy with anticipation. As discussions unfolded, minds converged on a shared objective.

Addressing the assembly, Minato's voice rang with authority, "Reputable intelligence has revealed the existence of three potential headquarters where Danzo may be concealed." He pointedly identified each location, "To the south, the north, and the west."

His gaze sweeping the room, Minato articulated the strategy, "Our forces will divide into three groups, each led by a skilled leader and co-leader. I will remain here, prepared to intervene should the need arise, or if Danzo himself emerges."

The leaders present nodded in solemn agreement, their determination mirrored in their eyes. Minato's plan was clear, the path forward mapped out with precision.

Minato's voice carried the weight of command as he assigned the leaders of the attacks. "Hiruzen, Fugaku, and Hiashi, you shall lead the respective strikes." The room buzzed with acknowledgement, an unspoken consensus echoing through the assembly.

Turning his attention to the co-leaders, Minato's words held unwavering resolve, "Kakashi, Might Guy, and lastly, Kai." An expectant hush settled over the gathering, met with an applause as their names were called.

Within the war, Kai have joined the assault against Danzo's force. Slowly, he had gained the recognition of these individuals, and although some were doubtful of Kai's role, they stood still knowing that Kai, at the very least, still have some merit.

Surprise mingled with determination in Kai's eyes as Minato's nod affirmed his role

Minato's directives cut through the room, each word bearing the weight of their impending mission. "Kakashi will be paired with Hiashi, Might Guy with Fugaku, and lastly Kai with Hiruzen."

With the division of roles clarified, Minato pressed on, "Time is of the essence. The coordinated attack is set to commence at midnight tonight. Ensure that your plans are meticulous and well-executed."

The leaders absorbed the instructions, a collective understanding igniting their resolve. As the meeting concluded, they dispersed, a sense of urgency propelling them back to their respective clans.

Minato's gaze settled upon Kai, and in that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. Stepping closer, Minato's voice was a low, earnest murmur, "I chose you to accompany Hiruzen because of the trust I place in you. Hiruzen's actions may veer from our projections, and your role is pivotal. You must ensure the success of the assault on the South base, while also monitoring Hiruzen's decisions and intervening if necessary."

Kai met Minato's gaze with unwavering determination, a silent affirmation of his commitment. With a nod, he acknowledged the weight of the responsibility bestowed upon him.

As the gravity of their impending clash settled upon him, Kai turned, striding purposefully from the room.