
Living as a Low-Class is the Princess' Dream!

I, Sung Ji-eun, am officially announcing my death... Mom pushed me off the bridge resulting in my early death. My soul drifted away from my physical body and met the so-called god in the heavens. I tried refusing his offer of reincarnating me but he managed to persuade me. 'It's a different world from what you know. Magic and magical beings exist there.' Can I be a commoner living in a secluded town? 'Of course you can! But I thought you wanted to be a princess of an empire? Or the daughter of a powerful noble?' He transferred me into a ten-year old girl's body who was sleeping for five years. But then my dream commoner life takes an unexpected turn when I discovered that I was kidnapped by rebels and attempted to use me to make the Emperor step down from his throne. "Endless glory to the stars of Heliontha, Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha and Your Imperial Highness Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha!" A boy full of bruises greeted me and my other savior. I returned to the palace as the Imperial Princess and met a peculiar girl who kept on pestering me. 'So that's the Heroine?' She murmured that confused me. What is this? Why is that god doing this to me? Didn't he promise to reincarnate me as a commoner? I just wanna live this life as one! When I see that god again, I'll rip him to shreds!! 'I didn't do it according to plan because... it's fun and more exciting..?' ΦA/n: I found the picture (in the cover) from Pinterest, credits to the real ownerΦ

izme_malorry · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 63: Nova

××× years ago

"My Emperor, an incident has occurred within the palace walls..!" The Head Knight of Galaxia reported to the man sitting on the throne, his face full of distraught.

"What is it?" The Emperor calmly asked. 'What happened for him to be this distressed?'

"A woman of unknown origins has infiltrated the palace. She is described to be wearing strange clothes and her hair was ominous because it was black. I ask for your order, my liege."

'A woman, hm? And black-haired at that? That's a first, there was never a black-haired person in history.'

'What is the Emperor contemplating about? Shouldn't we eliminate the woman as fast as possible?'

"Find the woman and bring her to me, I shall issue a punishment after interrogating her. For now, catch her and ensure her safety. You may go out, Head Knight." The knight bowed respectfully to the Emperor.

"As you wish, sire."

Just like the Emperor said, the Knight immediately caught the woman and brought her in front of his master just before the Emperor headed to his bedchamber.

"Head Knight?"

The knight hurriedly showed respect the Galaxian ruler, at the same time, he shoved the head of the person he brought to bow along with him.

"I've come as I've done what you asked of me, my liege."

"Well done, you may leave."


"Leave the woman here as I will punish her myself, for illegally trespassing the Imperial Palace."

"I shall, my liege." He left shortly.

The woman with bobcut raven hair, wearing loose pyjamas and woolen slippers, had her head slowly lifted by the Emperor. She also had pitch-black round eyes which met with the man's sapphire-like eyes. It may have been a moment, but she thought how the man in front of her would suit to be a live-action version of a manhwa character.

"Who are you..?"

"That's what I should be asking you. You've intruded my palace and now you're asking for my identity? Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

'Who the heck is he? Where am I? Where is this place?'

'Why isn't she answering? Did I release too much bloodlust?'

"Fine, I'll say my name first. I'm Athanasius Emrys von Galaxia, the Emperor of this great empire you're stepping on. What's yours?"

She gulped. 'This guy seems like a madman!! But he's very considerate to introduce himself first.'

"... uh..." He stared at her. "... Nova."

"Nova? What a beautiful name." 'I'll remember that name, the woman who has piqued my interest.'

"Uhh, Your Imperial Majesty the Emperor, can I leave this place unscathed? I need to finish drawing the last chapter of my manhwa..!" Athanasius was perplexed.

'Man-- what?'

"I don't know what you're saying, but my loyal vassals will probably skin you alive as you so much as step outside the palace walls. Do not fret, I will make sure you're safe with me." He smirked, his gad-crafted face inching closer to hers. "Isn't that the best thing to do? Plus, I will help you return to where you came from."

'It won't be a bad deal, so agree.'

'I can tell from the glint of his eyes, he's dangerous.'

"Please, oh great Emperor, let me go."

"Don't wanna." She flinched hearing him converse informally.

'Isn't he allowed to speak informally to just anyone?'

'What a stubborn woman, tsk.'

"Where did you come from?"

"Korea. It is a distant land, which is very unknown to the likes of such person with immense prestige as you so just let me go peacefully."

'There is no such place as Koriya, this woman is spouting nonsense in front of me, the Emperor.'

'It is now obvious in his face that he's confused.'

"I will imprison you here in the palace until I can find any information about you."

"Sleep."He spoke in a strange language and Nova, who was wide awake just now, slowly slumped down but before she dropped to the tiled floor, Athanasius caught her."Oh great spirit of light, please protect her."He spoke as he placed her on his bed.

"Giles." After he spoke a name, a hooded man came into the room via the balcony. "No matter the method, find any information regarding this woman named Nova."

"As you desire, master." He disappeared along with the wind.


The next day...

Nova awoke with the help of the palace maids assigned to her by the Emperor, and they have sworn secrecy regarding the new guest of the palace.

"What is this?"

She now had a good look around the room as she was unable to last night, and she can say that the room was very luxurious, to the point that the monarchs in the manhwa she draw would envy it. Almost everything was made of gold, seeing that every corner of the room sparkled as the sunlight stroke them.

"Greetings Lady Nova, we are ordered by His Imperial Majesty to care for you."

"What in the actual h*ll? He almost killed me last night!!" The five maids staggered, just hearing such profanity from a lady's mouth.

"Mi-Milady?" The ash-haired maid asked in confusion. She wanted to clarify if what she heard is not of her imagination.

"Nothing, you can leave me here. I need no one to take care of me."

"Bu-But milady..!"

"No." She coldly spat, unknowingly, her eye color changed into red, scaring the maids who wanted to help her. "What I said is final, so you can get out."

All the maids bowed and left in a hurry.

'Why am I even here? Why did gad transmigrate me here, in an unknown place no less?'

She kept asking gad in her mind the reason why she came to another world, very different from the world she knows. She sounded like a madman but she badly needed the answer yet only the morning breeze replied to her.

She came from her drawing room via a strange magic circle, and now she must find the same magic circle that could bring her back to Earth.